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Main River Germany 1970 stock footage and images

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Scenes from NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) REFORGER II exercise in Germany.

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Reforger II (Return of Forces to Germany) exercise. Soldiers are seen in a small boat moving slowly along Main River in Germany. M60A1 Patton tanks cross floating mobile assault bridge over the river. Earth on riverbank in foreground has been recently worked over by construction equipment. Wooded mountain in the background. Armored Personnel Carriers (APC) and M-578 Tank retrievers cross bridge. M-578 Tank retriever tows an Armored Personnel Carrier. Men stand in the foreground.

Date: 1970, October 13
Duration: 2 min 45 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675054059
The Hangman's Bridge spans the Pegnitz river and Adolf Hitler Platz in Nuremberg,Germany.

Opening Slate states city is famous for the "Meistersinger" and as home of Hans Sachs and Albrecht Durer. Tourist destinations and architecture in Germany. Various buildings seen in Nuremberg such as the Imperial Castle of Nuremberg. The Hangman's Bridge (Henkersteg Henkersteg 90403 Nürnberg) spans the Pegnitz river. Trams and people on Karolinenstraße leading to Nuremberg’s Frauenkirche. Buildings in the background. Merchandisers in front of the Adolf Hitler Platz, now the Nuremberg Main Market (Hauptmarkt, 90403 Nürnberg, Germany). A wheel cart moves on a street.

Date: 1937
Duration: 1 min 50 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675055451
Former war correspondents tour Frankfurt, Germany five years after World War 2

A passenger airplane of the American Overseas Airlines in Frankfurt, Germany. It is on a multi-leg journey carrying 45 former War Correspondents back to Europe for celebrations commemorating the 5th anniversary of the D-Day Invasion of World War II. Views of Frankfurt from a moving vehicle, high atop a ridge, looking down at the city, and winery grape fields. Many Frankfurt buildings visible and the Main River running beside the city. Views of some buildings still destroyed from World War II, five years prior. Several African American U.S. Army soldiers beside cars greet the party of former war correspondents. The correspondents meet with a U.S. Army General -- possibly J. Lawton Collins or Thomas Handy. A correspondent looks out from a window at a war-damaged building in the background. A street car with the sign "Nied Hochst" arrives at a stop and civilians get into it. Exterior and interior views of the main train station, the Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof. Some cakes and pastries in a bakery. Correspondents meeting with a local Frankfurt official and his wife. Remains of a largely destroyed church, likely either Frankfurt Cathedral (Imperial Cathedral of Saint Bartholomew) (German: Kaiserdom Sankt Bartholomäus) or Katharinenkirche (the Church of St. Katherine). Views of the wrecked exterior and interior of the church. A West German flag draped over an interior balcony. Sign outside the church door indicates "Entrance to the Exhibition" (Eingang zur Ausstellung). A Germany girl selling trinkets at a market cart. German boys and girls in a market square and fair area, possibly Romerberg. Correspondents approach a booth selling cigars and cigarettes. More partially destroyed buildings in Frankfurt. Correspondents boarding a plane at Rhein Main Airbase. View of the airport terminal. Sign on a building reads 'Rhein Main Base Operations. Elev 358'. The correspondents boarding the American Overseas Airlines aircraft, and seated inside the aircraft. Aerial view of the German countryside below. Passengers sleep and relax aboard the airborne aircraft.

Date: 1949, June
Duration: 2 min 49 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675022072
German Chancellor Adolf Hitler re militarizes the Rhineland, Germany and denounces the Locarno Pact.

German Chancellor Adolf Hitler reoccupies the Rhineland and denounces the Locarno Pact in 1936. The signing of the Locarno Treaties in London, England in 1925. Officials arrive at the building where the Locarno Treaties are to be signed. Chancellor Hans Luther of Germany affixes his signature to the Locarno Treaty assuring peace to all the principal countries of Europe. At the head of the table in the center are Stanley Baldwin and Sir Austin Chamberlain, leaders of the British Delegation. German Chancellor Adolf Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles on 7th March 1936 by sending German military forces into the Rhineland, a demilitarized zone along the Rhine River in western Germany. German troops march over the Hohenzollern bridge in Cologne, Germany. The troops march along a road. Cologne Cathedral in the background. A German crowd cheers as the troops parade. Swastika banners hang from buildings. German troops parading in Dusseldorf. The troops on horseback and horse-carriages pass along narrow streets of Dusseldorf. Parading troops are cheered by a crowd in Frankfurt am Main. German troops parade in front of a building during a wreath laying ceremony followed by Chancellor Hitler and other Nazi officials. Newspaper headlines about Hitler denouncing the Locarno Pact. A government minister with press. French Prime Minister Albert Sarraut at a microphone reassures the security of France. Belgium soldiers march along a street.

Date: 1937
Duration: 2 min 50 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: French
Clip: 65675075154
Cologne Cathedral building and city scenes as seen from a spire in Cologne, Germany.

Tourist destinations and architecture in Germany. Gothic architecture of the Cologne Cathedral (Domkloster 4, 50667 Köln, Germany). The Cologne Cathedral main entrance shows 19th century statues. The façade of the Cologne Cathedral. City scenes from a spire. Vehicles and trams on a street. Buildings and monuments on either side of the street. The Deutzer suspension bridge on the river Rhine in the background.

Date: 1937
Duration: 1 min 57 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675055445
Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, UK Prime Minister Clement Attlee and U.S. President Harry Truman attend the Potsdam Conference.

The Potsdam Conference in Germany towards the end of World War II. U.S. President Harry Truman joins Supreme Allied Commander Dwight Eisenhower in a review of American troops in Frankfurt am Main city along the Main River in Germany. Exterior of the Cecilienhof in Potsdam. The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Clement Attlee and his Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin return to the Potsdam Conference. Soviet Communist Party General Secretary Joseph Stalin, Attlee, Truman and others seated around a round table.

Date: 1945, August 2
Duration: 1 min 19 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675061127