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North Pacific Ocean 1942 stock footage and images

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Japanese airplanes bomb Corregidor, Philippines (WW2)

The invasion of the Philippines by Japanese troops during World War II. Smoke rises as soldiers fire artillery in the foreground. Mountains in the foreground. Bombers fly in formation. They drop bombs on Corregidor Island. Smoke rises from the bombardment. The soldiers fire artillery. Interior of an airplane. A pilot and a co-pilot seated in the cockpit. They drop bombs on a target area in Corregidor.

Date: 1942, May 5
Duration: 3 min 28 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Japanese
Clip: 65675062388
Japanese soldiers clean their weapons and prepare for an assault at Limay, Bataan, Philippines (WW2)

The invasion of the Philippines by Japanese troops during World War II. A map shows the various mountains of Bataan Peninsula in Japanese. Japanese infantrymen prepare for an assault on Bataan. They clean their weapons. The infantry aboard a landing craft at Limay in Bataan. Groups of Japanese landing craft sailing to Corregidor Island.

Date: 1942
Duration: 4 min 7 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Japanese
Clip: 65675062389
Destroyed trees, a sunken ship in a bay and wrecked U.S. forts due to the battle in Corregidor, Philippines (WW2)

The invasion of the Philippines by Japanese troops during World War II. A map of Corregidor Island. The map shows United States positions and the mission of each Japanese unit. Panorama of destroyed trees and installations. A sunken ship in Manila Bay. Damaged U.S. forts in Corregidor.

Date: 1942, May 6
Duration: 2 min 29 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Japanese
Clip: 65675062390
U.S. officials attend a surrender conference with Japanese officials in the Philippines (WW2)

The invasion of the Philippines by Imperial Japanese Army troops during World War II. The white flag of surrender flutters over an island. United States soldiers standing outside a building. U.S. Army General Jonathan Mayhew Wainwright and Brigadier General Lewis C. Beebe attend a surrender conference with Japanese officials. Japanese Army General Masaharu Homma discusses with them. The flag of the U.S. is lowered from a flagpole.

Date: 1942
Duration: 1 min 46 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Japanese
Clip: 65675062391
Japanese soldiers advance and give victory banzai in Corregidor Island, Philippines (WWII)

Japanese victory at the Battle of Corregidor in the Philippines during World War II. Japanese troops land on Corregidor Island (also known as Fort Mills during the American Colonial Period). Japanese troops disembark from boats during their landing at the island of Corregidor. Japanese soldiers climb their way up the island. Soldiers advance on Corregidor Island. Japanese troops march past destroyed buildings. Captured American and Filipino prisoners of war are taken away. Japanese soldiers stand near gun batteries and give victory banzai. View of the Mile Long Barracks of Corregidor. The soldiers advance and walk past a destroyed building. The Japanese flag is raised. Japanese soldiers take down the United States flag in Corregidor.

Date: 1942
Duration: 1 min 45 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Japanese
Clip: 65675062392
War damage due to the battle between Japanese and U.S. soldiers in the Philippine Islands.

The invasion of the Philippine Islands by Japanese troops during World War II. An aerial view of an island. A map shows places. Rubbled buildings and destroyed trees in the area. Mountains in the foreground. Soldiers dumping ammunition in gun pits. A destroyed rail road station and wrecked wagons and rails. Destroyed houses and buildings.

Date: 1942
Duration: 4 min 15 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Japanese
Clip: 65675062393