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Hailar China 1930 stock footage and images

- Showing 7 to 12 of 1934 results
American planes in flight, a plane drops a bomb on a grassland and men load cargo planes in Northern California, United States.

World Airways Today and Tomorrow shows various civilian and military aircraft being used for various purposes. Birds in flight over a water body. An autogyro in flight. A low wing monoplane performs a roll. A military Boeing 314 clipper aircraft in flight. A TWA (Trans World Airlines) DC-2 aircraft on takeoff with one gear up and the other landing gear of the passenger aircraft still extended. "The Lindbergh Line" painted on its fuselage. A B-29 aircraft in flight. Formation of B-26 bombers in flight above clouds. A B-29 dropping bombs. Bombs away view from bomber aircraft as bombs are released from open bomb bay doors. Explosions on ground targets in World War II as U.S. Army Air Force B-26s drop bombs. A United Airlines DC-2 passenger airplane in flight over a city. China Clipper seaplane taking off. Aerial view of China Clipper aircraft (Martin M-130 four-engine flying boat built for Pan American Airways) in flight over the partially completed Golden Gate Bridge, while still under construction, in San Francisco, California, circa mid 1930s. Lockheed Constellation passenger plane climbing over mountains. Baggage handlers loading cargo and baggage into United Airlines DC-3. (World War II period).

Date: 1945
Duration: 1 min 35 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675031725
Scenes from World War 1, and world events in the period between World War I and World War II.

Rail guns firing in World War 1. U.S. troops charging out of trenches. Allied gunners firing "French 75s" Allied twin-tailed biplane bombers. French Renault F17 tanks. Crowds in cities celebrate Armistice Day and end of World War I. Treaty of Versailles. Destruction of warships. Scenes of Paris. A pagoda in Japan. Temples in Siam, China, and Manchuria. Two Kayan women in Myanmar or Thailand perform a dance. Both Kayan women wear long brass coil neck rings. In the U.S., a boy hits a baseball and runs toward first base. Scenes of Japan invading Manchuria. Newspaper with headline: Henry Stimson denouncing Japan. U.S. Army troops dispel World War I veteran bonus marchers. Men lined up in bread line for unemployed during Great Depression. Brief shot of Gangsters in gun battle in an American city. Scenes of dust bowl in American with farmers and families heading West in caravans. Family standing by tent. Torchlight parade in Germany. Adolf Hitler standing with German President Hindenburg circa 1933. Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, and Victor Lutze, at 1934 Nazi Rally in Nuremberg. Italian Caproni bombers over Ethiopia. Ethiopian tribesmen and Haile Selassie. U.S.Neutrality Act. American youths with a 1930 Ford coupe. Scenes from Civil war in Spain. Spanish Rebel forces in ground combat with Nationalist forces. German and Italian aircraft participate in bombing Spanish Nationalist targets in Spanish Civil War. Spanish civilians flee bombing, tend to wounded and dead victims following bombings. Italian Savoia-Marchetti S.M.79 Sparviero bombers. Crowds running for shelter. Women and children victims of bombing, some crying and in shock. Spanish General Francisco Franco arrives by train in southern France to meet with Hitler. View of Gallup Poll forms, and findings, with Americans against entering European war and preferring neutrality. Japanese planes and warships attack China. Naval Chinese civilians run for cover; bodies of Chinese in trucks. Japanese freighters, Buenos Aires and Tatsuno Maru, in U.S. ports being loaded with scrap iron and metals. Hitler, Goering and other officers in 1938. Adolf Hitler, Neville Chamberlain, Edouard Daladier, Benito Mussolini, Count Ciano sign Munich Agreement. Hitler riding standing up in an open car during a rally in Germany. Elevated view of Los Angeles, then view of traffic on streets of Los Angeles California and newspapers being sold to pedestrians. View of faces of American citizens in a movie theater watching Confessions of a Nazi Spy. German-American Bund activities including outdoor rallies in the U.S. (Camp Siegfried in Yaphank, Long Island, New York, in 1937), and an indoor rally in New York City at Madison Square Garden in 1939. Emperor Hirohito reviewing World War 2 troops of Japan. Japanese steel production and arms production in Japanese factories. The Hokoku Maru Japanese ship being launched with fanfare from Tama Shipyards on July 5, 1939. Meeting of United States Military Affairs Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives in late 1939 to consider national defense matters. In meeting of Naval Affairs Committee, representative asks for increase of 25 percent in authorized naval tonnage.

Date: 1940
Duration: 11 min 26 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675046108
Director Streibert speaks on the purposes of the USIA and Soviet influence; scenes from a Soviet anti-American propaganda film

Theodore Cuyler Streibert , Director of the U.S. Information Agency, speaks on the purposes of the Agency (USIS). The Director seated at a table. He states that there is much misunderstanding about the United States, throughout the world, and Communist entities wish to take advantage of this to spread misinformation about the U.S. As the leading world power for peace, he says the U.S. must tell the world the truth about America. This is the mission of the USIA. A map portrays Soviet dominated areas within the so-called "iron curtain,"encompassing 800 million people. Another map illustrates targets of Communist propaganda employed to facilitate North Korea's aggression against South Korea. A graph illustrates propaganda spending by the Soviet Union and Communist China, primarily to spread misinformation about America. Segments of a Soviet propaganda film about the U.S. are shown. It begins with a map of the U.S. and then shows the Statue of Liberty. Camera pans over Manhattan, showing skyscrapers. A narrator disparages American commercialism, materialism and sensationalism. A lion is seen sitting in a convertible car, looking over a young woman's head. Next are scenes of an American beauty contest, and of women performing precision water skiing. Then an airplane is seen crashing on landing and a car is seen burning. View from trolley car moving along Broadway, from Times Square, in Manhattan, New York City, at night. A follies-style Broadway show. Show girls in bathing suits, walking past the camera. Show girls performing on stage. Another nighttime view of Times Square. Dogs being manicured by groomers. Outdoor soup kitchen scene from the Great Depression in the 1930s with unemployed men receiving food. Hobos or homeless men at a railroad siding. Milk and grain being spilled from containers during a labor and pricing dispute. Scenes of slum area tenement houses with wash drying on lines strung between the buildings. Men playing bocce ball in the yard of an apartment house. Camera pans up the Empire State Building from street level view. African American drummer with other band musicians performing in a civilian band, and scenes of African American musicians in a U.S. Army band. Poor African Americans in the South, at home and doing wash outdoors. Mounted police maintaining order in scenes of a fire and public protest or labor strife (circa 1935) interposed with views of the Statue of Liberty. A Soviet propaganda poster about the Korean War, shows an American soldier walking away from a dead Korean woman whose small child clings to her. Fires burn and a burning airplane falls from the sky in the background. A propaganda cartoon shows "warmongers of the west" being counterbalanced by a Soviet fist on a pair of scales.

Date: 1954
Duration: 6 min 26 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675024519
The Rise of Japanese militarism in the 20th Century

Film opens showing reenactment of Japanese attack ostensibly against Formosa, in 1894. Japanese troops and artillery are shown. The event is depicted in a critical political cartoon. Next, Japanese Admiral Heihachiro Togo is seen in 1904, standing with other naval officers. Then, Japanese warships are shown, firing barrages of naval gunfire at the Russian fleet in Port Arthur, Manchuria. Huge black clouds arise from burning ships. Scenes of Japanese people celebrating their naval victory. Date shifts to 1910. Cartoon depicts Japanese annexation of Korea. Cartoon illustrates Japanese actions in World War I when, siding with the Allies, Japan acquired the German-held Shandong (Shantung) Peninsula of China, as well as German-held Marianas, Carolines, and Marshalls islands in the Pacific. Japanese representatives are seen participating in Post World War 1 international activities. They signed the so-called Five-Power,Four-Power, and Nine-Power treaties, and participated in the League of Nations. Glimpse of two Japanese officers, followed by cartoon depiction of the Mariana, Caroline, and Marshall Islands, that Japan insisted on keeping. Cartoon shows them being fortified. A Japanese military marching band parades down a city street while being cheered by spectators on the sidewalks. Next, Japanese military General, Baron Tanaka Giichi, is seen in uniform with other officers. Cartoon illustrates the so-called Tanaka Memorial document that Baron Tanaka allegedly presented to the Emperor, in 1927, outlining a strategy to conquer the world. Cartoon then illustrates plan of conquest by acquiring Chinese manpower; Manchurian iron and coal; Siberian timber, coal, wheat, and metals; Tin,oil and rubber from Malaysia and the East Indies. The United States is shown as the last conquest. Views of ordinary farm and factory activities in the U.S. Cars parked in the Ford Motor Company factory lot. Japanese officials and legislators meeting in the Diet (Parliament). Japanese theater patrons and a Japanese woman singing with an American-style band, are shown as examples of activities the Japanese Government sought to discourage. A Japanese female ensemble in traditional dress, playing traditional instruments, is shown as more desirable. Western dancing and western hollywood movies are shown and narrator states they were forbidden by the Japanese government. Japanese movie scene depicts ancient martial arts. A musical production on stage displays German Nazi swastika flag , Japanese rising sun, and symbol of Kingdom of Italy, celebrating the axis alliance. Japanese men are shown playing the ancient game of Chu Shogi, instead of playing Western card games. People are shown in a library, where Western books are replaced by more militaristic tomes, such as: "If we fight" by Admiral Shinsaku Hirata, March 15, 1930 (shown on film slate). Slate goes on to quote about attack on Hawaii as the first battle in war of the Pacific. Film cites another approved Japanese publication: "Arguments Against American Policies" by Kawashima Seichiro, Christmas Day, 1924. It discusses distruction of the American fleet and subsequent landing on the U.S. West Coast.

Date: 1944
Duration: 4 min 44 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675040807
Fascism growth despite pre-World War 2 disarmament efforts including Washington Disarmament Conference, Nine-power treaty.

The background of World War II. German Hitler Youth children march with rifles, flags and a band beneath a camp entrance named Nordmark Lager 1935. Flag with Nazi symbol. Japanese flag and Japanese youth march in military exercises, followed by teenage Japanese forces. Italian fascist troops in uniform march in Torino Italy led by a band. Views of various German and Nazi forces parade and goose step in various cities. Units include brownshirts, goosestepping Storm Troopers, Wehrmacht. Civilians give a salute. Mostly sad looking men women and children watch the parades. The world globe. U.S. Capitol Building in Washington DC. French, Japanese and United States dignitaries attend the Washington Disarmament Conference or Washington Naval Conference at Memorial Continental Hall in Washington DC in 1921. View of the Washington Naval Treaty naval fleet reduction treaty book with signatures on it. Officials sign the Nine-Power Treaty that guarantees the integrity of China (per the John Hay "Open Door Policy"). Japanese delegation is shown at signing ceremony for the Nine-Power Treaty. Next scene shows 1928 signing ceremony in Paris of the Kellogg-Briand Pact renouncing war as a means of settling international disputes. French Foreign Minister Aristide Briand is seen speaking, and American Secretary of State Frank Kellogg is also seen at the treaty signing which was signed by 47 nations including Germany and Japan. In a 1930 scene, U.S. Secretary of State, Henry Stimson hands the London Naval Treaty to President Herbert Hoover. Scene of a U.S. Navy ship being blown up and scrapped in accordance with the treaty terms. View of American citizens in small town parades with floats marching as anti-war and isolationist groups.

Date: 1942
Duration: 4 min 12 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675043615
Everyday life and diversity of Polynesian people in Hawaii before the attack on Pearl Harbor during World War II.

Various Polynesian people and everyday life in Hawaiian Islands before American involvement in World War 2 and the attack on Pearl Harbor. Women from dominant ethnic backgrounds in Hawaii introduce themselves, including women from Korea, Portugal / Portuguese, China, Phillipines / Filipino, Native Hawaiian, Caucasian / Anglo, Japanese. Narrator describes it as a melting pot. Polynesian children on a long staircase in a village. Group of Hawaiian school children walking to school with some girls wearing Japanese style clog sandals. Diverse crowd of citizens walking on sidewalks of a downtown area of Honolulu near stores and shops. Hawaiian police officer directs traffic. 1930's cars seen on streets. Children in scout uniforms including Girl Scout and Boy Scouts salute. Groups of Hawaiian children playing and relaxing, and seen at desks in school classroom. Graduation ceremony at a high school in Hawaii as graduate young men and women walk by on a stage. Colorful traditions and customs of various cultures in Hawaii are shown. People wearing leis. Women doing various dances including hula and other dancing styles. The Aloha Tower in Honolulu Harbor and scenes of various women from different backgrounds each saying Aloha.

Date: 1941
Duration: 2 min 57 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675060935