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Matinique 1931 stock footage and images

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Increase in egg production in Berlin.

Scenes of local poultry farm at Berlin. Machines for grading, weighing and crafting eggs are synchronized to speed up incubation and hatching. Production carried on 24 hours on scientific basis. 23 March 1931.

Date: 1931, March 23
Duration: 1 min 3 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: None
Clip: 65675023633
Gar Wood speedboat record at Miami Beach Florida.

Garfield Arthur Wood sets a new speedboat record of 102 miles per hour at Miami Beach Florida. Scenes of how Garfield Wood sets the record with Miss America IX. 23 March 1931.

Date: 1931, March 23
Duration: 1 min 35 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: None
Clip: 65675023634
Fast steppers perform in a musical comedy at Northwestern University, Chicago.

Fast steppers feature in a musical comedy at Northwestern University, Chicago. Dancers perform on stage. 1931.

Date: 1931
Duration: 1 min 41 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: None
Clip: 65675023635
German rocket developments during 1930s

A man holds two rockets. The one shown on the left with the white nose is a double rocket. (These were demonstrated for the Navy at Meppen.) Flag flying over a cabin (named "Arenshorst," by Reinhard Tiling) as rocket firing trials get underway on the island of Wangerooge in the North Sea,during December 1930. Reinhard Tiling emergea from the cabin, carrying a long slender rocket . His assistant Angela Buddenboehmer, and another man (possibly Richard Tiling) follow him across the sand dunes. Two photographers are present and several other men. Tiling inserts the rocket into a launch frame already set up. The team elevates the launcher and Tiling makes some adjustment. At a signal from Tiling, Angela Buddenboehmer pushes a plunger on the ignition control box and the rocket fires and rises. Reinhard Tiling, Buddenboehmer, and Richard Tiling watch it in the sky. Several more launches are shown. Pictures of rocket projectile missiles being launched at Dummersee on April 15, 1931, and of larger missiles at later times.

Date: 1931
Duration: 3 min 22 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: German
Clip: 65675024391
Montage of pictures concerning the German Pietsch-Heylandt rocket car.

Manufacturing scenes of the liquid fueled Pietsch-Heylandt rocket car. Framework showing internal fuel tanks. A man sitting in the framework, manipulating a fuel valve on the floor. The car's rocket engine being fired up and the framework car moving along pavement, outside the factory, in May, 1931 A completed car with "Heylandt" painted on its side, moving along pavement, with two men inside. Rocket exhaust visible at rear. They test drive the car around in a town. Rocket car being refueled for demonstrations at the Tempelhof airdrome, in Berlin.

Date: 1931
Duration: 2 min 1 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: German
Clip: 65675024400
Johannes Winkler and the first test of a liquid fuel rocket, in Europe

Views of Johannes Winkler's first prototype (HW1-A) liquid fuel rocket. Preparations in the field for testing the HW1A. Views of Winkler and associates setting up and fueling the prototype. Photographs of The first test of a liquid fuel rocket (Winkler's HW1-A)in Europe, on February 21, 1931, in Dessau, Germany. Sketches of his model HW1-C. Photograph of Winkler sitting next to the HW1-c, on a bench in the laboratory. A so-called Shear diagram pertaining to stresses experienced by the HW1-C rocket.

Date: 1931, February 21
Duration: 1 min 44 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: German
Clip: 65675024403