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Kokoda New Guinea 1942 stock footage and images

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American Expeditionary Forces(A.E.F.) 42nd (Rainbow Division) bury their fallen at Baccarat, France, in World War I

A cortege of U.S. Army trucks, covered with American flags and laden with flag-covered coffins of American soldiers,who fell in combat on May 27th, 1918,proceeds through the streets of Baccarat, France, in World War 1. U.S. soldiers of the 42nd Infantry Division march as escorts, beside the trucks. Local citizens observe from the sides of the road. Scene shifts to Memorial Day (May 30, 1918), when U.S. Army Major General Charles T. Menoher and U.S. Army Colonel Douglas MacArthur,of the 42nd Infantry Division, are joined by French Generals Dupont and Penet, in decorating the graves of fallen American soldiers, during a ceremony at a rugged battlefield cemetery containing new graves marked by wooden crosses. A little French girl places a bouquet (reportedly made by Major General Menoher) upon the grave of an American soldier.She is accompanied by other French children who also place bouquets on the graves. An honor guard of American soldiers fires a salute. Scene shifts to a gathering of American soldiers at their base in Baccarat, where they surround a small outdoor stage, to watch a Miss Hart, of the YMCA theatrical Corps dance the Higland Fling. She is dressed in traditional costume of Scotland and accompanied by a violinist. A group of Army musicians, seated close to the stage, watch the performance along with the rest of the troops.

Date: 1918, May
Duration: 2 min 26 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675068480
Film depicting threat of disease due to destruction of German infrastructure at end of World War 2. Populace treated with DDT.

Scenes of destruction in Germany at end of World War II, including Destroyed dwellings and rubble and rubbish-filled bomb craters. A U.S. soldier medic steps across a destroyed structure. German citizens line up to obtain water from a small tank trailer. A bucket being filled. A German civilian work crew laying new water pipes. A large trash heap displaying a sign in German reading: Drinking strictly forbidden. Danger from Typhus!(Trinken Strengstens verboten. Typhusgefahr!). Germans wearing gas masks as they lead horses drawing corpse-laden carts, along a road. Allied military spraying German civilians with DDT (Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane) at a delousing station. They give each treated person a certificate certifying their treatment. The treated include men, women, and many mothers with their children. A nurse holds a small child as the mother is treated.

Date: 1945
Duration: 2 min 21 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675068489
Montage of scenes showing American civilian mobilization on the home front, life in the Navy, war scenes and demobilization after war.

View of a U.S. battleship heading toward the camera at high speed. Images of hip's wake becoming gradually more turbulent as camera focuses closer upon it in successive views. U.S. sailors in uniform. The first wears a the Silver Star medal. The next wears a Navy Cross medal. The third sailor wears a Cross medal with red and gold ribbon. A petty officer and two sailors posing together, each one displaying Cross and star medals, respectively. The scene fades to this last three, wearing civilian clothes in a flashback to the beginning of World War 2. The three watch as a draftsman lays out a Roll of Honor for a place called Middletown. Townspeople cheering at an outdoor sporting event. Next they sit and watch a tennis match. Next, many are seen as sailors scrubbing the deck of a battleship. Scene shifts to a Navy Wave guiding a C-45 aircraft into parking position. Another one is parked behind her. Next a "white shirt" on deck of an aircraft carrier is seen directing an aircraft with signals. A Douglas Dauntless aircraft is parked on the deck behind him. Abrupt change of scene shows a wounded sailor being attended by a physician. Members of a Navy ship's crew enjoying a swim, hanging out on a boom extended from their ship, and using rubber rafts and a dinghy as they enjoy recreational time allowed by the Captain. A sailor in a dining hall relishing a large piece of chicken. In contrast, a sailor at an antiaircraft station eats hastily. Twin guns are silhouetted behind him. Sailors getting dressed to go on shore leave. Photos of pinup girls displayed on locker behind them. They leave, but one sailor remains behind, on some kind of restrictions. Sailors on deck in formation as they are inspected by officers. One asks a sailor to adjust his hat and also examines his tie. A sailor sitting alone by a lake in Central Park, New York City. A sailor standing watch in setting sun. A chief Petty officer instructing a sailor on wearing his hat. Successive closeups of the imposing face of the Chief. that transitions into the face of a Lieutenant Junior Grade who is yelling at a sailor. Scene shifts to actual World War 2 battle footage scenes as Navy crew battles fire in an aircraft carrier's Island during naval combat in the Pacific. Hose lines are stretched across the flight deck and smoke envelopes the ship. Injured are carried to place of safety. Another scene aboard a U.S. Navy ship in World War 2, shows a Navy Chaplain praying over sailor who was killed, followed by a ceremonial burial at sea for the dead. U.S. Marines fire rifle salutes as coffins slide out from under American flags to carry the fallen sailor into the sea. As the nation demobilizes after the war, various "rabble-rousers" begin to cause trouble. One is seen speaking before a group of women, who seem influenced by his remarks. Scene shifts to aerial views from a low-flying airplane revealing the total destruction and rubble over miles of a German city, probably Berlin, from Allied bombing and shelling during World War 2. Views of suffering survivors of World War II (especially children) in various parts of the world. Emaciated and starving children in a war-torn area.

Date: 1945
Duration: 4 min 12 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675068536
American people honor sailors of the U.S. Navy; views of towns, cities, people in the United States right after World War 2.

A film intended for U.S. Navy personnel about the return to civilian life after World War 2 and the better life of Americans in the United States as a result of their service. Film created immediately after the end of World War 2. A boy practices baseball, hitting the ball and running. View of the baseball diamond with a New York City bridge in the background. Women with children walk around in a park. A man greets a sailor of the U.S. Navy, shakes his hand and thanks him for his service. A mother talks to a child that is sitting on her lap as they read a book. Fishermen raise up fishing nets at a dock and process a catch of crabs. A man works in a laboratory. Dignitaries salute as soldiers march carrying the American flag. Two boys walk directly behind two U.S. Navy sailors and try to copy exactly how the sailors are walking. An elderly woman prays, kneeling in a church. People stand in a baseball stadium as the U.S. National Anthem begins to play. A sailor raises the American flag as other sailors stand at attention. Aerial view of a field in the U.S. Cattle graze on field. A man rides a bicycle in a small town, and tips his hat to a woman leaving a house. A boy with a manual push lawn mower cuts grass in the background. Automobile traffic in a small American town of the 1940s. Aerial view of the skyscrapers of a city. View of the U.S. Declaration of Independence. Houses or businesses and small boats and docks along a waterfront in Essex Connecticut. A board reads 'Here was built the Oliver Cromwell Connecticut warship in the Revolution 1776."

Date: 1945
Duration: 2 min 13 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675068537
American people working, enjoying recreational activities, and voting in the United States after World War 2

A film about contribution of the U.S. Navy personnel for better life of Americans in the United States after World War II. Scenes of former soldiers, sailors, and military personnel returning to civilian life after the end of World War 2. Men drill on metal structure erecting a new building. Men load sacks in a cart. A man works on a typewriter. People worship in churches. A couple sits on a swing. A man plays chess. People read newspaper sitting outdoors. A man fishing in a river. Men play golf. People on a sailing yacht. Paintings displayed on a wall. A statute in a garden. A man sits on his front porch, plays guitar and sings. A jazz band of African American musicians plays music including piano, drums, clarinet, bass, trumpet (playing part of song "Pop goes the Weasel."). Piano player is smoking a cigarette while playing. Audience watching an orchestra play on stage. A man speaks and presents his view to a gathering. Exteriors of a church. People walk out of the building. Children play on swings in a school playground. Children inside a house run down stairs to the Christmas tree on Christmas morning. A woman drops her completed ballot in a ballot box on voting day, as a man waits to receive his ballot. He enters a voting booth and a uniformed police officer closes the curtain behind him. View shows him marking a check box on the ballot document.

Date: 1946
Duration: 2 min 41 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675068538
Milo Burcham operates propeller switches, a circuit breaker and a booster pump of a P-38 Lightning aircraft in the U.S.

A film about the United States Army Air Force Lockheed P-38 Lightning aircraft in the United States. The instruction version of the P-38 aircraft. A new recruit talks to American aviator Milo Garrett Burcham. Burcham sits in a cockpit. He operates the brakes to control the speed of the propellers. Propeller switches are operated to control revolutions per minute (RPM ) of the aircraft. Warning lights glow. A circuit breaker trips up as a short circuit occurs. The circuit breaker is pushed down. The aircraft taxis. Propeller system is operated, a booster pump is switched on and toe brakes are held. The brakes are applied to get the desired speed. Manifold Pressure Gauge on a panel. The aircrafts takes off. The warning lights blink. The circuit breakers trip. The RPM gauge shows increased propeller speed. The RPM is reduced to desired value. A circuit breaker switch is pushed. The aircraft in flight. The pilot operates handles and switches for single engine operation in case of an engine failure.

Date: 1943
Duration: 4 min 43 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675068570