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Hawaii USA 1978 stock footage and images

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Landscapes, volcanoes and waterfalls in Hawaii, United States.

A film about places of interest in Hawaii, United States. A lush green mountain overlooking a sea. A waterfall in a forest. Passenger aircraft landing at airport on Hawaii Island (the Big Island) and it taxis after landing. Orchids bloom on the island. A puff of smoke rises from a volcano. A boat underway at sea. A man surfing. People playing tennis. People play golf at a golf course. A woman relaxes and sun bathes. A man in 1970s fashions walking. Various flowers including orchids. A child swims in a pool. People seated, standing, and waling on a beach. A woman seated near a beach cove with her feet in the water. A paraglider in flight over water. Traditional Hawaiian boats in a cove. A Woman walking among flowers and plants, and view of a waterfall. Cattle at Parker Ranch. A couple on a vacation and walking on grounds of their hotel. View of hotel pool. Couple on the island attend a luau and wear flower leis around their necks. Smoke rises from a volcano crater. Women perform Hula dance as men and women look on and enjoy a dinner at an outdoor table. A painting of a sunset.

Date: 1978
Duration: 4 min 22 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675065939
Beaches and streets on Maui island, Hawaii, United States.

A film about places of interest in Hawaii, United States. An Aloha passenger aircraft taking off from an airport in Hawaii. A Hawaiian Airlines passenger aircraft taking off from an airport. A hydrofoil ship underway in the ocean transporting passengers between islands. A beach in Maui. Low-flying aerial view of Lahaina, and view of people on sidewalks and outside shops of Lahaina. Ships underway at sea. Children of Maui smile for camera. Tourists on a beach. A child runs on a porch of a business called Harpooners Lanai with dining and a whaling gift shop.

Date: 1978
Duration: 1 min 29 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675065940
A couple aboard a Sugar Cane Train and people at a beach on Maui island, Hawaii, United States.

A film about places of interest in Hawaii, United States. An engine of a Sugar Cane Train. A couple aboard the train. View of landscape from the moving train. The train underway on the tracks. People walk and swim at a shore. A woman on a jet ski. A woman sun bathes. Large hotels on the beach. Aerial view of the island of Maui. Fishes in water in a park. A huge statue of Lord Buddha. A stream in a valley. Lava formations in the valley. View of the Haleakala Volcano crater.

Date: 1978
Duration: 2 min 42 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675065941
The sun sets as a couple walks on a beach in Maui island, Hawaii, United States.

A film about places of interest in Hawaii, United States. Aerial views of Maui island. Water washes over rocks on a shore. A waterfall on the island. The sun sets as a couple walks along a beach.

Date: 1978
Duration: 1 min 4 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675065942
President Ronald Reagan gives a speech on the Defense Budget at the White House in Washington DC.

U.S. President Ronald Reagan at the White House in Washington DC. President Ronald Reagan gives a speech on the Defense Budget. He speaks about the Defense Program America needs. President Reagan states that the American security should be prepared for all situations. An animation shows 'Intercontinental Missiles'. Intermediate Range Weapons from 1978-1982. An animation shows the difference in production of submarines, artillery and weapons between the United States and the Soviets. An animated picture shows the 'Soviet Communications Intelligence Facility'. The Soviet Weaponry Sandino Airfield, Nicaragua. An airfield under construction in Grenada. President Reagan in his speech states that the American military force should be ready to respond to any emergency situation. An animated graph shows the percent of budget from 1960-1980. At the end of the speech President Ronald Reagan asks for America's prayers and support.

Date: 1983, March 23
Duration: 29 min 18 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675044180
Some U.S. Army soldiers focusing on leisure after World War 2, and some attend Army extension classes in the United States.

A post-war U.S. Army film (after World War 2) contrasts dice and pool playing soldiers with the soldiers who take Army extension classes to prepare for jobs in civilian life following demobilization and discharge from the Army. Group of U.S. Army soldiers in a room as they play pool at a billiards table. Soldiers in a barracks room seated on a bed and on the floor throwing dice in a game of craps. The soldiers play cards and smoke. Contrast is shown with U.S. Army students seated in a class. An officer takes lessons. A soldier takes notes. A young teacher or professor explains a concept with the help of a blackboard. View of the Hôtel Miramar in Biarritz, France (built in 1927 and demolished in 1978). Aerial view of a building with interconnected corridors. Street level view of the University of Calcutta Senate Hall in Calcutta (Kolkata), India (hall designed by Walter Granville; one time home to the Asutosh Museum of Indian Art; demolished in 1960). People walking in front of the Senate Hall as a car and a pulled rickshaw go by. In next scene, a sign reads 'Fox-Hole Campus'. An officer holds a mechanical model and explains a concept to students. A soldier works with equipment and an African American soldier stitches clothes at a sewing machine. A sign "Learn today; Earn tomorrow" as soldiers learn skills to help them in the civilian sector after separation from the armed forces. A solder works on a model. Pamphlets on a desk with the names of different subjects written on them that U.S. Army students can study to learn skills and jobs, including Automobile Repair Shop, Retail Bakery, Service Station, Grocery Store, Metal Working Shop, Shoe Repair Business, Small Sawmill Business, Beauty Shop.

Date: 1946
Duration: 2 min 0 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675068736
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