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Kimpo Korea 1953 stock footage and images

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Civilians enter doorway to attend Ground Observer Corps meeting for Operation Skywatch in the United States.

Operation Skywatch in the United States. Poster reads' Volunteers needed for ground observer corps'. Civilians enter and leave clothing store. Civilian buys material at counter. Woman clerk. Two civilians stand and talk by station wagon on street. Woman holding baby talks to man on couch. Man and woman in chicken yard. Man speaks. Woman talks to man while feeding chickens. Man and woman talk outside building with sign' Office'. Man gets a haircut at the barber shop. Poster reads ' the job we do'. Civilians enter the doorway for the Ground Observer Corps meeting. Men and women listen to lecture. Army man talks and points to blackboard. Civilians listen to speaker. Man points to aircraft identification diagram. Other man points at wall map. Gathering talk and point at map.

Date: 1953
Duration: 1 min 42 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675072913
Women and men standing outside Ground Observer shack look into sky during Operation Skywatch in the United States.

Operation Skywatch in the United States. Man looks out through window of building at 'Ground Observer Post'. Old man looks up at sky. Woman looks into sky. Farmer outside barn feeds pigs. Woman watches sky. Women in Ground Observer tower look into sky. Young boy looks into sky with binoculars. Two women standing outside Ground observer shack. Two girls standing on porch outside Ground observer shack. Aircraft in flight. One girl writing on clipboard enters building. Girl hands report on clipboard to man at desk. Man picks up phone and reads report. Two women stand by door of Ground observer corps shack. Two men scan sky from post in Ground observer corps shack. Poster reads ' Plotting time delay'. Woman moves aircraft models on plotting board. Man scans sky. Aircraft in flight. Man holds clipboard. He stands in front of house and talks to boy. Boy talks on telephone at window. Man and woman seated at recording center. They wear head phones. People at controls. Man talks on phone. Men seated at chair get up and run outside as the siren rings. They get in the aircraft parked at airfield. Signal man directs the take off. Aircraft takes off. United States Air Force General Nathan Farragut Twining seated at desk. He speaks.

Date: 1953
Duration: 2 min 51 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675072914
Air Force enlisted men play ping pong in recreation room during Operation Skywatch in the United States.

Operation Skywatch in the United States. Two Air Force enlisted men play ping pong in recreation room. Barber gives haircut to Air Force enlisted man. Enlisted man buys supplies at shop. Purchaser at shop.

Date: 1953
Duration: 15 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675072915
A large crowd of civilians gathered at Lenin's Tomb to look at the dead body of Joseph Stalin in Moscow, Soviet Union.

The funeral ceremony of General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Joseph Stalin in Moscow, Soviet Union. Medals placed near the coffin of Joseph Stalin. A large crowd of civilians gathered to view body of Stalin. Women weep. Men carry wreaths. Civilians lined up outside Lenin's Tomb to pay homage to Stalin.

Date: 1953, March
Duration: 60 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Russian
Clip: 65675073434
Dignitaries and civilians gathered to pay homage to Joseph Stalin during his funeral ceremony in Moscow, Soviet Russia.

The funeral ceremony of General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Joseph Stalin in Moscow, Soviet Union. Honor guard at his coffin, lying in the Hall of Columns at the House of the Unions (Ulitsa Bol'shaya Dmitrovka, 1, Moscow, Russia, 125009), include: Vyacheslav Molotov; Kiment Voroshilov; Lavrenti Beria; and Georgy Malenkov. Another view of honor guard members includes Nikolai Bulganin; Nikita Khrushchev; lazar Kaganovich; and Anastas Mikoian. A picture of Stalin placed on a building. A large crowd of civilians enters the Hall of Columns. General Zhukov seen on the stairs of the Hall.

Date: 1953, March
Duration: 51 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Russian
Clip: 65675073435
Body of Stalin lying in State. Soviet citizens in Red Square. Body of Stalin carried into Lenin's Tomb; earlier scenes of Stalin visiting Lenin tomb

Embalming laboratory in Moscow, Russia. A technician works with chemicals. Scene changes to funeral of General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin in Moscow, Russia, Soviet Union. Embalmed body of Joseph Stalin, Lying in State. Mourners gathered to pay homage to Joseph Stalin. Women weep. A large crowd of civilians gathered at Red Square. Men carry Stalin's body in a coffin to Lenin's Tomb, where it lies, next to the body of Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars Vladimir Llyich Lenin, preserved in the tomb. Views from years prior of Joseph Stalin descending stairs and leaving after visiting tomb of Vladimir Lenin. Brief scenes of a Soviet chemical laboratory with many vials, flask, and beakers, and a scientist or chemist at work in the lab. Scenes of Soviet citizens waiting in line to file into the tombs of Lenin and Stalin.

Date: 1953
Duration: 1 min 26 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Russian
Clip: 65675073456