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Malaya 1945 stock footage and images

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United States Generals Dwight Eisenhower, Omar Bradley, George S. Patton and Manton Eddy, inspect Ohrdruf Concentration Camp with the 4th Armored Division and concentration camp survivors, German civilians forced to tour camp during WW2

Survivors show United States soldiers around Ohrdruf Concentration Camp, part of the Buchenwald Concentration Camp network in Thuringia, Germany, after its liberation during World War 2. A group of concentration camp survivors talk to a United States soldier. A concentration camp survivor talks, behind him a fellow survivor smokes a cigarette. United States Generals Dwight Eisenhower, Omar Bradley, George S. Patton and Manton Eddy, inspect Ohrdruf Concentration Camp with the 4th Armored Division and concentration camp survivors. Surviving inmates show the concentration camp whipping post to United States army and Generals Eisenhower, Patton, Bradley and Eddy. A United States soldier takes pictures of the whipping post to collect war crime evidence. Generals Eisenhower, Patton, Bradley and Eddy walk ahead of American soldiers in Ohrdruf Concentration Camp. A woodshed containing piles of lime-covered bodies. Close view of bodies, starved with some riddled with bullets. View of George Patton, disgusted from the pile of dead bodies, as he inspects the woodshed a few feet away. General Dwight Eisenhower speaks with General Manton Eddy (center) and another United States General. Former inmates demonstrate to the United States Army how the Nazis torture them using a rack. United States Army and generals find fresh corpses of prisoners, gunned by Nazis shortly before the United States Army captured Ohrdruf. Corpse lying face down, with anal area covered in blood. General Dwight Eisenhower and other generals inspect the crude woodland crematory made out of railway tracks by the Nazis to dispose dead prisoners. Charred bodies and skeletons of inmates are on grill. General Dwight Eisenhower and General Omar Bradley inspect the crematory. United States Army trucks arrive in Ohrdruf Concentration Camp with German civilians. German civilians, with some are prominent Nazi Party members, are led by the United States soldiers on a forced tour of the concentration camp. A German medical major, tasked to accompany the German civilians during tour, stands next to jeep with red cross flag. Colonel Hayden Sears speaks to German civilians and American soldiers. United States general speaks to German medical officer. German civilians are led to courtyard of the camp, where there are 30 fresh corpses of prisoners who were killed shortly before the camp’s liberation. United States soldiers lead a group of former slave labor bosses to join their tour. United States soldiers show the German civilians the woodshed containing piles of quicklime-covered bodies. German civilians enter the woodshed upon insistence of Colonel Hayden Sears. German civilians walk away, some covering their noses with handkerchief, from the woodshed. Nazi slave labor bosses enter the woodshed upon insistence by United States Army. German medical officer and slave labor bosses leave the woodshed. German civilians and slave labor bosses tour the camp with United States Army. A German slave labor boss denies his knowledge about the atrocities against the prisoners. German civilians are made to see the charred remains of prisoners in crude woodland crematory. A United States soldier reads to German civilians and officers a list of atrocities committed against prisoners in the Ohrdruf Concentration Camp. Charred remains of a prisoner. German civilians listen to United States soldier.

Date: 1945, April 12
Duration: 5 min 59 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675078478
United States soldier examines emaciated patients, gravediggers exhume corpses in Hadamar Euthanasia Center yard, US Major Bulker performs autopsy, US soldiers interrogate chief administrator and nurse of Hadamar Clinic in Germany during WW2

United States Army jeep arrives in Hadamar Clinic (also known as Hadamar Euthanasia Center), a Nazi institution seized by First Army troops in Germany during World War II. Flag of United States drapes over the front of the Hadamar Euthanasia Center after being seized by the Americans. The locals referred to the building as the "house of shutters." United States soldiers get out of jeep and enter the building. United States soldier walks through ward and talks to a patient in bed. Patient in bed talks to United States soldier. United States soldier inspects the rib area of an emaciated, bald male patient. Soldier uncovers the bedsheet of patient and touches patient’s skeletal legs. Bald patient in hospital bed. Soldier sees a patient sitting on bed. Soldier inspects emaciated, shirtless patient. Gravediggers with gas masks exhume corpses from graveyard attached to the Nazi institution. Gravediggers digging for corpses. Gravedigger drags an emaciated, naked corpse out of the soil. A gravedigger unearths a corpse. Gravediggers drag a corpse by her limbs from the earth. Gravediggers pull out a naked corpse. Gravediggers line up corpses for later inspection by WCIT (War Crimes Investigation Team) officials. Major Bulker performs an autopsy of the corpses found in the Hadamar Euthanasia Center graveyard. One soldier takes notes, and another soldier takes photographs of the autopsy. Soldier taking notes while smoking a pipe. United States soldiers interrogating Hadamar Euthanasia Center Chief Administrator, Alfons Klein, and male nurse, Karl Willig. Soldier shows bottle of morphine, used by nurses to euthanize patients. Alfons Klein and Karl Willig leaves the interrogation room.

Date: 1945, April
Duration: 4 min 30 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675078479
Lord Louis Mountbatten presents medals to Indian and British soldiers of the 5th Indian Division, Indian bagpipe band plays during ceremony in Assam India during WW2

Lord Louis Mountbatten, the Supreme Allied Commander of South East Asia, presents medals to 5th Indian Division soldiers at their camp in Assam, India during World War 2. Lord Louis Mountbatten presents medal to Indian, Sikh and British soldiers individually. 5th Indian Division soldiers stand in formation. Lord Louis Mountbatten addresses British soldier standing in formation. British soldiers in formation, wearing the British Army Jungle Slouch hats. Lord Louis Mountbatten addresses Indian soldiers standing in formation. Lord Louis Mountbatten presents medal to British soldier wearing a Jungle Slouch hat. Soldier takes his turn after his comrade has been presented with a medal. Bagpipe band composed of Indian soldiers plays at the ceremony. Indian soldiers standing in formation, holding their guns, as Lord Louis Mountbatten inspects the army. Flag of the United Kingdom. 5th Indian Division soldiers in formation.

Date: 1945, March 9
Duration: 4 min 14 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675078480
United States Army M-4 Sherman tanks move across field toward Worms, Germany during WW2

United States Army M-4 tanks, carrying United States troops, roll across open field toward Worms, Germany during World War 2. Closer view of United States Army M-4 tank moving across field toward Worms, Germany.

Date: 1945, March 20
Duration: 43 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675078481
U.S. Army Sherman M-4 tanks move along road, U.S. infantry engage in battle in a German town, white flags and prisoners of war.

United States Army M-4 Sherman tanks, carrying United States troops, roll along road toward Worms, Germany during World War 2. United States infantry soldiers engage in battle in a German town. United States infantrymen lead German prisoners of war out of building to the street. A United States M-4 Sherman tank rolls through town as infantrymen follow. German civilians on the street. White flags draped from windows of German houses as sign of surrender. United States M-4 Sherman tanks, carrying United States soldiers, roll through roadblock. German prisoners, with their hands in their heads, march out of town in a long POW line.

Date: 1945, March 20
Duration: 1 min 59 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675078482
United States Army M-4 Sherman tanks and armored vehicles pass by destroyed vehicles, a dead soldier and horse with destroyed wagon in Germany during WWII

United States Army M-4 Sherman tanks and armored vehicles pass by burning vehicles and destroyed equipment belonging to the German Army on the way to Worms, Germany during World War 2. Tanks pass by a wrecked wagon on the road. Closer view of the destroyed wagon. A dead driver and a dead horse with wagon.

Date: 1945, March 20
Duration: 55 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675078483