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Montana United States USA 1921 stock footage and images

- Showing 34519 to 34524 of 34587 results
Launching of Atlas D intercontinental ballistic missile from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California.

Coverage of missile squadron training at Vandenberg AFB, California. Staff car driving to Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star airplane on flight line. Two colonels getting out and talking. T-33 (with SAC riband) taking off. Colonel in staff car. Car comes to halt. Driver opens the door of car. Atlas D with Mk II and Mod II nose cone erect in coffin shelter. Atlas assembly line in factory with workers at work. View of Atlas during engine ignition, lift-off and climb. View of launch control building. Airmen working on Atlas instrumentation pod. Airmen studying target maps, then airmen inserting cards in sorter to obtain target data.

Date: 1968, May 8
Duration: 7 min 52 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675053319
Launch control crew of Atlas D intercontinental ballistic missile at stations in blockhouse in Vandenberg AFB, California.

Coverage of missile squadron training at Vandenberg AFB, California. Aerial view of missile base construction. Missile base during construction. Earthmover operating. Truck passing on highway. Maintenance building at base. Civilian and USAF base activation crew looking at drawings. Aerial view of Atlas complex. Three Atlas missiles in launch position at operational site. Maintenance building. Coffin shelter as seen through flame bucket door. Atlas D in coffin. Launch control crew at stations in blockhouse. Status panel in room. Atlas being erected in coffin shelter. Atlas lift-off. Radome and telemetry tracker. Views of control console during early stages of flight, shows radar meter, vernier cut off switch, guidance complete light, and airman at control console. Aerial view of building at Vandenberg AFB. Shrouded Atlas on trailer truck. Atlas missiles in maintenance building during checkout.

Date: 1968, May 8
Duration: 5 min 43 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675053320
Monkeys take off in helium balloons from beach with a monkey on a trailing rope in mid air, in Venice Beach California.

Monkeys launched in helium balloons during stunt at Venice Beach, California. Four helium balloons at Venice Beach, preparing to take off. Santa Monica pier visible in background. A clothed monkey getting into a balloon basket. Two monkeys beside a balloon on which the U.S. flag is displayed. Two monkeys beside another balloon on which the British flag is displayed. French flag also seen. Two balloons take off with monkeys inside. Another balloon takes off and a monkey climbs on the trailing anchor rope in midair into the basket of the balloon. The helium balloons with monkeys in flight over Venice Beach, California.

Date: 1930, October 6
Duration: 1 min 20 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: None
Clip: 65675054972
Cameraman make bathing girls' hair stand by trick photography and girls show hair stunts in Venice, Los Angeles.

Girls show hair stunts by trick photography in Venice, Los Angeles. Girls bathe under shower. Cameraman make bathing girls' hair stand by trick photography. Men hold legs of girls as they are up side down on a platform. The girls show hair stunts.

Date: 1930, February 8
Duration: 1 min 27 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675068045
Beauties walk on ramp and Janet Mantell wins the title of 'Miss California', conducted in Venice, California.

Beauties compete for title of 'Miss California' in Venice, California. Beauties walk on ramp. A large crowd of spectators gathers for beauty contest. Panel of judges give remarks. Men take photographs. Janet Mantell wins the title and receives trophy. She poses with trophy.

Date: 1939, August 16
Duration: 51 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675071714
People attend a fashion parade and star models walk on a ramp at the Hollywood Museum in Universal City, California.

Hollywood stars walk on a ramp at the Hollywood Museum in Universal City, California. Hollywood personalities sitting at a table to watch the fashion show. Hollywood star models walk on the ramp wearing gowns and jackets of the world's outstanding designers. Hollywood star models include Angie Dickinson, Gina Lollobrigida and Judy Garland. The fashion show honors Universals new movie "The Chalk Garden". The new Hollywood Museum is the beneficiary.

Date: 1964, April 13
Duration: 1 min 15 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675071763