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Le Neufour France 1918 stock footage and images

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Armistice Day celebrations in Paris. Crowded streets, street lamps , flags everywhere.

Celebrations in Paris marking the signing of Armistice ending conflict in World War I, November 11, 1918. Open bus is packed to capacity with celebrants. Jubilant crowds are jammed together, waving flags, and shouting for joy. Man erects huge banner reading: "LArmistice est signe, La Guerre est gegnee, Vive La France, Vivent Les Allies!" Huge American flag is waved from center of crowd. Flags of the Allies are waved by people on balcony of building with lettering identifying it as "Mme Georgette".French sailors, in crowd, sing and wave flags. French Boy Scouts, in uniforms, run down the street towards the camera, followed by people of every age, size, and sort, all celebrating the end of war. Several French officers stand by as an impromptu parade begins.

Date: 1918, November 11
Duration: 2 min 34 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675041808
Belgian soldiers who had been fighting against German and Austrian forces, in Russia, in World War I, arrive by ship in Bordeaux, France.

The French line ship, SS Lorraine, in camouflage paint, seen backing into port at Bordeaux, France, on June 24, 1918. Belgian troops of the ACM Corps (Autos-Canons-Mitrailleuses, Belgian armored unit) disembark. They are seen as they walk down a gangway from the ship, in combat uniforms and steel helmets, and carrying their weapons and personal gear. (Note: Soldiers of this armored unit from Belgium fought alongside the Imperial Russian army against German and Austrian troops in 1915 in Russia, during World War 1, before the 1917 Bolshevik revolution, after which they were stranded in hostile territory. They left Vladivostok for the United States on the SS Sheridan, and docked at San Francisco on May 12, 1918. They were warmly greeted as they proceeded across the U.S. to New York city, where they participated in the Memorial Day Parade. After leaving New York City, aboard the SS La Lorraine, they reached Bordeaux on June 24 1918.)

Date: 1918, June 24
Duration: 21 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675045968
German artillery shelling on Rambucourt, France on April 20th,1918.

Scenes of German artillery shelling of Rambucourt, France during the German attack on Seicheprey in France on April 20th,1918. Distant smoke arises from a shelled building. (World War I. World War 1. WWI. WW1)

Date: 1918, April 20
Duration: 1 min 5 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675029593
Images showing interests, culture, lifestyle and events involving Americans, including World War 1, in the period 1915 -1918

America in the World War 1 years, before and during the U.S. involvement in the war. View of Woodrow Wilson in academic robe and cap, as President of Princeton University. Steel mill with stacks belching smoke. Workers tap an open hearth furnace in steel mill. Children on a city street dancing and being sprayed with a fire hose to keep cool in summer. Boy hopping over the backs of his friends. Boys seated on a bench. Scenes from early motion pictures, interposed with images of Uncle Sam from Army recruiting poster: They are rapid montage comedy and stunt scenes, including Keystone Cops chasing fugitive; cars racing, gangster shootouts from cars; automobile hijinks; men raising barrier at railroad level crossing while a woman is left dangling from the raised crossing gate; car races and crosses railroad track in front of rapidly approaching locomotive; comic car chase down; line of 3 open top cars racing over an edge into a deep ditch, a motorcycle taking flight off of a road and into a river; a man waving warning flag frantically at a blasting site; The Cunard Liner, RMS Lusitania, underway; Newspaper front page about torpedoing of the Lusitania. American soldiers boarding troop ship for France in World War 1; View of the troop ship deck filled with U.S. soldiers. Various scenes of U.S. troops in the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) in France during World War I: amid war torn ruins and destroyed buildings in France; firing French 75s and heavier artillery; soldiers charging across no-man's land; French and American soldiers caring for wounded behind the lines and in trenches of the battlefields; soldiers placing helmets and identification cards of fallen soldiers on rifles that are inverted, bayonet into ground.

Date: 1918
Duration: 2 min 3 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675036807
President Raymond Poincaré of France reviews Army Regiment from Czechoslovakia upon France's recognition of that nation on June 30, 1918.

Raymond Poincaré, President of France, strides in a field with Czechoslovak and Allied Armed forces officers, reviewing the 21st Regiment of Czechoslovak legionnaires, who are in formation, at attention, presenting arms. Official guests at the ceremony include Edvard Beneš and other officials of the Czechoslovak National Council. Views of a Czechoslovak soldier holding aloft a banner presented by President Poincaré that was designed by Czech painter František Kupka, as a gift from the city of Paris. The banner being held aloft as reviewing officers stand at attention. View from rear of the Regiment in formation. Several views of the Regiment parading on the field behind a color guard holding the new Regimental colors.

Date: 1918, June 30
Duration: 1 min 49 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675028118
World War I Armistice on November 11, 1918 ends hostilities; Celebrations in France, America and England; December parade for Wilson in Paris

American troops waving their hats, hands and a flag in celebration of the Armistice ending hostilities. American troops escort smiling prisoners.Crowds celebrate in a public square. American soldiers celebrate while riding on an army truck through crowds. Soldiers kiss some girls. Crowds celebrate in New York City. A coffin for War is inscribed with statements saying: "Died November 11, 1918" and "Remember the Lustania" and "Gimbel Brothers". Celebrating people ride on the roofs of cars. One carries a chained effigy of German Kaiser that men hit with clubs. General Pershing, accompanied by officials, salutes the crowd and enters an open car that proceeds in a motorcade during "ticker tape" parade in New York City. General Pershing, on horseback, leads troops in victory parade. President Woodrow Wilson is seen aboard the ship SS George Washington during his December 1919 voyage to France to participate in the Paris Peace Conference leading to the Treaty of Versailles. "Vive Wilson" is spelled out in light bulbs on sign above Paris street during parade in Paris honoring Woodrow Wilson. Parisians celebrate with parade through the Arc de Triomphe on 16 December, 1918.

Date: 1918, November 11
Duration: 2 min 44 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675024134