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Lae Papua New Guinea 1943 stock footage and images

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Newsreel "Australians and Americans drive Japs from Lae" during World War 2

American B-25 aicraft bomb Japanese positions in New Guinea in advance of operations by American and Australian troops. Explosions seen on ground as bombs impact targets. Low altitude aerial view of destroyed Japanese troop transport ships and cargo ships near the shores of New Guinea. Naval bombardment of Lae is seen from aboard Allied invading ships. Australian soldiers go ashore. General MacArthur confers Lieutenant General George Kenney and other officers. U.S. paratroopers on ground at an airfield prepare equipment and ready for jump into enemy territory. Scene with close up of General MacArthur smiling. Paratrooper C-47 aircraft lined in rows. U.S. Army paratroopers loading into aircraft and C-47s taking off. Aerial view from inside a C-47 as equipment and men jump toward target area of Lae. Hundreds of parachutes seen in sky. A serviceman holding a motion picture film camera films the view of parachutes through the open aircraft door. View on ground 5 days later as Australian Army troops join up with American forces on a captured Japanese airfield. Close up views of faces of Australian soldiers. The soldiers cut tall grass at landing fields to prepare for arriving DC-3 aircraft. DC-3 landing with supplies unloaded by Australian troops for use in the drive into Lae and Salamaua New Guinea.

Date: 1943
Duration: 4 min 30 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675040778
The Australian 9th Division troops arrive on the coast of Lae and move inland in New Guinea during World War II.

The Allied campaign in Lae- Salamaua in New Guinea during World War II. An animated map of New Guinea depicts the Allied activities in Salamaua and Lae. Allied soldiers fire pack Howitzer at Japanese positions in a wooded area. Smoke rises. Soldiers advance along the jungle terrain. An Allied convoy underway. The Australian 9th Division heads for Lae. Naval guns fired at the shoreline before the landing. Japanese aircraft in flight is shot down. The Australian 9th Division soldiers transfer from a ship onto a barge and head for the coast. Soldiers land and move inland. Engineers build bridges and repair roads. Soldiers push heavy equipment through the jungle. A wrecked truck on the beach. A jeep carries supplies on the beach. Soldiers aboard an American patrol boat off the coast of Lae.

Date: 1944
Duration: 4 min 9 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675059604
Australian 7th Division troops arrive at the Markham Valley and head towards Lae in New Guinea during World War II.

The Allied campaign in Lae-Salamaua, New Guinea during World War II. A map of New Guinea depicts the Allied activities in Salamaua and Lae. American paratroopers drop from an aircraft in Markham Valley. Transport planes lined up as they bring Australian 7th Division soldiers and equipment to the area. Soldiers march towards Lae. They hold a sign that reads 'Lae'. Australian soldiers ride bikes on a slippery road as one of them spills. Australian soldiers fire a 25 pounder from concealed position. U.S. Army Air Forces B-17 aircraft in flight. Japanese anti aircraft guns fired at the aircraft.

Date: 1944
Duration: 1 min 55 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675059605
Footage of the Japanese South Seas Force on New Guinea following the dual invasions of Lae and Salamaua, in World War II.

Scenes from the Japanese South Seas Force invasion of coastal New Guinea in March 1942, during World War 2. Stern of a ship. Smoke rising from a ship in the far background. Japanese warships underway at sea, mountains in the background. A Japanese man on deck of warship, paints picture of historic naval victory. Animated map showing Northern Australia and New Guinea, with animated bombs falling on Port Moresby and flags showing Japanese-held positions at Lae and Salamaua on the coast of the Solomon Sea, to the North. A view of the coastline on the Solomon Sea. Japanese troops are seen in a column making their way through the jungles.They stand with the rising sun battle flag and proceed further, pulling field pieces and carrying other war materiel. View from inside a dwelling, as the Japanese troops enter town of Lae. Destroyed hangars and aircraft at the Lae airfield, which the Japanese bombed on January 21, 1942. The Japanese rising sun flag flying on a tall flag pole. Japanese ships in harbor.

Date: 1942, March
Duration: 2 min 52 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Japanese
Clip: 65675071421
A U.S. Army Air Force C-47 lands and taxis in Wau, Papua New Guinea during World War II.

The U.S. Army Air Force Troops Carrier Command in Wau, Papua New Guinea during World War II. A soldier at a typing machine. Insignia of the U.S. Army Air Force Troops Carrier Command. Animated map shows Troops Carrier Command advancing towards U.S. air bases in Papua New Guinea and Australia. An open field. Mountains in the background. A U.S. Army Air Force Douglas C-47 Skytrain lands and taxis.

Date: 1943
Duration: 1 min 29 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675058121
United States B-25 Bombers bombing on Hansa Bay and Wewak, Papua New Guinea.

United States Instructor teaches aerial techniques to other members. United States B-25 Bomber in flight. Bombing explosions on Hansa Bay and Wewak, Papua New Guinea. Fleet of B-25 Bombers flying overhead. Explosions on ground and in water. (World War II period).

Date: 1943
Duration: 2 min 28 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675022408