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Moscow Russia Soviet Union 1975 stock footage and images

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German Operation Barbarossa on the Eastern front in World War II

Animated map shows extent of German controlled areas in Europe following their conquest of the Balkans in World War 2. Norway is under their control and German forces threaten Leningrad and Moscow. A soviet defense line is shown on the map. The German attack is shown to come from 5 directions on June 22, 1941, with the launch of German Operation Barbarossa. A sky filled with German Heinkel He 111 bombers is shown. German Panzer III tanks with 75 mm guns. Army trucks carry German troops into battle. German soldiers on motor cycles and infantry advance under fire. Animated map shows principal German targets as Leningrad, Moscow, and Kiev. It then shows beginning a drive from the North to encircle Leningrad. Arrows show where German Marshal Fedor von Bock's forces drove 480 miles into Soviet territory. Slates identify cities being overrun by German invaders, including: Pskov, Novgorod, Brest-litovsk, Minsk,Mogilev, and Vitebsk. On July 17, 1941, a German tank is seen entering Smolensk, past the Dnieper River threatening Moscow, itself. To the south, German forces, under Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt, cut deep into the Ukraine. Newspapers world-wide consider the Soviet forces close to defeat. Slate shows communique from the German High Command stating: "The issue in the East is already settled. Smolensk is the last halt on the road to Moscow." German infantry marching. Scene shifts to heavy artillery being fired by Soviet forces in a snowy scene clearly later in the year. Animated map shows German forces very close to Moscow on October 15, 1941, forcing the Soviet Government and all foreign missions to move to Kuibyshev, 700 miles to the east. Adolf Hitler, in a speech on October 3, 1941, states that the enemy is broken and will never rise again. Animated map shows 500 thousand square miles of Soviet territory occupied by German forces. Views of fires burning in Russia. Damaged and abandoned Soviet industrial plants. A German guard atop a hill looks down on thousands of Soviet people in the occupied areas of Russia. Damaged and abandoned Soviet T-26 tanks. Glimpse of damaged Soviet aircraft and field artillery. Headline in New York World Telegram newspaper reads: "Berlin Admits Russ War May Last Winter." Another headline reads: "Red Army Holds Push On Moscow." Weary German soldiers traveling in horse-drawn wagons, pulling field artillery. Soviet and German war planners are seen at work. Slate quotes Adolf Hitler saying: "A single blow must destroy the enemy, without regard for losses... A gigantic all-destroying blow." German armor moving along a road. Animated map shows this technique in the German invasions of Poland, France, the Balkans, and Yugoslavia. In contrast, the Soviet planners are seen, as map illustrates how they intend to take advantage of the vast area of their land by holding lines of defense an falling back as necessary to keep engaging the invaders across interior of the Soviet Union. Soviet infantry are seen marching along a road. German troops riding atop their tanks. Soviet troops forcing German invaders into close combat in her cities. Soviet soldiers running in a city and firing heavy machine guns. Bomb damage and rubble inhibit German armor mobility in cities. Cities where this kind of Soviet resistance prevailed were: Rostov, Kharkov, Kiev, Kursk, Smolensk. German troops leaving a city with heavy black smoke rising in the background. More views of cities where Soviet troops are engaged German forces in House-to-house battles, including: Odessa, where the Old Opera Theater building is shown sandbagged and relatively undamaged. The Odessa NI tank, created from an STZ-3 agricultural tractor.

Date: 1941
Duration: 8 min 31 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675036933
Soviet aerobatic team pilots board supersonic fighter aircraft and perform in airshow

Soviet aerobatic team pilots synchronizing watches and donning their flight helmets during the 1962 Soviet Aviation Day Display at Tushino Airfield (present day Otkrytie Bank Arena, Volokolamskoye Shosse, 69, Moscow, Russia, 125424) near Moscow, Soviet Union. The Soviet aerobatic team pilots boarding Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 (NATO reporting name: Fishbed) supersonic fighter aircraft. A military officer helps a pilot board the aircraft. Three MiG-21 supersonic fighters, three MiG-19 (NATO reporting name: Farmer) supersonic fighters and three Sukhoi Su-17 (NATO reporting name: Fitter) in takeoff climbs to left. Three Sukhoi Su-9 (NATO reporting name: Fishpot) fighters in takeoff climbs to left. Four Tupolev Tu-95 (NATO reporting name: Bear) bombers taking off to left. A Tupolev Tu-95 with “40” marking taking off. Another Tupolev Tu-95 taking off is seen armed with Kangaroo stand-off missile in bomb bay. Soviet military officials and dignitaries watch the airshow from the reviewing stand. A Tupolev Tu-95 bomber and seven MiG-19 supersonic fighters in flyover. Posters of Vladimir Lenin and prominent Soviet figures and red flags adorn a building. Squadron of supersonic fighters and missile carrying bombers in flight as Soviet military officials watch the airshow.

Date: 1962
Duration: 2 min 22 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: English
Clip: 65675080401
Soviet aircraft in flyovers and an African man watches airshow in Tushino Airfield

Formations of Soviet aircraft in flyovers during the 1962 Soviet Aviation Day Display at Tushino Airfield (present day Otkrytie Bank Arena, Volokolamskoye Shosse, 69, Moscow, Russia, 125424) near Moscow, Soviet Union. Twin jet Tu-16 missile carrier aircraft in flight. A Soviet woman looks skywards to watch the airshow. Soviet aircraft such as Beriev Be-10 (or M-10) "Mallow" flying boats (hydroplanes) in flight. An African man in the crowd watches the Soviet airshow. A Tupolev Tu-22 (NATO reporting name: Blinder) supersonic long range bomber aircraft in flight. Soviet military officials observe aircraft. Three Tupolev Tu-22 in formation. Brief view of three Sukhoi Su-9 (NATO reporting name: Fishpot) fighters in formation flying past crowd.

Date: 1962
Duration: 1 min 27 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: English
Clip: 65675080402
Soviet nuclear weapon buildup prompting NATO’s Double-Track Decision response during the Cold War

Three Soviet soldiers standing in position, two of them holding their guns. Soviet soldiers holding their guns at attention. Soviet Union Leader Leonid Brezhnev discussing with Soviet Union officials during the Cold War. An artist impression of portable nuclear warhead installations. A parade in the Moscow Red Square. The camera zooms into Vladimir Lenin’s Mausoleum in the Red Square. Soviet soldiers marching. Soviet tanks rolling through a desert-like field. Helicopters flying over the field. An explosion near tanks. Tanks roll away from the smoke. A Soviet tank fires. Missiles being fired. Soviet Navy ships shooting missiles. A jet fighter aircraft taking off. United States Air Force man speaks to the camera from an Air Force office. A Soviet fighter jet (Yakovlev Yak-38) takes off vertically. A large jet propelled Soviet test sled vehicle taking off. A ballistic missile is fired. Military truck carries a missile. Soviet soldiers adjust a missile. View of the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, from the other side of the Moskva River.

Date: 1979
Duration: 1 min 18 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675078974
MiG-19 and MiG-15 UTI "Midget" jet fighters perform aerobatics at a Soviet airshow

A formation of four Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19 (NATO reporting name: Farmer) twinjet fighter aircraft performing aerobatics during the 1962 Soviet Aviation Day Display at Tushino Airfield (present day Otkrytie Bank Arena, Volokolamskoye Shosse, 69, Moscow, Russia, 125424) near Moscow, Soviet Union. Intercut showing a Soviet MiG-15 UTI "Midget" trainer (NATO reporting name: Fagot) jet fighter in flight. Cameramen are seen in rear cockpit of the MiG-15 UTI "Midget" jet fighter. Closer view of the four MiG-19 fighters with red Soviet livery in flight. A Soviet cameraman with camera inside a jet fighter cockpit. MiG-15 UTI "Midget" jet fighter maneuvers. A man with binoculars watches the airshow.

Date: 1962
Duration: 38 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: English
Clip: 65675080398
Nikita Khrushchev, Yuri Gagarin, and Soviet officials watch an airshow at Tushino Airfield

Three Sukhoi Su-9 aircraft (NATO reporting name: Fishpot) fighters during the 1962 Soviet Aviation Day Display at Tushino Airfield (present day Otkrytie Bank Arena, Volokolamskoye Shosse, 69, Moscow, Russia, 125424) near Moscow, Soviet Union. Famous Soviet cosmonaut Major Yuri Gagarin uses binoculars to watch the airshow from a balcony. Three Yakovlev Yak-28 (NATO reporting names: Brewer, Brewer-E, Firebar, and Maestro) fighters in flyover. Premier Nikita Khrushchev and Soviet officials watch from a balcony. A Myasishchev M-50 supersonic strategic bomber with two Sukhoi Su-9 escorts in flight. A Tupolev Tu-28 (NATO reporting name Fiddler) long-range interceptor aircraft demonstrating at the airshow. A Soviet man looking skyward. A fighter aircraft (possibly MiG-21) climbing high in the sky during the airshow.

Date: 1962
Duration: 1 min 2 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: English
Clip: 65675080403