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Honolulu Hawaii 1972 stock footage and images

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Sammy Davis and his USO troupe of entertainers arrive home in Hawaii after entertaining troops during the Vietnam War

Sammy Davis Jr. and members of his USO troupe of entertainers, step from a CH-47 helicopter on their arrival at Honolulu International Airport, Hawaii, following their Vietnam tour in 1972. Davis is wearing a sailor's uniform. He is accompanied by singer Sondra "Blinky" Williams. They shake hands and chat with soldiers meeting them on the airfield ramp. "Wild sound" including conversations and music is heard in the background, not synched with the moving images. Sammy Davis Jr. and Blinky Williams pose with some of the soldiers. Davis consults with others. Scene shifts to women members of the USO troupe stepping from the helicopter with help from an Army Military policeman. Images end at TC:01:49. Wild sound continues until TC:04:22, where it is replaced by verbal identification of the reel.

Date: 1972, February 29
Duration: 5 min 39 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: English
Clip: 65675022330
Japanese shops and Japanese people in Honolulu, Hawaii.

A trip to Honolulu, Hawaii from San Francisco, California. Animated map depicts the location of Hawaii. A cruiser leaves San Francisco for Honolulu. A Hawaiian shore. A Honolulu harbor showing buildings and a crowd on a dock. Palm trees in Honolulu. Japanese people walk along a sidewalk. A Japanese tea store. A Japanese vegetable peddler walks.

Date: 1924
Duration: 2 min 49 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675070221
Fictional meeting of a Japanese official and a German intelligence officer in the Japanese consul in Honolulu, Hawaii.

A fictional film dramatizes the relay of intelligence through Japanese consul in Honolulu, Hawaii prior to Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor during World War 2. A German intelligence officer enters the office of a Japanese official in the Consulate-General of Japan in Honolulu. The German intelligence officer gives a Nazi salute and speaks to the Japanese officer. American soldiers and girls at a poolside restaurant. American girls speak to each other. The German intelligence officer speaks to the Japanese officer in the Japanese consul. Japanese girls speak to American girls. The German intelligence officer tells the Japanese officer that American military and intelligence officers are being sent to Hawaii from Washington DC. The Japanese officer says that he has information about an American officer of Hawaiian department who has cautioned American soldiers and officers not to do anything that might offend the Japanese people in Hawaii. Two men, one acting as Uncle Same and other one as an American citizen. They talk to each other about how the U.S. Army is aware of Japanese spy activities in Hawaii.

Date: 1941
Duration: 5 min 50 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675060933
Steamer leaves San Francisco and docks in Honolulu; views of life in Honolulu Hawaii and diverse citizens.

Steamer ship travels from San Francisco bound for Honolulu Hawaii. Passengers on crowded dock of San Francisco harbor. Crowd at rails of steam ship. Steamer Great Northern moving away from dock. Passenger steam ship underway in waters of the Pacific Ocean. 'The Hawaiian Island territory of the U.S. consists of a chain of Islands in the North Pacific 700 miles in length'. View of a map. A man leans over rail of ship. Waterfront dock and harbor scene in Honolulu Hawaii. Ship moves into dock. Crowd on dock of Honolulu. Business district shows pedestrians and traffic on street. Automobiles on road. Japanese section of city. Japanese in native dress on streets.

Date: 1919
Duration: 3 min 13 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675052975
Japanese observers send information to Japan from Honolulu, Hawaii before the attack on Pearl Harbor during World War II.

A film dramatizes the relay of intelligence to Japan from Honolulu, Hawaii prior to Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor during World War II. Japanese spy activities in Honolulu shows a Japanese man sending information to Japan by short wave radio signals. A Japanese fisherman relays information. Shows how information is relayed by sending a diplomatic pouch to Tokyo, Japan from the Japanese consul in Honolulu. An American citizen talks about Japan sending Japanese priests to the U.S. Japanese people listen to Japanese radio broadcast in a house. Two men, one enacts as Uncle Sam and other one as an American citizen. They talk to each other about Japanese people. Landscape of Hawaii showing Diamond Head.

Date: 1941
Duration: 3 min 1 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675060934
Indian Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, on a visit to Hawaii, presents a baby elephant as a gift to children of Honolulu.

Goodwill trip to America by Indian Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi. Animated map portrays long flight from Los Angeles, California, to Honolulu, Hawaii. Hawaiian hula dancers performing on grass at the Honolulu zoo. View from beach of colorful sail boats, swimmers, sun bathing, and surfers enjoying the beach and beautiful weather in Hawaii. A traditional long canoe is seen being paddling past the beachfront. As hula dancers finish, elephant handler (mahout), Kirpa Swami, brings forward a baby elephant, named Mari, that Mrs. Gandhi is presenting as a gift to the children of Honolulu. Spokesperson Eileen Anderson, acknowledges the gift, before a large crowd of spectators. Prime Minister Gandhi, at the microphone, explains that the elephant is a symbol of strength, of hard work, and in India, of good fortune, or good luck. Kirpa Swami brings Mari across the grass, accompanied by elephant handlers, Gwen Yoshimura and Larry Zolton. As Mari swings her trunk, Mrs. Gandhi says, "she is saluting you all." Scene shifts to the airport, where the Prime Minister's Air India passenger airplane is parked on the runway tarmac, displaying an American flag in the pilot's window. Prime Minister Gandhi speaks at the steps to the aircraft, extending the good wishes of the people of India to the people of the United States. She turns and waves from the top of the steps.

Date: 1982, August 4
Duration: 3 min 6 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675045043
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