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North Africa 1942 stock footage and images

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A wounded marine being brought at first aid station in Saipan, Mariana Islands during World War II.

The United States 2nd Marine Division removes wounded from a battlefield in Saipan, Mariana Islands during World War II. Ambulance jeeps come down a road towards a first aid station. The marines unload casualties on stretchers from the ambulance jeeps. The casualties being moved into the first aid station. A marine walks behind an ambulance jeep as it moves down a hill. The marines unload casualties on stretchers from an ambulance jeep. A doctor looks at a wounded marine. A wounded marine sitting on a stretcher. The marines load litter wounded on to a truck. The truck carrying wounded marines pulls away from the hospital area.

Date: 1944, June 27
Duration: 2 min 58 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675077879
A wounded soldier being administered blood plasma at a first aid station in Saipan, Mariana Islands during World War II.

Treatment of wounded United States soldiers in Saipan, Mariana Islands during World War II. A casualty on a stretcher receives blood plasma. Medic or other personnel stands by waving flies away from the patient. An ambulance jeep arrives at an aid station. Soldiers carry a stretcher and a casualty in the aid station. A wounded man with shell shock being treated and interviewed. An ambulance jeep comes at the aid station. It backs into the area. A casualty on a stretcher. A Corpsman takes down information about the wounded. Corpsmen treat a wounded soldier. An ambulance in the background. A Corpsman and a doctor rig up blood plasma and give it to a wounded soldier on a table. A casualty being administered blood plasma. A truck loaded with casualties pulls away from the aid station. A jeep along side the truck and another jeep in the background. A group of doctors rests and smokes. 6th Regiment Aid Station. Soldiers gathered around the aid station.

Date: 1944, June 27
Duration: 3 min 34 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675077880
General Leclerc discusses plans over map with Major Blochet and Captain De Guillebon in Government house, Fort Lamy.

Colonel Leclerc, his Aide-de-camp, Captain De Guillebon, Captain Quilichini and Blochet, the general staff of Colonel in discussion. General Leclerc arrives at conference room for discussion. General Leclerc sits and discusses plans over map with Major Blochet and Captain De Guillebon. General Leclerc and other officials walk out of the Government house where conference held.

Date: 1941, March
Duration: 1 min 17 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675052428
Barrage balloons being inflated and raised.

Men near gas cylinders to inflate barrage balloon. Views of men inflating balloons and raising it using winch.

Date: 1941
Duration: 38 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675039359
Bombing and sinking of USS Virginia BB13 bombed by Army Air Corp

USS battleship Virginia BB13 bombed by Army Air Service Martin Bomber. A 1,100 pounds bomb demolishes the ship. USS Virginia sinks beneath the waves.

Date: 1923, September 5
Duration: 5 min 5 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675040386
USS New Jersey battleship used as bomb targets for Army bomb tests

USS New Jersey battleship used as bomb targets for Army bomb tests. Water shot high enveloping the ship. Fire on after part of the ship. Stern of the ship seen. Ship on its side in water. Keel seen as ship flips completely over and sinks below waves.

Date: 1920
Duration: 1 min 18 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675040859