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Louvain Belgium 1919 stock footage and images

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Coal barges and ships in New York City harbor during the winter

View of New York City harbor during the winter. Coal barges in harbor emit smoke. Ships are docked in icy water. Sign seen reads MG Starrett. Ship approaches New York City harbor. Front view of tug boat sailing in icy harbor of New York City.

Date: 1919, January
Duration: 1 min 55 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675078401
Fuel Administrator Harry Augustus Garfield and Senator Oscar Underwood smile and pose in America

Fuel Administrator Harry Augustus Garfield adjusts his bowler hat outside. Senator Oscar Underwood takes off his bowler hat. Senator Oscar Underwood smiles.

Date: 1919
Duration: 27 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675078402
Allied dignitaries arrive at the Palaces of Versailles for the Treaty of Versailles (WWI)

Statesmen arrive at the Palace of Versailles for the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, which ends the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers in World War 1. Dignitaries such as French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau arrive by car. World leaders and dignitaries walking on the palace grounds of Versailles. United States President Woodrow Wilson is seen in between Georges Clemenceau and Italian Prime Minister Francesco Savero Nitti as they walk to the Palace of Versailles. Delegates seated and talking to each other inside the Hall of Mirrors, where the treaty is signed. View of hand leafing through the Treaty of Versailles affixed with the official seals.

Date: 1919, June 28
Duration: 1 min 26 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675079170
Kaiserbaracke Crossroads, Tiger 222. Battle of the Bulge in World War II

Sdkfz 138-1 “Grille” self-propelled guns (Panzerkampfwagen) of 1 SS Pz Div support, attack towards Poteau road junction near St Vith on December 16th 1944, during World War 2. Fall of shot is adjusted by artillery radio crew. Cuts to road junction at Kaiserbaracke, Sdkfz 250 half tracks pass road sign, VW166 stops at sign before moving off. German PK photographer adjusts sign, removing 202 Ord Depot sign. Stoewer 1500a passes camera towing 12cm mortar, VW166 slows in front of camera. Tiger 222, carrying Fallschirmjager of FJR9 passes camera, followed by motorcyclist. Two officers stop to talk on road as other Sdkfz 251 half track passes. Cuts to two officers walking right to left past camera in front of stationary Sdkfz 250. A crew member stands in rear looking on. Cut to close of of VW166 Schwimwagen, driver smoking cigar, officer looks at map. Cut to Tiger 222 stopped outside Ligneuville. Paratroopers on rear deck share cigarettes with motorcyclist. They are armed with K98, MP44, British Sten gun, MG42. Cut to Gustav Knittel looking at map, they look around as U.S. aircraft fly overhead. Cut to Sdkfz 7 with 2cm gun on road, Kubelwagen passes destroyed U.S. 76mm AT gun.

Date: 1944, December 16
Duration: 3 min 38 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675054506
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