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Maine United States USA 1956 stock footage and images

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A cable car climbs a hill and traffic moves over Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California.

A cable car moves up a hilly street in San Francisco, California. Cars and other vehicles travel over the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California.

Date: 1975
Duration: 14 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675048724
German Commercial merchant submarine Deutschland, departing New London, Connecticut following repairs from tugboat collision

Following repairs after it rammed the tugboat T.A. Scott Jr on November 16, the German merchant submarine "Deutschland" departs New London Connecticut, carrying silver bullion, for the voyage back to Germany, on November 21, 1916. At this time, it was a North German Lloyd Shipping Company merchant submarine evading the Entente Powers naval blockade of shipping lanes.

Date: 1916, November 21
Duration: 50 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675048732
Hollywood movie stars Sessue Hayakawa and Mary Pickford promote Liberty bonds in Hollywood, California, on October 5 and September 29, 1918.

Clip includes scenes from two different events, one week apart. First scenes are from October 5, 1918. Large crowd gathered in Los Angeles California a stage with a mock tank in Central Park, during the Fourth Liberty Loan Drive in World War I. A banner reads "Buy bonds from Sessue Hayakawa" on a podium. Two little girls dressed in traditional Japanese attire kimono, seen on the podium. Japanese American movie star Sessue Hayakawa speaks through a megaphone to sell Liberty bonds during World War I. The next scene, from one week earlier on September 29, 1918, shows Hollywood actress Mary Pickford working the crowd and selling war bonds as she addresses the large gathering through a megaphone during the Fourth Liberty Loan campaign opening event in Los Angeles. Next Mary Pickford is seen seated on the stage. Shots of the crowd are seen. Next scene returns to the event on October 5, 1918. Sessue Hayakawa is speaking to the crowd, and the two Japanese girls on the stage are joined by another little girl, Hollywood child actor Mary Jane Irving. A man asks Mary Jane Irving to speak to the crowd, and she does. Sessue Hayakawa speaks again. Hollywood star Louise Fazenda stands in front a sales report board with a note pad writing down pledges. (Additional information from the Los Angeles Times, October 6, 1918: "Yesterday afternoon a big crowd turned out to greet Sessue Hayakawa and members of his company, including two bright little Japanese girls who shouted through megaphones, "Please buy a bond." Mary Jane Irving, an American sister in art, was on deck with the same message, which appealed mightily to the folks on the ground. Hayakawa made a stirring appeal for the sale of bonds. He said that although his color is different, and his features not the same as ours, he was 100 per cent American and then to prove it he bought $10,000 worth of bonds.")

Date: 1918, October 5
Duration: 2 min 48 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675048754
Huge Model of battleship is focus of Victory Loan Drive in Manhattan, New York City

A 250 foot model of a battleship is center of attention for Navy recruitment and Victory loan Drive, in Union Square, New york City. Women Navy Yeomen (F) of the U.S. Navy Reserve, line the decks of the "ship." People are walking around the ship during the entire time. The women yeomen wave to the crowd. A large sign above reads: "Men wanted for U.S. Navy, apply here." Sign on the stern reads: "Speed the Navy's Victory Loan Ship to victory..." and advertises a Victory Loan Show, to be held April 21, 1919. On the ship's top deck, a yeoman(F) types at a telegraph machine,as another turns a cros-shaped signal. Several yeomen (F) pose on the deck, nearby. View from the ground of Photographers on the stern deck taking pictures of the assembled women yeoman. Scene shifts to aboard the ship, where the Yeomen (F) stand in formation in a double row around the foredeck. Facimile guns are seen. The yeomen salute two Naval officers, in unison. Panning closeup of the yeomen and the ship's guns. The yeomen adjust their formation with eyes right. They execute close order motions at the direction of a Naval officer. Another officer carries a Yeoman recruiting poster to the foredeck. The yeomen continue their maneuvers and then are dismissed from formation. Several are given brooms and put on a show of sweeping the foredeck. Sailors are packed into a smaller boat nearby with a sign reading: "Buy Liberty Bonds at this Battleship."

Date: 1919, April
Duration: 3 min 39 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675048788
U.S. Sailors sign up double their subscriptions during Victory loan drive in New York City

A U.S. Navy Ensign, enlists sailors to increase their allotments for Victory bonds. Sailors are assembled at a Navy Supply Depot, in New York City. Ensign A D Leveridge calls for volunteers to double their subscriptions during a Victory Bond Drive. They volunteer, en masse. Next, they are seen at the Altar of Liberty, on Fifth Avenue and Madison Square, where Lieutenant Commander WD Loveridge and other U.S. Naval officers and women volunteers process their requests. LCDR Loveridge and Ensign Leveridge, converse in front of the group of sailors. Scene shifts back to the Supply Depot, where sailors stand in formation. a woman Yeoman (F) delivers a report about the bond subscriptions to Ensign Leveridge, who salutes and presents it to LCDR Loveridge. He and the Yeoman (F) present it to a Navy Commander, who reads and returns it. The ensign and Yeoman depart as LCDR Loveridge stands before the formation.

Date: 1919
Duration: 1 min 43 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675048789
Liberty Loan Drive in New York City during World War I

Fourth Liberty Loan Drive activities in New York City during World War 1. Crowd lines sidewalks to watch as a New York City Policemen's brass band leads a parade along an avenue. A sign on building, above the spectators reads: "Buy Bonds to Arm Armies." A color guard of policemen follows the band, and behind them, a group of mounted policemen moving two-by-two, ahead of a formation of policemen. Scene changes to a street filled with people. Some hold flags and signs. A crowd hangs the Kaiser in effigy outside the Woolworth Building, at 233 Broadway ( between Park Place and Barclay Street in Lower Manhattan, opposite City Hall). Sign on the building reads: "Fight Buy Bonds." Above, a dozen business men watch the events from the window of the Irving National Bank. Gate of the first floor Rathskeller is seen at sidewalk level. Soon, another effigy of the Kaiser is seen swinging from a rope. Both dangle from the third floor of the Woolworth Building. Scene changes to a brass band playing in the street. Workmen are seen on the marquee of a building being renovated. A sailor stands in their midst giving a speech. The workmen applaud. The sailor gives an impassioned call for those below to buy Liberty Bonds. (World War I; World War 1; WWI; WW1)

Date: 1918, October
Duration: 2 min 13 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675048790