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Luxor Egypt 1950 stock footage and images

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The process of filling of the envelope of an airship with helium is explained in the United States.

From a U.S. Navy training film in the United States on working of airships. A diagram of an airship. The envelope of the airship consists of helium and air. The pressure of outside air becomes less when helium is filled in the envelope. As helium expands, air is released through air valves. In the same way, when the pressure of outside air increases, then helium is released. If proper pressure is not maintained, the airship can loose its shape. Animation shows the working and functions of the airship. The ascent of an airship. The process of the escape of gas is also explained.

Date: 1950
Duration: 2 min 9 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675077415
The design of a ZP2K airships is explained in the United States.

From a U.S. Navy training film in the United States on the working of airships. Specifications and designs of airships are explained. Fleet type airships are called ZP2K airships. Animation shows the design of an airship. Helium in the airship can lift 15 tons. A man aboard an aircraft carrier. Parts of an airship are explained.

Date: 1950
Duration: 1 min 52 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675077416
Preflight inspection and take off of an airship in the United States.

From a U.S. Navy training film in the United States on the working of airships. Operations of airships. A crew goes aboard and members take their stations. They check parts of the airship. A radioman checks electronic gear. A navigator prepares for a mission. An elevator man also checks his controls. A command pilot sits between a rudder man and the elevator man. Auto pilot is installed to take care of normal cruising conditions. The ship is undocked and brought into position for a take off. Men watch the airship. 'US Navy' written on the ship. Diagram depicts the functions of different parts of airship. The airship takes off.

Date: 1950
Duration: 3 min 27 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675077417
U.S. Navy training film about special flight conditions for airships

From a U.S. Navy training film "Special Conditions of Flight" on the working of airships. Special conditions of flight are explained. An airship in flight. High winds and snow create problems for flight. It also creates problems for ground handling of the airship. The airship lands. Ground crew rushes towards it. 'US Navy' written on the airship. Men at work. Special masts are erected on the ground to handle airships during bad flight conditions. A crew inside the airship. The airship in flight. An instrument panel. A rudder man at the controls of the airship. Guided by careful weather forecast, the airship's operations are conducted.

Date: 1950
Duration: 2 min 21 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675077418
An airship lands aboard an aircraft carrier for refueling in the Atlantic Ocean.

A U.S. Navy airship lands aboard the U.S. aircraft carrier USS Bennington (CV-20) underway in the Atlantic Ocean. A signal officer signals on the deck of the carrier. He gives landing signal. Advancing party men hold short lines and pass it on to short line party. Ground officer signals. Drag rope party steadies the tail of the airship as it lands. Crew members fasten the lines and when all lines are secured airship lands. Before take off ground officer signals. Short lines being let loose and it takes off. Another airship in flight in the background. In case of adverse weather an airship being refueled in mid air. A fuel hose being hoisted aboard the airship to be refueled without landing. An airship in flight over the deck of an aircraft carrier.

Date: 1950
Duration: 4 min 26 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675077419
USAF Aviation Cadets starting their day in the Pre-flight school at Lackland AFB

Opening is drawing of a tiger and film title: "A tiger is a man." closeup of USAF Aviation Cadet Colonel's shoulder board. Next he is seen from the back, as he speaks to an Air Force Officer. Sign reads: "Headquarters, USAF Preflight School, Lackland AFB." Cadets are seen in blue uniforms and white gloves., marching in area between their barracks. Views of barracks with glimpse of two cadets "marching tours" on a special path. An Air Force officer and several cadets on walkways between the barracks. Closeup of clock showing 4:30 (AM). View of cadets asleep in their bunks. Suddenly the lights go on, and they all rise. Closeup of cadets shaving., hurriedly. Another brushing his teeth. A cadet making his bed with tight military corners. One places his shoe partly under the bunk mattress to hold it while he shines it. Shoes being placed with care using a cardboard to assure the toes align perfectly. Cadets hurrying to a formation.

Date: 1950
Duration: 2 min 42 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675077919