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Mexico 1942 stock footage and images

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A 1942-1943 film report to the American public about the progress of World War II in Europe and the Pacific.

Opening slate at start of film reads: "1942--1943 The Turn of the Tide." A column of British armor enters Bengazi, Libya, led by several troops in tankettes. Next seen are a Lee Medium Tank, M3 followed by an infantry tank, a jeep, another infantry tank and another Lee M3 Medium tank. Closeup of local people greeting the troops with upraised hands giving the "V" for victory sign. Another Lee M3 tank passes close by the camera. Black smoke is rising in the background. Scene changes to a half sunken ship near another burning in the harbor. Another view of this from further away above port buildings. Closeup of three smiling British soldiers leaning over a cartoon on a tank, of Winston Churchill (As a bulldog smoking a cigar and wearing a cap with the word "Victory" written on it). A crumpled captured flag with swastika on it. British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery stands atop a vehicle (unseen) and looks through binoculars. Below, a column of British supply vehicles is making its way along a path in the desert. Two tanks coming toward the camera through sand. Animated map shows Nazi territory being threatened by the Allies from the Mediterranean, the USSR, and the English Channel. Views of Soviet infantry advancing against German forces in the snow of winter on the eastern front. Soviet troops firing updated 76-mm divisional gun model 1902 hidden in woods. Shells exploding in snow-covered field as Soviet BT series tanks advance. Various Soviet artillery firing from fixed gun batteries and from woods. A shell striking in distance. Fallen German soldiers lying on snowy field. Makeshift battlefield crosses marking graves of fallen German soldiers. German steel helmets lined up in the snow. A sign, posted on a birch tree, lists the names and birth dates of 16 German soldiers from the 3rd Panzer Division (3Pz-Pi-BH.39) buried at this site on November 28, 1941. Scene shifts to Joseph Stalin addressing Soviet troops in Red Square, Moscow, Russia. All the soldiers in formation seem to be singing (unheard). Film switches to animated map again. This time delineating the Eastern front being pressed by the USSR, and showing area of the 2nd Soviet winter offensive in 1943. Change of scene from Europe to the War in Asia, against Japan, shows General Douglas MacArthur after arriving by a B-17 bomber at a Pacific island American base. He ascends a steep hill in a jungle area, accompanied by other officers. Closeup of MacArthur. American infantry moving in single file in New Guinea, as a field piece fires a round in the direction they are headed. U.S. artillerymen load shells into a 105mm howitzer gun. A fire burns as moping up begins on New Guinea. An Australian soldier is seen firing a Bren gun in jungles. Other Australian soldiers fire a mortar that explodes, raising earth and dust. More views of shells exploding near Allied soldier advancing. A soldier with fixed bayonet makes a fake charge toward the camera. Views of Japanese prisoners of war guarded in an outdoor compound. Japanese dead soldiers on Guadalcanal. An animated map shows new battle lines in the Pacific, closing in on Japan, with pressure from China, the USSR, and the Pacific islands being captured by the U.S. Arrows are added showing new pressure from American naval fleets and from British and American bombers out of Australia and captured islands.

Date: 1943
Duration: 3 min 20 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675027920
The story of AFN ( American Forces Network) Radio. Founding announced in 1942. First broadcast in 1943; growth in 1944.

U.S. Army soldier reads newspaper while listening to radio. Soldiers doing their respective chores, listen to AFN (American Forces Network) Radio. General Marshall and General Eisenhower announce the creation of AFN, in 1942. July 4, 1943, the first broadcast of AFN. General Eisenhower mingling with paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division, on the eve of D-day. U.S. B-26 aircraft in flight. United States soldiers aboard landing craft and wading ashore at Normandy, France, on D-day, June 6, 1944. Soldiers tuning radios in the field. United States Sherman tanks and infantry move along country road in France. Audio includes portions from AFN broadcasts, including an announcer saying "You are listening to AFN Paris. This is the American Forces Network, on the road to Berlin." Road sign points to St. Lo. Group of U.S. soldiers gathered around a jeep with a radio, listening to AFN, in Germany. (World War II period).

Date: 1943
Duration: 3 min 12 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675043015
Scenes, from 1942 Japanese movie, about attack on Pearl Harbor in World War II

Scenes from the Japanese movie "The War at Sea From Hawaii to Malaya" made in 1942, during World War 2. These sequences purport to present the Pearl Harbor attack from the Japanese point of view. Movie depicts torpedo launched from midget submarine. Mountains in the background. The torpedo hits USS Arizona. Smoke arises from explosions. Submarine rises to the water surface. Burning battleships and naval installations in the background. Young Japanese officer looking at blazing battleship through binoculars. USS Arizona buckling amidships from torpedo explosion. Nighttime scene of Pearl Harbor after the Japanese attack. Interior of the submarine. Officer sending Morse code signal. Communication room aboard Japanese ship. Number of radioman in the room, conversing amongst themselves.

Date: 1941, December 7
Duration: 5 min 34 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Japanese
Clip: 65675061872
Major Tisdell talks about American surrender to the Japanese in 1942 during trial of General Hommal in Manila, Phillipines.

U.S. Army Major Achille C. Tisdell testifies before a military tribunal in Manila, Philippines during the trial of Japanese Army General Masaharu Homma for World War II crimes. Major Tisdell, aide-de-camp to Commanding General of the American forces in Luzon Major General Edward King, says that Colonel William and Major Marshall went in a jeep to contact the Japanese forces. They met the forces at a bridge. Japanese infantry elements led them to head quarters. Tisdell says that a Japanese Major General kept Colonel Williams as a hostage allowing Major Marshal to return to the American headquarters. After his return on April 9, 1942 General Edward King assembled some officers.

Date: 1946, January 21
Duration: 2 min 31 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: English
Clip: 65675077905
Scenes of Baghdad and environs, Iraq, circa 1942

Several cars drive past a traffic policeman, standing under a large umbrella in a circular post at the center of a road, in Baghdad, Iraq. He signals as cars pass. Workers construct new buildings in a housing development. Workers mix mortar that women carry in containers on their heads, to masons working on the buildings. A man drawing water from a river, by means of a "Sanya," a pulley arrangement using self-emptying leather bags (called dalw) hauled by donkeys walking up and down a small hill.

Date: 1942
Duration: 1 min 9 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675022192
Streets with cars and pedestrians and a military truck in Honolulu, Hawaii, during World War II, 1942

Streets with cars and pedestrians and a military truck in Honolulu, Hawaii, early in World War 2. A model 'T' Ford car drives on the road. Sign over a shop idenfifies "Poi Factory." Pedestrians walk on sidewalks. A military ambulance on the road. Houses and buildings on roadside.

Date: 1942
Duration: 1 min 38 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675037187