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Moscow Russia Soviet Union 1922 stock footage and images

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Exchange of cultures and collaboration in science and arts between the Soviet Union and the United States

The Moscow summit between the U.S. and USSR in Moscow, Russia. Wyeth family artwork being packed in boxes for a visit to the Soviet Union. Various paintings being packed up. In exchange, some Russian paintings and artwork seen that will be displayed in America. General Secretary of the Communist Party of Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev visits the United States during Glasnost efforts amid Perestroika reforms. People on the streets in what appears to be New York or possibly Washington DC are surprised when he exits his motorcade to shake hands directly with American citizens gathered on the sidewalks.The U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz and his wife visiting Soviet Georgia and being greeted by Soviet citizens. Gorbachev and U.S. President Ronald Reagan side by side at a summit in Washington DC. They stand together on the White House lawn as a band plays. Animation depicts the sharing of cultures between the two nations and the exchange of magazines. View of American rock star Billy Joel and his band performing at a concert in the Soviet Union on New Year's eve. A Moiseyev Dance Company folk troupe from Russia performing a dance in the United States. Cultural exchange between the two countries includes views of a piano performance by Vladimir Horowitz in Moscow and a ballet performance in the United States by the Bolshoi Ballet. Several Russian school children pose for pictures on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC. Soviet teenage children enjoy a elevated ropes course in an outdoor program. People sit in an amphitheater with officials at a Chautaqua Talk in 1987. A group of Soviet citizens view a touring "Information USA" exhibit in the Soviet Union that presents American culture. They view the program on an array of television monitors. A young Russian boy speaks in Russian about his interest in learning about American culture. People watch a science exhibition. Astronauts of the USA (NASA) and Soviet Union in a spacecraft. The astronauts open a connecting hatch and shake hands (possibly on a space station). Narrator describes collaboration of the two nations to monitor and study the depleting ozone layer of the earth and how to protect it. A man is shown sunbathing. Officials of the America and the Soviet Union sign an agreement relating to sharing information about safety of nuclear power plants. Soviet representatives and George Shultz, the U.S. secretary of State, inaugurate a new communication system that communicates nuclear dangers between the two countries. A woman in the communication room. Food grain pouring from a harvester, part of what is supplied to the Soviets. Soviet Union tanks and soldiers in Afghanistan. Soviet soldiers walking on a street in Afghanistan in front of a shop. Arrested American journalist Nicholas Daniloff disembarks an aircraft after his release. View of the exterior of the American Embassy in Russia. U.S. marine Sgt. Clayton J. Lonetree being escorted under guard after having been accused of collaborating in a Soviet spy mission at the U.S. embassy in Moscow. Scene inside a Voice of America radio broadcast studio. Sign indicates it is broadcasting in Russian. Close up of meter moving on a radio instrument during the broadcast. Dancers from the Dance Theatre of Harlem performing before their visit to the Soviet Union. A group of Soviet citizens including men, women and children walking outdoors. Mikhail Gorbachev with U.S. President Ronald Reagan at a ceremony on the White House grounds on December 8, 1987.

Date: 1987
Duration: 5 min 13 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675032115
German Operation Barbarossa on the Eastern front in World War II

Animated map shows extent of German controlled areas in Europe following their conquest of the Balkans in World War 2. Norway is under their control and German forces threaten Leningrad and Moscow. A soviet defense line is shown on the map. The German attack is shown to come from 5 directions on June 22, 1941, with the launch of German Operation Barbarossa. A sky filled with German Heinkel He 111 bombers is shown. German Panzer III tanks with 75 mm guns. Army trucks carry German troops into battle. German soldiers on motor cycles and infantry advance under fire. Animated map shows principal German targets as Leningrad, Moscow, and Kiev. It then shows beginning a drive from the North to encircle Leningrad. Arrows show where German Marshal Fedor von Bock's forces drove 480 miles into Soviet territory. Slates identify cities being overrun by German invaders, including: Pskov, Novgorod, Brest-litovsk, Minsk,Mogilev, and Vitebsk. On July 17, 1941, a German tank is seen entering Smolensk, past the Dnieper River threatening Moscow, itself. To the south, German forces, under Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt, cut deep into the Ukraine. Newspapers world-wide consider the Soviet forces close to defeat. Slate shows communique from the German High Command stating: "The issue in the East is already settled. Smolensk is the last halt on the road to Moscow." German infantry marching. Scene shifts to heavy artillery being fired by Soviet forces in a snowy scene clearly later in the year. Animated map shows German forces very close to Moscow on October 15, 1941, forcing the Soviet Government and all foreign missions to move to Kuibyshev, 700 miles to the east. Adolf Hitler, in a speech on October 3, 1941, states that the enemy is broken and will never rise again. Animated map shows 500 thousand square miles of Soviet territory occupied by German forces. Views of fires burning in Russia. Damaged and abandoned Soviet industrial plants. A German guard atop a hill looks down on thousands of Soviet people in the occupied areas of Russia. Damaged and abandoned Soviet T-26 tanks. Glimpse of damaged Soviet aircraft and field artillery. Headline in New York World Telegram newspaper reads: "Berlin Admits Russ War May Last Winter." Another headline reads: "Red Army Holds Push On Moscow." Weary German soldiers traveling in horse-drawn wagons, pulling field artillery. Soviet and German war planners are seen at work. Slate quotes Adolf Hitler saying: "A single blow must destroy the enemy, without regard for losses... A gigantic all-destroying blow." German armor moving along a road. Animated map shows this technique in the German invasions of Poland, France, the Balkans, and Yugoslavia. In contrast, the Soviet planners are seen, as map illustrates how they intend to take advantage of the vast area of their land by holding lines of defense an falling back as necessary to keep engaging the invaders across interior of the Soviet Union. Soviet infantry are seen marching along a road. German troops riding atop their tanks. Soviet troops forcing German invaders into close combat in her cities. Soviet soldiers running in a city and firing heavy machine guns. Bomb damage and rubble inhibit German armor mobility in cities. Cities where this kind of Soviet resistance prevailed were: Rostov, Kharkov, Kiev, Kursk, Smolensk. German troops leaving a city with heavy black smoke rising in the background. More views of cities where Soviet troops are engaged German forces in House-to-house battles, including: Odessa, where the Old Opera Theater building is shown sandbagged and relatively undamaged. The Odessa NI tank, created from an STZ-3 agricultural tractor.

Date: 1941
Duration: 8 min 31 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675036933
Marshall Goldman speaks about attempts by Gorbachev to improve sluggish Soviet economy; also early 1980s Poland solidarity movement scenes

The USA-USSR Moscow summit on perestroika in Moscow, Soviet Union. A boat sails in water in front of Red Square buildings in Moscow, Russia, Soviet Union. Traffic on road in Moscow. The expert speaks on the sluggish Soviet economy. Soviet Russian people walk on the streets in a Soviet city (likely Moscow). Some are shopping; some are reading posted material on bulletin boards. Marshall Goldman, a Soviet economist, speaks during a world net telecast. More views of Russian people in front of the shops and on the streets in the 1980s. The U.S. president Ronald Wilson Reagan and General Secretary of the communist party of Soviet Union Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev sign a pact limiting nuclear weapons. Mikhail Gorbachev waves to the people. The people hold balloons as they stand to greet him. Soviet Officials including Gorbachev stand at Kremlin in Red Square during a military parade. Flashback scene during the formation of the Solidarit Labor Union in Poland. ‎Lech Wałęsa, Polish Solidarity leader, speaking to a crowd in the early 1980s. Crowd protests on streets in Poland during time of formation of Solidarity movement. Final scenes of clip show rally in Red Square Soviet Union as balloons rise during celebration or parade, and view of large banner of famous deceased Soviet leaders is seen hanging from buildings.

Date: 1988
Duration: 3 min 53 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675032116
Soviet Union mobilizes to defend against German invasion in June, 1941, World War II

A film titled ' Our Russian front. It shows Soviet Russia's state of preparedness and national mobilization at the time of the German invasion (Operation Barbarossa) in 1941, during World War 2. Soviet troops on parade in Red Square, Moscow, carrying Tokarev SVT-40 semi-automatic assault rifles, with curved magazines and fixed bayonets. Glimpse of a Soviet heavy gun (possibly 152mm howitzer). A Soviet Navy gunboat speeding toward the camera. A formation of Polikarpov I-16 aircraft inflight overhead. Several views of soviet forces, including units composed entirely of women; Closeups of troops, some holding Russian RPD 7.62 cal m44 light machine guns. A Soviet T-26 speeding in Red Square with flag flying, during a parade. View from the rear of a line of Soviet Zvezda BT-7 light tanks being deployed along a dirt road. Russian civilians, most of them women, work digging hillside fortifications. Closeup of woman with small boy in her arms. Views of destroyed buildings and dead civilians in a Russian town Aerial view of bombs bursting on Russian city. Smoke rising from resulting fires. Several views of light flashes from artillery firing at night. American envoy, W. Averell Harriman, participant in the U.S.-British military mission to Moscow, broadcasts about Soviet determination to defend against the Nazi invasion, at all costs. He refers to Soviet mechanics assembling American aircraft (Provided under "Lend Lease"). Narrator identifies Harriman as Chairman of the Board of Union Pacific Railroad. View of Russian airplanes in formation, flying high above the State Museum building in Red Square, Moscow. An American Government aircraft (C-47 /DC-3) aircraft lands at Moscow Airport. View of the aircraft parked and surrounded by a large crowd of military and diplomatic attendees. Harriman steps from the plane. Next he is seen with British Lord Beaverbrook and Soviet diplomat, Andrey Yanuaryevich Vyshinsky. Another view of Russian aircraft flying over the State museum in Red Square. U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt (unseen) is heard in the background extolling the Russian efforts against the Nazis. Soviet Tupolev SB bombers in formation overhead. Flags waving Aerial view of a formation of Polikarpov I-16 aircraft in flight. A Komintern Artillery Tractor,carrying Soviet soldiers, tows a 152mm field howitzer. A formation of army vehicles carrying Russian troops along paths already formed in the dirt by prior tracked vehicles. Seen are Komintern Artillery Tractors and ordinary army trucks.

Date: 1941
Duration: 8 min 18 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675038613
A brief description of Russia (Soviet Union or USSR)

Animated map on globe of world shows extent of the USSR from East to west and North to South (9 million Square miles). Miners extracting her natural resource minerals. 110 million acres of forests and timber being felled. Coal on a conveyer belt. A "forest" of oil derricks in a Soviet field. Oil tank cars moving on a railroad. Iron and steel mills. 370 million acres of farmland. Farms being worked. Tea, tobacco, and cotton crops. Herds of ranch animals. Corn,oats,hops,rye and wheat being harvested by machinery. Huge parades of people parading in Red Square, Moscow, Russia. Dancers on floats in the parade. Cossacks from the Don River Valley demonstrate horsemanship. Map showing Ukraine, Russia,Hungary, Romania,and other adjoining areas. Musicians playing balalaikas accompany dancers. Ukranians,Moldovians and Beserabians in local costume. Map of the Caucasuses between the Caspian and Black Seas. People from that region dancing and playing instruments. Armenians,and people riding on horseback from tribes of the Caucasian mountains. Uzbeks blowing long horns. Turkmen with horses. Mongols playing stringed instruments. Views of people from further East and North approaching Siberia. Some hunting with rifles. Views of Moscow. Moscovites walking on a summer day. Man riding in a horse-drawn carriage. Cars driving on a street. All kinds of vehicular traffic in Moscow city, including trams. Outside views of Soviet factories. Soviet soldiers. Soviet bricklayer, traffic cop, and sailor are shown. A riveter at work. Soviet school children. An old fireman.Nurse in a hospital. Civil engineer with transit. A window washer. A sales girl. Housewives. A Postal clerk. A radio announcer. A stewardess on an airliner. A chemist in a laboratory. A typist at work. A harpist playing and a ballerina dancing as an orchestra plays. Soviet citizens walking across a field. Narrator refers to their love for the soil. Animated map sums up Russia's size and characteristics. (World War II period).

Date: 1943
Duration: 8 min 42 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675036931
Officials speak on the issues of human rights and religious freedom as interest groups protest in the Soviet Union and the U.S.

The US-USSR Moscow Summit on Human rights in Moscow, Soviet Union. U.S. president Ronald Reagan speaks on issues relating to Human rights. Other officials seated in front. He speaks about the right to immigrate and travel. View of the Kremlin in Moscow. U.S. Secretory of State George Pratt Shultz speaks about strategic arms reductions in light of the weapons race. The White house press secretary Marlin Fitzwater at a press conference. The board reads 'Department of State'. Exteriors of the building. View of protesters permitted to demonstrate in the Soviet Union indicating some improvement in conditions. In Washington DC, citizens march on streets demonstrating for the freedom of Soviet Jews. The soviet scholar Peter Reddaway speaks about the reforms and highlights reforms and changing Soviet policy on open-ended internment of mental health patients. People pray inside a church in the Soviet Union. George Weigel, the president of the James Madison Foundation, speaks of importance of religious freedom in the Soviet union on a news panel. Weigel states that religious freedom is a key test of Glasnost and Perestroika. Exterior view of the Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine of the Holy Family under construction in Washington DC, built by Ukrainian American Catholics. People in the Soviet Union protest, marching on a street and holding signs and pickets. A large military parade in the Soviet Union in Red Square.

Date: 1988
Duration: 4 min 19 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675032117
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