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North America 1959 stock footage and images

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Mohammed Ben Aarafa is installed as the new sultan of Morocco by French colonial authorities

French colonial authorities install Mohammed Ben Aarafa as the new sultan of Morocco (a French protectorate). Moroccan policemen frisk arrested supporters for the growing Moroccan independence movement. Policemen take away an arrested Moroccan man. Moroccan Berber tribesmen converge together. Honor guards participate during the ceremony placing Ben Aarafa on the Alouite Throne. Moroccans salute to the new sultan Mohammad Ben Aarafa. General Augustin Guillaume, the French resident-general of Morocco, presents the felicitations of his government to the new sultan in the Dar al-Makhzen palace in Rabat, Morocco.

Date: 1953, August 21
Duration: 1 min 29 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675041645
United States Vice President Richard Nixon visit Morocco and meet Sultan Muhammad Ibn Yusuf .

United States Vice President Richard Nixon and Mrs. Patricia Nixon official visit to Rabat, Morocco. Sultan and Nixon wave from an open car during a motorcade. Vice President Nixon inside a carriage on the way to the Dar al-Makhzen (official name: El Mechouar Essaid Palace. Avenue Mohammed V, Rabat), the official residence of the king of Morocco. Mrs. Pat Nixon plays with Sultan's daughter, Princess Lalla Amina of Morocco, as she carries her in her arms. Nixon discusses foreign policy with Sultan Muhammad Ibn Yusuf (Mohhamed V of Morocco) inside the Dar al-Makhzen palace.

Date: 1957, March
Duration: 35 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675046975
Supplies transported for Italian Quartermaster Corps in Tunisia during World War II.

Axis troops during World War II. Italian troops in Tunisia during World War II. Men load supplies in a trailer for Italian Quartermaster Corps. Men on motorcycles ford a stream which runs over roadway. Men load supplies for Quartermaster Corps onto camels. Italian soldiers in a field fire rifles and machine guns. Smoke rises. Motorcycles approach a village. Gas tank in the foreground. German Pz.III Panzer tanks advance across a plain. Smoke on the horizon as American troops fire artillery. Burning U.S. Army tanks on a roadside. A group of British army soldier prisoners of war is shown. Several captured American Prisoners of War beside a captured tank.

Date: 1943
Duration: 3 min 41 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Italian
Clip: 65675049661
Activities at the seaport Ceuta and Tangier market place in Morocco, Africa.

A sea port in Morroco. Map shows location of Morocco in Africa. View of the Moroccan seaport Ceuta. American oil tankers anchored at the port. Activities at the Tangier market place. Traders buy and sell goods.

Date: 1926
Duration: 2 min 26 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675050510
Street scenes in Moroccan city. American flyers patronize street vendor and haggle with him.

Streets in an Moroccan city. Empty street and a road. Cloud formation in sky. Palm trees in city. Two Moroccan youths pose. A man leans against a wall and reads a newspaper. American soldiers in horse drawn carriage. Woman covered so not be seen, walks with young girls. Two children pose and two more try to get into the picture. Nomads camp at side of road. A Moroccan, in a Fez, selling his merchandise on street. U.S. Army Air Force officers haggle with him. (World War II period).

Date: 1944, February 21
Duration: 1 min 25 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675053173
Funeral procession of Bey of Tunis, Ahmad II ibn Ali, in Tunisia.

Funeral of Bey of Tunis, Ahmad II ibn Ali. French tricolor flag at half staff atop a building. Tunisian and French flags at half staff atop another building. Photograph of Bey of Tunis, Ahmad II ibn Ali. Honor Guard of Tunisian mounted Lancers leads funeral procession. French Admiral Jean-Pierre Esteva steps from car and walks in front of formation of French sailors. He greets French naval officers and Tunisian officials, including successor Bey of Tunis, Muhammad VII al-Munsif. Tunisian tribesmen carry coffin as French and Tunisian officers stand at attention. Closeup of coffin and pallbearers as they pass the camera.

Date: 1942, June
Duration: 46 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675053434