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New Jersey United States USA 1949 stock footage and images

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Loading trucks at the Ford Motor Company Cement Plant in the River Rouge complex

Two African American men working at the Ford Motor Company River Rouge cement plant. One loads bags of cement onto a flat bed truck with two trailers, while the other monitors the bags as the come down a chute. Another, smaller truck, behind the trailer truck, is also being loaded. After the loading is finished, A man retrieves a chock from behind the left rear wheel of the last trailer, while the the truck slowly pulls away.

Date: 1928
Duration: 25 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: English
Clip: 65675078281
Steel making at the Ford Motor Company River Rouge Plant in Michigan

An Open Hearth furnace at the Ford Motor Company River Rouge Plant is being tapped and molten steel runs through troughs in the floor. View of the furnace opening. The scene brightly illuminated by the light of the molten metal. Hot molten steel flowing into crucibles on rails, just outside the plant. Activity in the plant yard is seen in the background. Molten steel begins pouring into another crucible. Next, the huge crucibles are seen outside the plant being pulled by a steam locomotive, along a railroad in the plant yard. View shifts to inside a building where molten steel is being guided by men with long poles as it flows towards a pair of conveyors for making of pig iron. Closeup of the pig iron being transported upwards on two conveyors. Glimpse of a quenching operation. Then, a huge crucible is seen moving by overhead crane and pouring its contents into another container. Fire and smoke are generated. More views of steel being poured from the crucible, and then of the receiving container being moved on a rail.

Date: 1928
Duration: 1 min 55 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675078282
Automobile engine block assembly line at Ford River Rouge Plant

Exterior view of crane operating at Ford River Rouge Plant in Dearborn Michigan. Scene changes to interior view. Many steps are shown in creation of automobile engine blocks, including casting of forms, workers pouring molten iron into forms for cast iron engine blocks. Car engine blocks being cooled and transported on elevated hanging racks, further steps in tooling and finishing work on assembly line. Many Ford workers and heavy factory machinery are shown involved in the process.

Date: 1928
Duration: 5 min 6 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: None
Clip: 65675078283
Cutting of steel and iron ships into scrap metal for reuse in Ford automotive factories

River dock scene near Ford River Rouge manufacturing plant. Men using blow torches stand inside partially disassembled old steel and iron ship hulls. They are cutting the ship hulls into large pieces, which are then moved by cranes to form giant stacks adjacent to a railroad train bed, awaiting transport to Ford factories for melting and recycling, to make automobiles.

Date: 1928
Duration: 48 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: None
Clip: 65675078284
Ship hull pieces transported to Ford River Rouge plant and crushed during recycling for use in making automobiles.

Large pieces of old, cut, double layer ship hulls are seen in piles next to railroad tracks. A large crane loads steel and iron hull pieces onto flatbed rail cars. Railroad train flatbed cars rolling into Ford River Rouge plant carrying pieces of old steel and iron ship hulls. View of a giant piece of ship hull being fed into a crushing device that flattens the double wall hull into one piece. View of rollers past the crushing block to carry crushed pieces away. Crane with magnet is used to lift pieces of crushed ship hull and drop them into smaller bins on a flatbed rail car.

Date: 1928
Duration: 1 min 22 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: None
Clip: 65675078285
Anti-war protestors rally at U.S. Capitol against the war in Vietnam.

April 24, 1971 rally organized by the National Peace Action Coalition against the Vietnam War, held in Washington DC. Feet with shoes and 1970s fashion pants legs of peace marchers on streets of Washington DC. Hippie protestors holding the North Vietnamese flag and the flag of the Vietcong National Liberation Front and yelling chants against the war. Reporter sitting atop a truck photographs the marching crowd of anti-war citizens. A sign reads "Veterans". Protestors seen marching from the White House to the U.S. Capitol. Narrator indicates that protestors are also highlighting civil rights issues. Aerial view of U.S. Capitol building. Protestors crossing mall lawn areas. Elevated view of densely packed crowd on Mall grounds. Demonstrators cheering and yelling and shaking their fists. Police and officials lean against U.S. Capitol walkway railings and observe the crowd. Some protestors are seen perched on limbs of a tree, and the tree is moving as the crowd swings the tree back and forth. Crowd seated around a flag made of red flowers. Crowd waving Vietcong flag. Some protestors seen scaling a wooden fence barrier on the Capitol grounds.

Date: 1971, April 24
Duration: 1 min 24 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675078910