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Marseille France 1944 stock footage and images

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Liberation of Southern France from Germany, Paris, France (WW2)

Animated map shows France, Germany, and England during World War II. An arrow points to Marseilles. Paratroopers of Airborne Infantry prepare to jump from flying aircraft. Parachutes on paratroopers descending from aircraft. Allied amphibious ships land on the coast of the French Riviera. Barrage balloons are seen. View of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. French Forces of the Interior (FFI) waves the French flag in Paris. Free French troops and guerrilla men and women stand at attention. View of Rue de Rivoli and the Louvre Museum. French forces engage with German troops in street fighting. A French guerrilla shoots a German soldier. M4 Sherman tanks, trucks and other vehicles moving in the streets of Paris. A French man throws a grenade out from his window. A German soldier on fire escapes from burning vehicle. A French couple seizes weapons from an unconscious German soldier. French civilians with rifles sit behind sandbags. French Second Armored Division moving towards Paris. French civilians welcome the arrival of the French Second Armored Division at Montmartre. Marshal Philippe Leclerc de Hauteclocque talking to another soldier. A tank in front of a fence written with “Bois Charbons” (“Charcoal”). French Second Armored Division and German forces engage in street fighting. A woman grabs her son, taking him inside their house. French men watching the street fighting. French Second Armored Division M4 Sherman tank firing on the street. A machine gun of the French Second Armored Division. Thick smoke from a building. German soldier with white flag. German troops captured in Place de la Concorde. German troops raise their hands while being searched. Civilians cheer and hug each other. A soldier receives kisses from women. General Charles de Gaulle enters the city. A sign reads 'Avenue des Champs Elysees'. People buying newspapers on street. Children play in liberated France. Men and women singing the La Marseillaise is heard from the background. (World War II period).

Date: 1944
Duration: 5 min 20 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675041994
7th U.S. Army soldiers fire at German positions and French civilians greet U.S. troops in France during World War II.

U.S. troops in cities in France during World War II. Equipment on docks in Naples. A few dirigibles in flight over the dock. Several aircraft in flight. Paratroops of U.S. 7th Army coming down over Southern France. The soldiers advancing and firing. Smoke and flames rise from explosions. The soldiers on tanks advancing and firing. German prisoners being led by U.S. troops. The prisoners walking in columns on a path. The civilians of Marseilles on the streets welcome U.S. troops. U.S. troops marching on the streets. People waving to the troops. A large crowd gathered on the streets waving to the tanks moving past on the streets. Prisoners with their hands behind their heads are led. German soldiers in Lyon firing at U.S. troops entering the city. A hospital building catches fire. Patients being evacuated on stretchers from the building. U.S. troops on trucks moving along a road. People shaking hands with soldiers on trucks. View of the crowd on the streets.

Date: 1944, October 9
Duration: 3 min 46 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675066381
American troops welcomed in France, but suffer casualties when Germans counterattack in December 1944.

American troops welcomed in village, by Nuns and children, and in Paris, France, in August, 1944. December 16, 1944, German counterattack causes American casualties. Dead and wounded shown being picked up on stretchers. American troops advancing across fields.Tanks and burning buildings. Americans fight in streets of town and from trenches, with snow on ground. Chaplain prays over body of fallen American soldier. More views of U.S. wounded on stretchers. German officers led by General Manteuffel planning actions. German home front civilian guards (Volkssturm national militia) seen on parade. German Tiger II tanks of s.Pz.Abt.503 parade in a training area. German SS troops advance during the Battle of the Bulge. German "buzz bomb" shown in flight. Smoke rises from buzz bomb strike on town. (World War II period).

Date: 1944
Duration: 3 min 44 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675041930
German U-Boat U-967 returns to Port at Toulon, France, after a patrol in May 1944, during World War II.

Opening scene shows the German submarine U-967 returning to Port after a patrol in the Western Mediterranean, in May, 1944, during World War 2. The boat's Captain, Kapitanleutnant Albrecht Brandi is seen in the conning tower, wearing a white cap. Glimpse of the U-boats emblem, a four-leaf Clover superimposed over the numeral 7, is seen on the side of the boat. Closeup of Captain Brandi wearing his Knights Cross with Oak Leaves and swords (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub und Schwertern) awarded during this latest Patrol (in which they torpedoed the U.S. Destroyer, USS Fechteler, on May 5, 1944). Extreme closeup of Brandi. Closeups of several of his officer crewmen. Scene shifts to a pier at the German occupied Naval Base in Toulon, France, Where Kapitanleutnant Brandi receives a large bouquet of flowers and a congratulatory hug and kiss from a young woman. Closeup of Brandi holding the bouquet and smiling.

Date: 1944, May
Duration: 21 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: German
Clip: 65675078933
Britain, France, and Israel attack Egypt following nationalization of the Suez Canal.

Egyptian nationalization of the Suez Canal leads to war as Israel attacks Egypt, and France and Britain embark troops for transport to a joint staging area at the island of Cyprus. View of commercial ships in the Suez canal. Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser. in discussion with officials. French troops embarking a transport ship in the port of Marseille, France. Brief glimpse of their destination port at Cyprus. British troops boarding airliners to take them to Cyprus where they will reinforce the existing British garrison. British and French carriers and warships assembling in the Eastern Mediterranean sea. A flight of four British Hawker Hunter jet fighter-bombers are seen flying in formation. Closeup of one inflight, with rockets mounted beneath its wings. Closeup of a rocket under its right wing. Scene shifts to another Hawker Hunter armed differently. It displays four outer wing rocket rails on each wing, carrying three rockets each. Auxiliary fuel tanks are installed on pylons under each wing. View of the White House in Washington DC. Inside, United States President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles discuss the Suez situation. Next, speaking at a press conference, President Eisenhower states , "the United States was not consulted in any way about any phase of these actions, nor were we informed about them in advance." He asserts America's intent not to become involved and to bring the matter before the UN General Assembly where their is no threat of a veto. He states his intent to "keep in contact with Congressional leaders of both parties," and expresses hope that the United Nations can bring an end to this "tormenting problem." View of the United Nations General Assembly building in New York City. Inside U.S. Secretary of State, Dulles, is seen seated next to America's UN ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. Glimpse of the General assembly with all delegates seated.

Date: 1956, November 1
Duration: 2 min 39 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675036656
The first American military cemetery at Colleville-sur-Mer, France, established on June 8, 1944, in World War II

View from a 4-engine airplane in flight over altocumulus clouds. Setting sun creates pink colors. Scene changes abruptly to views, inland from Omaha Beach, at Colleville-sur-Mer, France, of the temporary military battlefield cemetery established by the U.S. First Army, on June 8, 1944, right after the Allied invasion of Normandy, in World War 2. Simple wooden crosses mark the graves of the fallen Americans, each identified by one of their dog tags fastened to the marker.

Date: 1944
Duration: 19 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675020920