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Huntsville Alabama USA 1977 stock footage and images

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Scenes of college women in 1970s fashions socializing together at Morton Hall in the University of Alabama in Huntsville

1970s college fashions at the University of Alabama. A young woman, holding a colorful umbrella, calls for her friend, saying "hey c'mon Sherry, hurry up!" Sherry catches up with the young woman to go to class together at Morton Hall in the University of Alabama in Huntsville (301 Sparkman Dr NW #116A, Huntsville, AL 35899). The women are wearing 1970s bell bottom jeans. Women read books together on Morton Hall entrance, one of them holding a macrame handbag and the other wearing white painters overalls. Two women, one wearing a backless dress, sit on stairway and talk together inside Morton Hall.

Date: 1977
Duration: 29 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675078433
Explosions and flamethrowers at the Huntsville Arsenal proving ground for military weapons

Proving ground for military weapons at Huntsville Arsenal in Huntsville Alabama. Sudden explosion seen in a building on a hillside and on surrounding ground. Smoke clouds rising from the ground. Flamethrowers directed at the building from two different directions and the building is engulfed in flames. Repeated scenes of explosion followed by fire and smoke. (World War II period).

Date: 1943
Duration: 1 min 1 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675030862
Police arrest off-duty African American police officer Donald Pinkney during protest against Ku Klux Klan rally in Mobile, Alabama.

Scene in Mobile Alabama during confrontation between African American citizens and members of the KKK, or Ku Klux Klan, not wearing hoods, who were marching in the town of Mobile, Alabama to protest state prison work release programs. Police officers are seen at a street curb in discussion with a group of African American citizen protestors. One African American protestor, off-duty police officer Donald Pinkney, is seen talking to police. Camera turns away from the scene and then swings back apparently capturing the end of an altercation between Pinkney and uniformed police. (Montgomery Advertiser newspaper of 27 September, 1977 reported that the arresting police officers said Pinkney had grabbed a police officer's baton. The newspaper also reported that Pinkney had been struck by a police baton, receiving a three inch head wound that required 12 stitches.) Pinkney is seen being led away from the scene by two uniformed police officers.

Date: 1977, September 24
Duration: 3 min 58 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675075443
Wernher Von Braun and General J B Medaris sit in Headquarters Army Ballistic Missile Agency building in Huntsville, Alabama.

"Headquarters Army Ballistic Missile Agency" written on a building in Huntsville, Alabama. General John B Medaris, Chief of Army Ballistic Agency sits in a chair. Wernher Von Braun sits in a chair. A Jupiter Missile shell is towed.

Date: 1958, April 12
Duration: 36 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675024342
Static firing of Jupiter Missile at night in Huntsville, Alabama.

A Jupiter missile erected on a stand in Huntsville, Alabama. Static firing of Jupiter Missile at night. Flames appear at the base of the missile.

Date: 1958, April 12
Duration: 46 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675024343
A Jupiter Missile is fueled with liquid oxygen in Huntsville, Alabama.

A Jupiter rocket covered with tarpaulin towed on a roadway on a flat truck in Huntsville, Alabama.Jupiter missile erected on a stand. 'Liquid Oxygen' written on a container. Men wearing helmets turn a wheel to fuel a missile with liquid oxygen. A Jupiter missile is test fired. It rises up. Shows trail of fire at the tail end of the missile during the flight.

Date: 1958, April 12
Duration: 1 min 13 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675024344
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