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Le Neufour France 1918 stock footage and images

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German airplane shot down after it attacked an observation balloon near Montfaucon in France on October 3, 1918.

German airplane attacks an observation balloon near Montfaucon in France on October 3, 1918 . The observer drops in a parachute from the balloon. Antiaircraft guns and machines guns are fired at the approaching enemy plane to protect the balloon. The balloon explodes in flames and crashes to earth. The German air plane is shot down. Shows the wrecked plane and its pilot under officer Hans Heinrick Marwede. (World War I. World War 1. WWI. WW1)

Date: 1918, October 3
Duration: 5 min 19 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675029598
U.S. Army 28th Division soldiers greet German troops and celebrate on Armistice Day, 1918, near Dampvitoux, France.

Armistice Day, 1918. U.S. Army 28th Division greets German troops near Dampvitoux in France at the end of World War I. A village with small houses near Dampvitoux. The American Army greets German troops. They celebrate the end of the war, shake hands, and share cigarettes. A German soldier lights up a cigarette for an American army soldier. American and German troops raise hands, smile, and applaud. An American soldier trades caps with a German soldier.

Date: 1918, November 11
Duration: 1 min 30 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675065325
German Prisoners carry wounded U.S. troops to dressing station at Missy-Aux-Bois in France on July 16th, 1918 during World War 1.

Guarded by American dough boys (U.S. Army soldiers) with rifles and fixed bayonets, German war prisoners carry wounded U.S. troops on stretchers to dressing station at Missy-Aux-Bois in France on July 16th,1918 during World War I. Shows American forces in a hillside trench, lined up at the trench embankment and firing rifles at enemy positions. The trench position appears to be cut into the side of a forest hill with trees visible.

Date: 1918, July 16
Duration: 1 min 12 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675029585
U.S. troops celebrate Armistice Day on November 11th, 1918 in France and Germany marking the end of World War I.

U.S. 105th Field Artillery troops at Etraye (France), celebrate Armistice Day on November 11th, 1918 marking the end of World War I. U.S. flag is raised. U.S. 4th Infantry, 3rd division troops march through Bacharach, Germany. The troops march through the center of town in formation. An armed U.S. Army guard patrols on the edge of the Rhine River in Bacharach as a boat towing wood passes down the river.

Date: 1918, November 11
Duration: 1 min 35 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675029610
President Raymond Poincaré of France reviews Army Regiment from Czechoslovakia upon France's recognition of that nation on June 30, 1918.

Raymond Poincaré, President of France, strides in a field with Czechoslovak and Allied Armed forces officers, reviewing the 21st Regiment of Czechoslovak legionnaires, who are in formation, at attention, presenting arms. Official guests at the ceremony include Edvard Beneš and other officials of the Czechoslovak National Council. Views of a Czechoslovak soldier holding aloft a banner presented by President Poincaré that was designed by Czech painter František Kupka, as a gift from the city of Paris. The banner being held aloft as reviewing officers stand at attention. View from rear of the Regiment in formation. Several views of the Regiment parading on the field behind a color guard holding the new Regimental colors.

Date: 1918, June 30
Duration: 1 min 49 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675028118
U.S. 128th Field Artillery firing French 75-mm guns at Le Cotes de Forimont on September 27, 1918.

Closeup views of U.S. 128th Field Artillery troops firing French 75-mm guns at Le Cotes de Forimont (France) on September 27, 1918, during World War 1. Views of the gun breech, as shells are inserted, fired, and casings discharged.

Date: 1918, September 27
Duration: 48 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675029627