Capture of Myitkyina airfield by Allied Forces during Burma Campaign of World War II. Animated map highlights Myitkyina airfield in North Burma which is captured by Allied ground forces on 17th of May, 1944. USAAF (United States Army Air Forces) Waco CG-4 gliders parked at Shingbwiyang airfield. USAAF officer inspects a map. Airbase engineering equipment are loaded aboard gliders. Tow rope of glider is hooked up with USAAF C-47 Skytrain transport plane. Airborne engineers board the glider. C-47 tows CG-4. CG-4 makes a landing at Myitkyina airfield under Japanese machine gun fire. Another glider makes a crash landing. Airborne engineers exit the gliders on field. A pilot and an engineer of crashed glider are given plasma and first aid. Wounded men are evacuated. Bulldozers level the airfield. Chinese soldiers search for hidden Japanese snipers in area.
At opening, film shows U.S. Army Air Forces Bell P-39 Bell Air Cobra aircraft dropping bombs on on Japanese held northern airfield of Myitkyina, which was later captured by the 3rd Battalion Merrill's on July 26, 1944. Aerial view from U.S. aircraft bombing the Japanese occupied city of Myitkyina, on the west bank of the Ayeyarwady River, in Burma. Heavy smoke rising from bombs striking targets at the river's edge. (Narrator states, "the siege lasted 78 days.") Next, a regiment of Merrill's Marauders marches unopposed into the city. Animated map shows Japanese forces (15th and 33rd Division troops) attacking British-held town of Imphal, Burma. Ensuing scenes show well entrenched British forces employing heavy artillery, mortars, and Vickers machine guns. Glimpse of shells striking in hills. Momentary glimpse of Allied aircraft above the hills. (Narrator states the British "chewed up a couple of Jap divisions"," and the Allied rear lines of communication remained secure.) Animated map shows Chinese forces attacking Japanese forces west of the Salween River. View from a high position above the river bank. Rubber rafts line the shore and troops are assembling on the land. Next, troops are seen wading neck deep crossing the river with supplies floating along with them. Some paddle a jeep across the river on a makeshift raft. A truck at the edge of the river. Soldiers pulling together on a long rope line. Others crossing with hands on a line to support them as they wade in the water. Trucks bogging down in deep mud are helped by tow lines to others, ahead. Troops in a village where the road is inundated by rain waters flowing across it as a jeep goes past. Vehicles of all kinds sidelined by flooding waters. Jeeps speeding through water in some places and moving very slowly in the center of a muddy road where troops make their way on either side. Chinese soldiers scaling the stone wall of a fortress using ladders they made for the purpose. Troops firing a small artillery field piece and then charging towards battle-damaged buildings. Several are seen using flame throwers, that set building afire. More views of Chinese soldiers firing artillery and heavy machine guns. (World War II period)
Securing the capture of Myitkyina airfield on May 19th ,1944 by Allied Forces during Burma Campaign of World War II. U.S. soldiers bring a wounded Japanese prisoner in jeep at Myitkyina airfield. Wounded soldiers on bamboo stretcher is lowered from jeep. Wounded Japanese prisoner is questioned by an intelligence officer using a map. Dead body of a Japanese sniper lying on ground near strip. U.S. soldiers sleep under shelter halves protected by blankets at airfield. Wounded Allied soldiers treated at mobile clinic. Dr. Gordon Seagrave operates a patient. U.S. Army Air Forces fighters overhead. Burmese nurses giving medical treatment and blood transfusion to patients.
Allied forces win Myitkyina airstrip in Myitkyina, Burma during World War II. A map of Burma highlights Myitkyina. Transport airplanes tow gliders over Myitkyina. An aerial view of Myitkyina airstrip. Gliders land on a field and U.S. and Chinese troops disembark. U.S. Army General Joseph Stilwell talks with U.S. Army General Frank Merrill on a field. A wrecked U.S. airplane on the field. A Japanese fighter overhead. U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Gordon Seagrave operates on a wounded soldier in a field hospital.
A military film report on the advance of members of U.S. Army 5307th Composite Unit nicknamed Merrill's Marauders towards Myitkyina, Burma for its capture during World War II. Merrill's Marauders and U.S. OSS (Office of Strategic Services) Detachment 101 trained personnel advance through a river and on a hill. Supplies are loaded on mules for transportation. Dead body of a Japanese soldier. Captured and wounded Japanese soldiers are treated by Merrill's Marauders. Men control a mule going astray. Merrill's Marauders and other members of a task force come across dead bodies of Japanese soldiers lying in a jungle. Merrill's Marauders arrive on the top of the hill overlooking Myitkyina. Myitkyina as seen from the top of the hill. U.S. 10th Air Force airplanes overhead. Merrill's Marauders fire machine guns and artillery guns towards enemy positions.
A military film report on the advance of members of U.S. Army 5307th Composite Unit nicknamed Merrill's Marauders towards Myitkyina, Burma for its capture during World War II. Merrill's Marauders on the top of a hill overlooking Myitkyina. Glider reinforcement operations show U.S. Army Air Force airplanes towing gliders over Myitkyina. Gliders and transport airplanes being attacked during landings. Allied troops and Merrill's Marauders advance and fire guns toward Japanese troops. Soldiers fire machine guns. Fighter airplanes in flight overhead. Artillery is fired.
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