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Netherlands 1967 stock footage and images

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A U.S. pilot prepares to fly an O-1F Bird Dog liaison aircraft of U.S. 23rd Tactical Air Support Squadron in Vietnam.

A film based on U.S. Air Force O-1F Bird Dog liaison aircraft FAC (forward air control) operations against the Ho Chi Minh Trail by U.S. 23rd Tactical Air Support Squadron in Vietnam during the Vietnam War. Lieutenant Colonel William F. Bretzius and 1st Lieutenant Richard S. Kroll walk towards an O-1F aircraft and talk together beside the aircraft. Lieutenant Colonel Bretzius prepares for a flight in the cockpit of the O-1F aircraft. The O-1F engine starts and stops. Airmen push the O-1F aircraft into parking position.

Date: 1967, January 11
Duration: 3 min 2 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675075274
U.S. pilots talk in front of an O-1F Bird Dog liaison aircraft of U.S. 23rd Tactical Air Support Squadron in Vietnam.

A film based on U.S. Air Force O-1F Bird Dog liaison aircraft FAC (forward air control) operations against the Ho Chi Minh Trail by U.S. 23rd Tactical Air Support Squadron in Vietnam during the Vietnam War. Lieutenant Colonel William F. Bretzius and 1st Lieutenant Richard S. Kroll talk together in front of an O-1F aircraft. Insignia of 23rd TASS (Tactical Air Support Squadron) on a flight jacket.

Date: 1967, January 11
Duration: 1 min 34 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675075275
U.S. Air Force F-100D Super Sabre jet fighters drop Mark 82 and napalm bombs over Viet Cong positions in Vietnam.

Air strikes on Viet Cong positions in Vietnamese jungles by U.S. Air Force aircraft during Vietnam War. F-100, over a mountain, turns to attack a target deep in jungle foliage in a valley. Explosion and smoke are seen.A flare of fire erupts. Another F-100 drops napalm that creates flash of fire on ground. Fighters continue to pummel targets, raising fire and smoke. F-100 is silhouetted against white sky.

Date: 1967, July
Duration: 2 min 36 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675075396
U.S. Air Force UC-123B Providers spray defoliants over jungle canopy during Vietnam War. Views of F-100 F Super Sabre aircraft

Operation Ranch Hand defoliant missions. Aerial views of U.S. Air Force UC-123B Provider aircraft spraying Agent Orange defoliant over jungle. Views from cockpit of U.S. Air Force F-100F Super Sabre. Close view of F-100 from the 615th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Phan Rang Air Base, in flight.

Date: 1967, July
Duration: 2 min 50 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675075397
U.S. Air Force F-100S Super Sabre jet fighter strikes Viet Cong targets in Vietnam during Vietnam War.

Air strikes on Viet Cong positions in Vietnam by U.S. Air Force aircraft during Vietnam War. Aerial views of U.S. Air Force F-100D Super Sabre jet fighter dropping GP (General-purpose) and napalm bombs on target near river. Smoke billows up from bomb explosions. F-100Ds in flight over clouds.

Date: 1967, July
Duration: 2 min 50 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675075398
U.S. Air Force aircraft bombs Viet Cong targets in Vietnam during Vietnam War.

Air strikes on Viet Cong positions in Vietnam by U.S. Air Force aircraft during Vietnam War. Aerial views of U.S. Air Force FAC (Forward Air Control) aircraft in flight. U.S. Air Force aircraft bombs Viet Cong targets. Smoke rises from explosions. U.S. Navy patrol boats and mine sweeper underway in South China Sea fire deck guns at shore targets.

Date: 1967, July
Duration: 2 min 53 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675075399