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Mariana Islands 1944 stock footage and images

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Test firing of V-2 (also known as A4) rocket by German forces in Peenemunde, Germany during World War 2.

German A-4 ballistic missile being test fired in Peenemunde, Germany during World War II. Missile on a launch pad ready for launch. Smoke emits from its tail section at night. Missile lifts off as it emits fiery flare.

Date: 1944
Duration: 1 min 7 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675077659
Launch preparation, ignition, and lift off of V-2 (A4) missile during a test firing in Peenemunde, Germany during World War 2.

German A-4 ballistic missile being test fired in Peenemunde, Germany during World War II. Missile on a launch pad ready for launch. Smoke emits from its tail section. Missile lifts off as it emits a fiery flare. Missile in flight. Missile descends as it emits vapor trails.

Date: 1944
Duration: 53 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675077660
Test firing of a German military V-2 rocket (A4 missile) from Peenemunde rocket test facility in Germany during World War 2.

German A-4 Missile (also termed V-2 rocket) on a launch pad ready for launch from Peenemunde rocket research and test center during World War 2. Puff of smoke rises from rocket tail and rocket / missile lifts off, fire emits from tail. Missile in flight. Missile descends. Gauge in lower right of image depicts measurements while rocket is in flight..

Date: 1944
Duration: 1 min 43 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: None
Clip: 65675077661
German A-4 missile lifts off as a gauage shows a reading during a test firing in Peenemunde, Germany during World War II.

German A-4 ballistic missile being test fired in Peenemunde, Germany during World War II. Missile on a launch pad ready for launch. Puff of smoke rises from its tail section. A gauge shows a reading. Missile lifts off as it emits a fiery flare. Missile in flight.

Date: 1944
Duration: 36 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: None
Clip: 65675077662
Ignition and liftoff of German A4 (V-2) rocket during testing operations by German forces in Peenemunde Germany; World War 2.

German A-4 ballistic missile being test fired in Peenemunde, Germany during World War II. Missile on a launch pad near a launch tower. Puff of smoke rises from its tail section. Missile lifts off as it emits a fiery flare. Missile in flight as a column of smoke rises.

Date: 1944
Duration: 39 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675077663
Lift off and descent of German A-4 missile (V-2 rocket) in World War 2 during German military testing at Peenemunde, Germany

German A-4 ballistic missile being test fired in Peenemunde, Germany during World War II. Missile on a launch pad. Puff of smoke rises from its tail section. Missile lifts off as it emits a fiery flare. Missile in flight as a column of smoke rises. A gauge shows a reading, visible in the lower right corner of the image throughout the test duration. Missile descends leaving behind a vapor trail.

Date: 1944
Duration: 1 min 33 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: None
Clip: 65675077664