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Libertyville Illinois USA 1917 stock footage and images

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Views of ammunition depot allegedly sabotaged by Germans within the United States during World War I.

The United States of America in 1917. Scenes of Lyndhurst, New Jersey after January 11, 1917 explosion in the Canadian Car and Foundry Company in Kingsland. Suspected cause of explosion was sabotage, allegedly committed by Germans during World War I. Smoke from buildings on fire at night after an ammunition depot explodes. Flames rise high from the buildings. Widespread destruction. Debris on a railroad track the next day. People pick through devastated buildings and barren area flattened by blast. Views of crater filled with artillery shells after the explosion. Damaged window panes of buildings and a railroad car at D.L.&W (Delaware, Lackawanna & Western) Railroad Shops building at Kingsland (later Lyndhurst). DL&W railroad train car 605 parked. Railroad Shops with broken glass everywhere from explosions. Men point to shell that is embedded in the side of a railroad car. View of artillery shell lodged in a door. Next scene is from a different time and place, in Perth Amboy, in October of 1918 after an explosion at the T.A. Gillespie Shell Loading Plant made many families homeless. was called the Morgan Depot Explosion. Homeless women, children, and men sit in a town common area. The refugees eat. U.S. Army soldiers patrolling on Smith Street in Perth Amboy in front of stores damaged in the explosion. Entrance to Michaels & Co. shop among damaged stores on Smith Street.

Date: 1917
Duration: 2 min 8 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675055045
U.S. severs diplomatic ties with Germany; President Woodrow Wilson signs documents in the White House; April 2 declares war.

U.S. severs diplomatic ties with Germany on February 3, 1917. View of American President Thomas Woodrow Wilson at the White House in Washington DC. President Wilson seated at a desk reads documents. He signs a document and hands it to an official. President Wilson addresses the Congress and declares war on Germany on April 2, 1917.

Date: 1917, February 3
Duration: 57 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675064440
Russian Tsar Nicholas II overthrown and short lived Russian Republic falls to Bolshevik Revolution, in World War I

Momentary image of Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin, Russian mystic and advisor to the Russian Imperial family. German troops fighting in no man's land on Western Front in World War 1. Ill prepared and equipped Russian troops clean themselves and clothing of fleas and lice, that cause heavy casualties from typhus. Explosions on front lines. Starving Russian civilians at aid camp. Demonstrations for increased bread rations, in St. Petersburg, Russia, March, 1917, getting out of hand. Tsarist troops sent in to quell the disturbance, instead, join in the revolutionary protests. Alexander Fyodorovich Kerensky, member of the Provisional Committee of the State Duma, vice-chairman of the Petrograd Soviet,and first Minister of Justice in the Provisional Government, is seen tipping his hat, and later giving a speech. Czar (Tsar) Nicholas II, seen sitting on a tree stump, with soldiers behind him. Russians crowding a square, breaking down prison bars, and releasing prisoners. Dissidents haranguing Russian crowds. Kerensky speaking to crowd. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin returning by railroad train from exile in Switzerland. Leon Trotsky arrives from Canada and is seen speaking to a crowd. Kerensky on a balcony as, head of the provisional government, in Summer, 1917, proclaiming Russia a Republic. Young women marching in parade. Lenin making remarks. Field filled with farm workers (worker army union, AKA Soviet) tilling soil with hand tools. Lenin, bareheaded (holding his cap behind his back) making a speech. An unidentified cathedral seen in background. Bolsheviks stir up unrest. Winged Victory column topples. Bolshevik mobs take over government buildings in Russian Revolution.

Date: 1917
Duration: 3 min 14 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675064324
Russian cruiser Aurora fires at the Winter Palace, scenes of Bolsheviks and Lenin during the October Revolution

The ship Aurora, a Pallada-class cruiser of the Russian Navy, fires a blank shot from a forecastle gun at the Winter Palace in Petrograd (now known as Saint Petersburg), signaling the start of the October Revolution on October 24 1917 O.S. (November 6 1917 N.S). Revolutionary Bolsheviks, holding rifles and the Bolshevik flag, stand on a vehicle driving in Saint Petersburg. The gate at the Winter Palace (Palace Embankment, Dvortsovy Municipal Okrug, Central District, Saint Petersburg, Russia). Bolsheviks on the balcony of the Winter Palace. Vladimir Lenin smiling. Cheering Russians crowd Saint Petersburg. Vladimir Lenin addresses the crowd during the Russian Revolution.

Date: 1917, October 25
Duration: 41 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675079220
Effects of Ford Model T automobiles on American life; scenes of early road and highway development and sightseeing trips

A man driving a 1917 Ford model T roadster along a severely rutted mud-filled street. A 1917 Ford Model T, one ton truck, trapped in mud. Frustrated driver gets out and kicks a rear tire. Road building crews at work with horse-drawn equipment. Road construction with large steam powered machinery. A 1917 model T roadster driving along a new smooth concrete road. Women making purchases at a sidewalk stand and placing them into their Ford Model T sedan. A doctor arrives at house of a patient, in a Ford Model T roadster. Americans driving Ford Model T cars in the National Parks circa 1920s. Cars driving past a giant redwood tree. Man in a Ford Model T stopped beside woods and feeding a bear in a National Park, as a Park Ranger stands nearby. Ford Model T driving through the tunnel cut in the "Wawona" giant sequoia tree, in the Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias at Yosemite National Park. A 1918 Ford Model T touring car parked at a picnic site, with family sitting at picnic table nearby. Families with Ford Model T cars, engaged in outdoor activities, picnicking, and gathering wild flowers. Two men making their Model T into a shelter for overnight camping. Family picnicking at a beach; their Model T parked on road above. A man in a 1920s era swim suit carries a basket for a picnic to others in his family seated near rocks. 1920s or 1930s boy and girl children playing on a beach; picking up seaweed; and wading in the surf, near large rocks.

Date: 1919
Duration: 3 min 16 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675068821
USAF Lieutenant General Ira Eaker speaks about his experiences in the U.S. Air Force in the United States.

An interview of United States Air Force Lieutenant General Ira Eaker conducted by Dr. Maurer in the United States. Dr Maurer and General Eaker seated at a desk. Dr Maurer talks about the work and the contribution of General Eaker in the U.S. Air Force. He says that General Eaker was the Commander of the 8th Air Force. In 1944, he became the Commander in Chief of the Mediterranean Allied Air Force. Then from 1945 until his retirement in 1947, he was the deputy commander of the Army Air Forces and chief of the Air Staff. General Eaker talks about his experiences. He talks about the first airplane flight he saw. He further speaks that he was sent to a training camp in 1917. A man came in the camp looking for some fliers. He was already selected for an examination of regular army. He says that in November 1917, he was on a parade grounds. An airplane was in flight overhead. The aircraft landed and he looked at the engine of the aircraft.

Date: 1960
Duration: 6 min 10 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: English
Clip: 65675077131