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Hazard Kentucky USA 1962 stock footage and images

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Henry Ford and Clara Jane Bryant Ford are greeted by a man outside the Martha Mary Chapel in Greenfield Village, Dearborn.

The founder of the Ford Motor Company Henry Ford and his wife Clara Jane Bryant Ford at the Martha Mary Chapel in Greenfield Village, Dearborn. Henry and Mrs. Ford inside the chapel. They walk down the aisle. People sitting in pews. Henry and Mrs. Ford walk outside. Panorama of inside of the chapel. A choir sings. The Ford couple walks into the chapel. A man greets them at the door. Henry and Mrs. Ford pose in front of the chapel door. People and a cameraman outside the chapel. Children sitting inside the chapel. Henry and Mrs. Ford standing at a door in the back. They walk down a path.

Date: 1937
Duration: 1 min 58 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675069032
Henry Ford is surrounded by children and talk to them in front of a chapel in Greenfield Village, Dearborn.

The founder of the Ford Motor Company Henry Ford and his wife Clara Jane Bryant Ford at the Martha Mary Chapel in Greenfield Village, Dearborn. They pose in front of the chapel door. Henry Ford is surrounded by children. He talks to the children in front of the chapel. Henry Ford and Mrs. Ford and a woman walk away from the chapel. A group poses in front of the chapel.

Date: 1937
Duration: 2 min 10 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675069033
Eddie Rickenbacker is greeted by an officer and a small boy in New York, United States.

A documentary by Ford Motor Company depicts military aviator Eddie Rickenbacker returning to New York. Eddie is greeted by an officer and a small boy. A close up of Rickenbacker. Officers stand in the background. (World War I; World War 1; WWI; WW1)

Date: 1918
Duration: 18 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675069079
Aerial views of the 1964 World's Fair as seen by boy scouts riding the monorail in New York.

Views of the Worlds Fair in New York from the monorail. A view of the fair. People walk on a pathway and head towards the fair. The monorail station. A sign in front of the station reads 'Meet Me At The Monorail Corner'. A group of Boy Scouts in uniform enter the monorail train. The monorail train is seen moving on tracks. Closeup of a Boy Scout seated at the control panel of the monorail. The amusement area of the fair seen from above. Rides seen include the merry go round, a helicopter simulator, the log flume, and a boat labeled with the words, "The World Beneath the Sea." An African American Boy Scout points to various attractions at the fair.

Date: 1965, May 3
Duration: 1 min 16 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675069090
McCarthy replies to investigators in New York on allegations for spy activities at Fort Monmouth.

Investigation of U.S. Senator from Wisconsin Joseph Raymond McCarthy in New York. Investigators seated in a sub committee meeting for McCarthy investigation probing alleged spy activities at Fort Monmouth. (Subcommittee investigating "Army Signal Corps Subversion and Espionage.") McCarthy speaks into a microphone and replies to former U.S. President Harry S. Truman's attack on McCarthyism. He speaks that communism will be a political issue. McCarthy says, "practically every issue we face today, from high taxes to the shameful mess in Korea, is inextricably interwoven with the Communist issue."

Date: 1953, November 26
Duration: 1 min 10 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675069094
Children salute the U.S. flag and sit around a swimming pool in costumes at a vacation camp in New Jersey.

A vacation camp in New Jersey. Children stand in a group at the camp. The children salute the U.S. flag. The children seated around a swimming pool in costumes. A boy dives in the pool. The children stand in a line and give their pennies to a woman. A poster reads' God Bless Americans'.

Date: 1942
Duration: 42 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675069134