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Haustenbeck Germany 1945 stock footage and images

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Postwar field Testing of German Armor, by Allies, 1945

Postwar Allied testing of German Armor at secret Henschel tank testing grounds (Henschel Panzerversuchsstation) in Haustenbeck, a village in the center of the Sennelager training area, West of Oesterholz and Schlangen, and East of Lager Staumühle, Germany. Seen are Valentine tank, Tiger II (AKA King Tiger, or Royal Tiger) Tank and Self-propelled Gun mounted on Valentine chassis tank. The Royal Tiger Tank with broken gun barrel moves on the ground and breaks through a grove of small trees. The tanks circle a Tiger E, chassis number 250001, which has been abandoned and stripped after years of testing. The seventy-six mm antitank gun mounted on a Valentine chassis fires shells at the Tiger E. (Note: These tests could provide data affecting future Allied tank designs.They were organized by Major-General Sir Percy Cleghorn Stanley Hobart, a renowned pioneer in motorized mobile warfare. Paradoxically, his ideas influenced German tank development and tactics before World War 2. Also present was Dr. Arnold from the Henschel and Sons Company that manufactured tanks at its Mittelfeld Works.)

Date: 1945, July 4
Duration: 3 min 47 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675041542
Royal Tiger Tank at the Henschel tank testing grounds, Haustenbeck, Germany

German tanks at secret Henschel tank testing grounds (Henschel Panzerversuchsstation), at Haustenbeck, a village in the center of the Sennelager training area, West of Oesterholz and Schlangen, and East of Lager Staumühle. Germany. A Tiger II (AKA Royal Tiger or King Tiger) Tank wades through a water obstacle. The tanks had been fitted with a snorkel system to allow passage across river beds. Suspension and bogey system of the Royal Tiger Tank. Comparison of unfinished chassis of the German E-100 experimental super heavy tank with the light Valentine Tank. Several parked tanks seen at end of clip, including a German Jagdtiger heavy tank destroyer.

Date: 1945, July 4
Duration: 2 min 2 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675041543
Allies test German Armor at the Henschel tank testing grounds,Haustenbeck, Germany

Postwar testing of German Armor at Henschel tank testing grounds (Henschel Panzerversuchsstation) at Haustenbeck, a village in the center of the Sennelager training area, West of Oesterholz and Schlangen, and East of Lager Staumühle. Germany. Comparison of unfinished chassis of the E-100 experimental super heavy tank with the light Valentine Tank. 76 mm antitank gun on Valentine chassis fires big guns. British soldier points out holes made in the 80 mm armor plate. Several British soldiers sit on a tank. (World War II period).

Date: 1945, July 4
Duration: 2 min 4 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675041544
Contrasting views of Berlin, Germany from 1945 to 1943, to 1945 again, during World War II

Soviet Forces battling in Berlin during 1945, in World War 2, employ tanks and heavy machine guns. A Soviet soldier herds two German prisoners from a building. Groups of German soldier prisoners struggle through rubble as they are led from buildings, under guard. Soviet tanks firing as they pass a church building. A Soviet heavy gun being fired point blank on a Berlin street. Buildings on fire. Soviet soldiers firing artillery field pieces. Views of destroyed and damaged German military aircraft on and in hangars of an airfield. Soviet Ilyushin II aircraft land on the airfield. Closeup of distressed German General rubbing his eyes. Flashback in time to 1943, in World War II. Field Marshal Hermann Goering is seen reviewing flyers of a German Luftwaffe (Air Force) unit. A Junkers Ju 52 trimotor aircraft lands and parks on an airfield. Italian leader Benito Mussolini steps from the aircraft after his rescue from imprisonment by the Italian Government at the Hotel Campo Imperatore. He is personally welcomed by Adolf Hitler, who had ordered the mission to rescue him. Change of time, again, to 1945, when Berlin, Germany is attacked by Forces of the Soviet Union. Closeup of a despairing German General. Scenes of utter destruction as Soviet troops batter Berlin, Germany with artillery. Soviet soldier steps down from his tank and gives a Soviet General a handgun, which he pockets and then leads a group of Soviet officers into a building

Date: 1945
Duration: 2 min 35 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Korean
Clip: 65675074100
History of Berlin before and after World War II showing zones of occupation and poor living conditions post-war.

Nazi soldiers at attention with guns drawn in Berlin during World War 2. U.S. soldiers on watch from damaged Berlin building. Man watching the Brandenburger Tor with binoculars while sitting in car. Pan American passenger airplane in flight after the war. Pan American passenger reading Time and other magazines onboard. Aerial view of Berlin early 1960s. Pan American plane landing at Tempelhof Airport. Pan American passengers descending to tarmac under sign that reads, "Today Pan American has completed 93153 Transatlantic Crossings". West German immigration officer inspects passport of tourist in Tempelhof Airport’s passport control. Brandenburg Gate from West Berlin during the early 1960s. A man observing the Brandenburger Tor from the Straße des 17. Juni street in West Berlin. Sign saying “Achtung! Sie verlassen jetzt West-Berlin” (“Warning! You are now leaving West-Berlin” in German). View of Berlin in 1920s and 1930 decades. Drive through Brandenburg Gate in the 1920s. Point of view shot driving through Berlin in the 1920s. Various street signs in Berlin showing “Unter Den Linden” and “Friedrichstraße”. Tourist bus flying American flag departs in Berlin 1920s. Humboldt University of Berlin (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) along the Unter den Linden boulevard during the 1920s. View of the Berlin Cathedral dome. View of the Gendarmenmarkt square showing the Konzerthaus and the French Church. Pedestrians in Friedrichstraße. Berliners in Lustgarten park on Museum Island. Early Nazis driving in Berlin streets in 1930s. Hitler saluting parade. Hitler addressing Germans. Berlin in ruins in Spring 1945 as occupying Allied tanks pass in front of Brandenburg Gate. Old starving woman walks on streets of Berlin amid ruins in 1945. Ruins of Berlin include Reichstag Building during 1945 battle. Women and children emerging from underground Berlin bunker in 1945, to a scene of devastation and rubble in the city. Ground view of the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church (Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche) after being bombed. Interior of ruined Reichstag Building. Potsdam Conference 1945, Map of WWII Europe. Berlin map, including official Berlin map with signatures showing Zones of Occupation. Germany allied control authority gathering including American, British, and Soviet representatives. French, American, Soviet flags in Germany. Rebuilding of Berlin mostly by women clearing rubble, using shovels, buckets, wheelbarrows and cleaning old bricks for reuse. Over-crowded train in Germany post-WWII filled with German civilian refugees abandoning the cities and heading to the countryside of Germany to resettle.

Date: 1945
Duration: 7 min 15 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675037555
United States and Russian troops in Germany after World war 2; division of West Germany and East Germany

Bomb damaged and ruined buildings of Nazi Germany in 1945, including the Reichstag. Nazi Eagle symbol of Third Reich pulled down from building and crashes to the ground at end of World War 2. United States Army of occupation marches into city as German population lines sidewalks and watches them parade. Sign on a shop reads "Gaststatte Schosser." Many buildings in view are damaged or destroyed from bomb attacks during World War 2. American soldiers occupying German give candy to German children who at first hide from them. Nazi leaders including Hermann Göring, Rudolf Hess, Joachim von Ribbentrop, and Wilhelm Keitel, seen on trial in the Nuremberg war crimes trials. German people struggling to rebuild. women and children trying to gather wood from stumps of trees for fuel. A woman sawing a log. Women and children scraping food from inside trash cans and refuse bins, to stay alive during scarcity and shortages after the war. Americans providing food assistance and feeding German children in relief lines. Close up of a smiling boy as he receives food or drink. Soviet Russian Army soldiers occupying East Berlin and marching in formation. Russians removing an industrial lathe and other machinery and tools from Germany as the Soviet Union continues to strip Germany of resources after the war. A map of Germany and Berlin seen with divided regions as American, British, French and Soviet zones. Views of empty streets and heavily damaged buildings of Berlin after the end of the war. Children play amidst the desolation and destruction in East Berlin. View of Kammergericht, Headquarters of the Allied Control Council. Leaders seen meeting inside include American General Joseph T. McNarney, French General Marie Pierre Kœnig (Marie-Pierre Koenig), Soviet General Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov,. British Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery. View of Spandau Prison guarded by troops of occupying powers. Soviet and American troops drill and march on the grounds of Spandau Prison. An American soldier relieves a Soviet soldier at a watch post. Soviet blockade of West Berlin begins in June 1948. View of a man shutting down power in a power plant and lights going dark in Berlin. Blackout conditions in Berlin during the blockade. Germans plant vegetables in city to survive. Germans exchange goods in black market setting. A man plants vegetables in view of the Brandenburg Gate. The Berlin Airlift operations underway. U.S. Air Force C-54 aircraft flying low and arriving in Berlin, bringing supplies to West Berlin. C-97 landing. U.S. military forces unloading relief supplies and food from airlift aircraft. American C-47s and C-54s in the Berlin Airlift. Soap and milk being unloaded from airplanes. German children gather on a hill and watch low-flying American airlift planes as they approach to land at Tempelhof Aerodrome in Berlin. An Air Force airman throws a package out of the aircraft. It is a very small parachute with candy that drops from the American airplane to the waiting children. Children run to retrieve it and they share and eat the candy. Blockade is lifted in 1949 and rebuilding of West Berlin resumes. View of railroad tracks being re-linked, a locomotive running on tracks, and trains cross between East and West Berlin. Ships loading goods onto trains for Berlin. A coal processing factory running again in Germany. German workers producing industrial parts and goods again in production factories. West German construction workers rebuilding structures in West Germany. German people cast votes, establishing Federated German Republic (West Germany). Figures seen include U.S. General Alfred B. Gruenther with Konrad Adenauer, President of the new German Republic, together in Bonn, Germany. Soviet Russian troops marching on parade in East Germany. East German workers rioting in 1953, in protest of increased production quotas in Communist controlled East Germany. Soviet forces in armored vehicles patrol the streets and disperse the crowd. A large electronic billboard banner flashes West German messages and propaganda to those who can view it in East Berlin. Citizen refugees from East Germany arriving in a processing center in West Germany, carrying bags and luggage. East German refugees laying on the ground on blankets in a crowded immigration processing center of West Germany. A woman irons clothes in the immigration center, while a child plays with dolls.

Date: 1949
Duration: 7 min 36 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675040632
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