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Lyon France 1944 stock footage and images

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U.S. army cameraman operates camera in U.S. 3rd Armored Observation Post in Mausbach, Germany during World War II.

U.S. soldiers in Mausbach, Germany during World War II. Cameraman with long lens on Eyemo shoots from U.S. 3rd Armored OP (Observation Post) in old factory building. Terrain as seen from OP. U.S. soldiers with radio in jeep. Ruined building used as observation post. Soldiers enter the building.

Date: 1944, November 18
Duration: 2 min 3 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675075051
U.S. infantrymen occupying a town in Germany, and riding a truck pulling field artillery.

U.S. infantrymen in a German town during World War II. U.S. troops and vehicles move along a cobblestone street. Group of German women stand in circle on sidewalk, not looking up. American soldiers standing about. U.S. infantrymen get into a truck which is towing a piece of field artillery through a forested area.

Date: 1944
Duration: 33 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675075052
U.S. infantrymen advance cautiously through a forest in Germany during World War II.

U.S. infantrymen in Germany during World War II. The infantrymen advance through a forest. Soldiers using mine detectors to search for mines in front of a German bunker. Deep forest of very large trees. The infantrymen move cautiously and take cover. A dead German soldier in woods. An abandoned German gun. U.S. infantrymen examine and maneuver the gun. They look at projectiles used with the gun. The soldiers search a house.

Date: 1944
Duration: 1 min 43 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675075053
U.S. infantrymen advance through Siegfried Line near Aachen in Germany during World War II.

U.S. infantrymen in Germany during World War II. Aerial view of road cut through forested area of Germany. Ground-level view of a battlefield through barbed wire. Artillery shell bursts in a field. Factories and smoke stacks in distance. A U.S. Sherman tank moves forward. U.S. infantrymen move and take cover among concrete antitank dragon's teeth of the German Siegfried Line. Views of the many antitank structures in the Siegfried Line.

Date: 1944
Duration: 42 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675075054
U.S. infantrymen use caterpillar tractor and TNT to destroy extensive fortifications in Germany.

U.S. infantrymen in Germany during World War II. The infantrymen outside extensive fortifications. Artillery is being fired in the background. A U.S. bulldozer pushes earth into openings of the fortifications. Soldiers place crates of TNT (Trinitrotoluene ) explosive into the openings. The fortifications are destroyed with mighty explosions. An American soldier examines the fortifications, afterwards.

Date: 1944
Duration: 1 min 13 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675075055
U.S. troops fire artillery guns at enemy positions on the front lines in Germany during World War II.

U.S. troops battle enemy in Germany during World War II. A convoy of U.S. trucks towing artillery and loaded with U.S. troops advance along a dirt road past a German village. An antiaircraft gun is mounted on one of the trucks. Gun crew on a half-track armored vehicle advances along the dirt road. They move up a mountain road and then negotiate rough terrain near a stream.. The trucks come to a halt in a clearing near forests, where they set up firing positions. Soldiers unload munitions and prepare guns. One of the guns has the name, "Buckaroo" painted on it. They load belts of 50 caliber machine gun ammunition into some of the guns. A Lieutenant stands looking at his wrist watch and then gives the command to fire. All the guns commence firing at high rates and continue firing into the night, when tracer rounds can be seen.

Date: 1944
Duration: 3 min 10 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675075056