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Kokoda New Guinea 1942 stock footage and images

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U.S. Navy officers at a press conference aboard USS Coral Sea underway in the South China sea during the Vietnam War.

U.S. Navy 7th fleet operations in South China Sea during the Vietnam War. U.S. Navy Lieutenant, an Air Force airman 1st at a conference held in wardroom aboard USS Coral Sea. Rear Admiral Edward C. Outlaw answers questions from news men. Officer speaks into a microphone as newsmen jot down notes. Others at the conference include Lieutenant Commander R. Gallagher, G. Wright, C. Brovelli of Agnay France press, W. Tuohy of Newsweek, Captain P. Behm, Airman First Class Ray Heitman,Lieutenant Commander W. Lyons, Commander J. Harris, Commander J.M.Schneider, Norris of Washington Post. W.C. Powell, Commander K.J. Weaver. Rear Admiral Outlaw reaches across the table and shakes hands with newsmen. Newsmen at the table as they write down notes. Members of the press and officers at table as a steward serves refreshments. Rear Admiral Outlaw answers questions. A member of the press asks a question.

Date: 1965, May 12
Duration: 2 min 51 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675059976
The First launch of an Atlas Intercontinental Ballistic Missile from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California

.Strategic Air Command launches its first Intercontinental Ballistic Missile from new facilities at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. Shrouded Atlas missile on trailer enters the Pine Canyon Gate of Vandenberg AFB. Trailer being backed into the Missile Assembly Building (MAB). Electronic checkout of Atlas being carried out by computerized equipment at the MAB building. Views of Hollerith 88-column punch cards being loaded into the computer equipment and tape outputs being produced. Atlas on launch pad. USAF airmen and officers at controls and consoles at SAC (Strategic Air Command) headquarters and Vandenberg air base. The order to perform a test launch is issued by SAC headquarters and received by the launch control officers at Vandenberg AFB. The Atlas missile is successfully launched. (Note: According to a Convair technician, who was there, this launch was done in cooperation with Convair Astronautics of San Diego. Although this film shows only U.S. Air force personnel, it was the Convair Test Conductor and the Convair Crew that did the countdown for the launch, which was the final step to sell the Launch Sites (A-B-C) and the Block House to the Air Force. Reportedly, Convair celebrated with a launch party afterwards, that included James Dempsey, head of Convair Astronautics.)

Date: 1959, September 9
Duration: 2 min 32 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675059982
The Battle of the Bulge in Ardennes, Belgium, 1944 (WW2)

Animated map showing disposition of Allied and opposing German forces in Belgium during World War II. Highlighted places include the River Meuse, Bastogne, and Liege. Brief glimpse of German Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt, commander of the German Army Command in the West. German troops riding through forest over light snow on a King Tiger II tank. The tank churning up dirt and snow at high speed in another scene. German infantry moving through the forest at dusk. Illustrated map shows national flags delineating battle fronts and the German breakout (Bulge in the line) aiming toward Antwerp Harbor through Liege. Next are series of rapidly changing battle scenes showing American troops in house-to-house combat near houses and stores of towns, moving through smoke and mist, one throwing a hand grenade into an apartment building, helping one another move through buildings, setting off explosives, communicating on a field telephone, moving through burning rubble, and running across snow around industrial buildings. Dramatic camera shakes are seen during some of the nearby explosions. Two U.S. soldiers silhouetted against the snow as place a wounded buddy in a sheltered spot. One places a bandage around the neck of the injured soldier. American medics carrying wounded on litters, across a snowy field containing a several fallen soldiers. One soldier calls for a medic. Corpsmen moving on to a new battlefield. U.S. troops firing machine guns from atop Sherman tanks in a city as infantrymen crouch behind the tanks. Glimpse from inside, of a German soldier firing an Mg34 model machine gun out a building window. Embattled American troops and trucks moving past burning buildings. Closeups of American GIs dashing from building to building and firing from improvised shelter. A bazooka fired out a building window strikes a tank, which is seen burning. Individual soldiers running for shelter as Medical Corpsmen carry the wounded on litter the opposite way. Scene shifts to British forces moving in from further North, through the snow. Glimpse of women and children and aged folks, in Belgium, frightened by the goings on. An old woman holds a small girl who is crying. British infantry advancing into action across a snowy field. A British machine gunner firing from a protected position. U.S. troops entrenched in deep snow. December 24th, clearing weather allowed some Allied air support to aid the troops. Glimpse of aircraft contrails. Formations of Allied aircraft overhead. Aerial view of a formation of British Hawker Typhoon fighter bombers in flight. View from a Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress in flight with others creating thick contrails at high altitude. Pilot and copilot in cockpit of a bomber in flight. American soldiers on the ground watching with binoculars. U.S. Army Air Forces Republic P-47 Thunderbolt overhead, break out of formation and dive to attack German ground targets. American GIs on the ground cheer as they watch. A huge explosion takes place near an American crew manning a heavy gun pointing point blank with zero elevation. American soldiers load rockets into a truck-mounted launcher. Several truck-mounted launchers firing their rocket barrages. U.S. infantry advancing atop tanks, in armored personnel carriers, and on foot. They carry axes, shovels, and similar tools along with their weapons. Army trucks entering a town. The infantry moving through a forest. More troops on vehicles of all kinds moving into a town.

Date: 1944
Duration: 3 min 43 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675060112
United States 7th Air Force B-25 Mitchell bombers destroy Japanese targets on islands in the Pacific in World War II.

U.S. Army Air Forces operations in Pacific theater during World War 2. Animation shows locations of U.S. 13th Air Force on New Caledonia and U.S. 5th Air Force on Australia. Map shows Hawaii. Main gate at Hickam Air Force Base in Honolulu. U.S. 7th Air Force B-17 Flying Fortress aircraft takes off from Hickam AFB. Animation shows the flight of bombers. Jeeps along a jungle highway. Sign on tree reads 'Ohare Field'. Gun crew clean machine guns. 75 mm canon in nose of a U.S. Army Air Forces B-25 being cleaned by ground crew. B-25 takes off from Coral airstrip. B-25s in formation. B-25s in flight firing cannons. B-25s strafing Japanese airfields.

Date: 1943
Duration: 2 min 30 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675060186
Scenes of World War II as the Allies converge through Germany towards Berlin.

Animated map shows direction of Allied forces converging on Germany, Western Powers from the West, and Soviets from the East during final phase of World War 2, in Europe. Newspaper headline reads: "Russians strike for Berlin."The New York World-Telegram newspaper headline reads: "Yanks Cross the Rhine!."U.S. Army troops seen in house-to-house fighting in Germany.American troops standing at Rhine River viewing Cologne, Germany. The cathedral at Cologne. Film of Hitler's troops crossing the Rhine in 1936 contrasted with views of many German prisoners of war being marched under Allied guard, in 1945. USAAF P-38 lightning aircraft taking off on mission against German targets. View from Allied aircraft strafing German target which explodes. A P-38 landing on a snowy airfield. USAAF P-47 of the 388th Fighter Squadron (C4), 365th Fighter Group, landing and skidding sideways off the runway. It slides in the snow and strikes another P-47 aircraft with engine running, on the ramp. B-24 Liberator bombers taxing for takeoff. Formation of USAAF B-17 bombers dropping bombs all over Germany. Formation of B-17s at very high altitude, leaving contrails behind them. U.S. infantry and armor fighting in snow-covered streets of German city. Allied troops, including Polish soldiers, fighting in the snow. Allied wounded being carried while under fire from German forces. U.S. Sergeant Peter Di Guiseppi and Private Pat Brady being interviewed. De Guiseppi remarks that the war seems like it will never end. Brady recounts being in a tank that hit a mine or something that exploded and abandoning the tank faster than he could ever imagine. He hunkered down in a ditch while bullets flew all around him, including the ammunition from the destroyed tank.

Date: 1945
Duration: 3 min 39 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675060202
United States 2nd Field Force change of command ceremony at Long Binh, Vietnam.

A change of command at 2nd Field Force Artillery Headquarters at Long Binh, Vietnam. A U.S. 2nd Field Force soldier poses. A sign reads 'Headquarters II Field Force Vietnam Artillery'. Soldiers walk around outside the headquarters. Unit flags at the headquarters. Passing of colors to the new commander. Troops lined up on a field. Brigadier General Leo D. Kinnard speaks to the troops. Brigadier General Francis J. Roberts addresses troops. Lieutenant General Julian J. Ewell shakes hands with both of the brigadier generals. (Vietnam War period).

Date: 1969, November 20
Duration: 3 min 34 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675060242