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London England United Kingdom 1937 stock footage and images

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Trade unionists gather to protest higher food prices in Hyde Park, London during World War I.

Members of British trade unions gather in Hyde Park in London, England (Hyde Park, London W2 2EU, United Kingdom). Trade unionists protest rising food prices, during World War 1. They parade carrying their respective trade union banners and assemble to listen to speakers.

Date: 1916
Duration: 1 min 5 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675042461
British civilians walk in and out of University College Hospital in London during early part of World War II.

Activity outside University College Hospital (235 Euston Rd., London NW1 2BU, United Kingdom) in London, England during time of hospital evacuations in World War II. Sandbag wall around University College Hospital. Car parked along the road. Man walks along the sandbag wall. People walk in and out of the hospital. Notice of Westminster Abbey reads "Continuous Intercession for International Peace. The Unknown Warrior's Grave." Patients leaving the hospital. Nurse wheels empty wheelchair back into the hospital.

Date: 1939, September
Duration: 1 min 11 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675064231
English crowd wait for King George VI in front Buckingham Palace in London on Victory in Europe Day with end of World War II.

Victory in Europe Day being celebrated in London, England with the end of World War II. Flower beds outside Buckingham Palace, crowd sitting around. Royal Standard flies over the Palace. Young couple amusing themselves and kissing while waiting for King George VI to appear on balcony of Palace. Middle-aged citizen with his son listens to a speech. Two soldiers listen to broadcast of Prime Minister Winston Churchill's speech. People sitting all over large lion statues in Trafalgar Square (Trafalgar Sq, London WC2N 5DS, United Kingdom). Pedestal and statue of Charles James Napier. Loudspeakers in Trafalgar Square.

Date: 1945, May
Duration: 2 min 36 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: English
Clip: 65675074357
German Kaiser Wilhelm II is greeted by British officialdom at Guildhall, in London, during a visit with King George V and Queen Mary

Film opens with scenes of British Horse Guards on parade along street in London, England, watched by crowds on the sidewalks. Next, an elaborate coach, bearing an image of the Coat of Arms of the city of London, is seen arriving at the Guildhall (71 Basinghall St, London EC2V 7HH, United Kingdom). Footmen step to the coach door, where one places a step stool while the other takes the ceremonial mace for bewigged Lord Mayor, Sir Thomas B. Crosby, who steps from the coach, followed by London Sheriff, Sir Charles Augustin Hanson, and other city officials. Four uniformed trumpeters stand in front of the Guildhall and play a fanfare announcing arrival of a royal open coach carrying the monarchs of Great Britain and Germany. When it arrives, King George V quickly steps from the coach and assists Queen Mary as she alights. They are followed by the King's cousin, Emperor (Kaiser) Wilhelm II, of Germany, who steps from the coach. The Kaiser is dressed in Hussar uniform including fur Busby adorned with Totenkopf (Death Head) emblem. A flurry of activity ensues as the King and Queen and the Kaiser engage in greeting various officials and dignitaries. The Kaiser recognizes a woman, likely a relative, in the group and hurries to greet and kiss her.

Date: 1911, May
Duration: 2 min 59 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675063371
British youth enlist for military service; King George VI and Queen Elizabeth inspect balloon barrages (WW2)

Military recruitment efforts of Great Britain as it starts conscription in preparation for World War II. The Prime Minister of United Kingdom Neville Chamberlain at 10 Downing Street in London, England. London residents read posters and conscription advertisements on the sidewalk. Military conscription of youth between 20 and 21 for immediate military training. A crowd of young British recruits for the army leaves a building after joining military service. Closeup view of legs and feet of British troops marching. British troops march in the countryside. United Kingdom's King George VI and Queen Elizabeth arrive at a military station. They are accompanied by several military officers. The King and Queen inspect London's new barrage balloons, part of the defense against attack from the air. Two barrage balloons on display. The royal couple departs after the inspection.

Date: 1939, April 26
Duration: 1 min 5 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675057815
Battle of Britain scenes: German planes bomb British shipping lanes and London, and Winston Churchill inspects the ruined city

Scenes of German aerial blitzkrieg attacks in United Kingdom during World War 2. The battle of Britain begins on August 8, 1940: British ships underway at sea. German warplanes in flight. The German aircraft drop bombs on British shipping. Ships explode. Explosions and smoke rise. Anti aircraft guns are fired at German planes. German plane is shot down. Houses and buildings burn and dock yards in flame after German blitz begins in earnest on September 7, 1940. Scenes of devastation in London in the months September through November of 1940 as German day and night blitz raids continues. Ruins and damaged buildings, cathedrals, and homes. British school children are evacuated in buses to outlying areas and other countries. British boys and girls are seen waving goodbye, loading into buses, and the children are then seen in transit out of the city for their safety. Blitzkrieg bombing damage scenes in England are shown. Firemen douse fire with water hoses. View of fires in London from Luftwaffe Blitz. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill inspects the ruined city and talks with workers and firemen. Views of London residents, smiling and cheering with spirit of triumph over evil during World War II.

Date: 1940, August 8
Duration: 2 min 27 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675071886