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Oregon United States USA 1937 stock footage and images

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Trees get uprooted and boats are damaged as a storm strikes Oregon, United States.

A storm strikes Oregon, United States. High waves hit a rocky coast. Water gushes away at a great speed. Uprooted trees and damaged boats. Cars drive through a flooded road.

Date: 1937, December 2
Duration: 60 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675057740
Views of Japan and its militarism from 1937 through 1943 . Construction of B-29 bombers in the United States

Volcanic eruption and creation of island of Japan. Glimpse of map of Japan. Gardens and rivers. Two men demonstrate samurai sword techniques. Japanese soldiers advance through smoke carrying rising sun flag. Chinese suffering under Japanese military occupation. Two executed with rifles. Japanese soldiers waving weapons and red ball flags. A DC-3 aircraft flying over a Japanese Pagoda. Vies of Old Japan. Farmers at work. One manually turning a water pump with his feet. A man using a pole to propel a boat. Modern methods adopted in Japan for terraced farming. Japanese building railroads. Japanese modern locomotive on South Manchurian Railway. in 1934. A Japanese twin engine bomber taking off. The Japanese ocean liner, Asama Maru, in the 1930s. Glimpse of numerous ships in Tokyo harbor. Western style architecture in modern Tokyo buildings. Neon lights on the Grand Palace Hotel and other establishments in Tokyo. Industrial smoke stacks. Women at work in a silk factory. Finished product stamped "Made in Japan."Steel ingots being made in a Japanese steel mill using scrap iron imported from the U.S.A. Chinese victims of 2nd Sino-Japanese War. Japanese troops on parade. Dead American Marines on shore of Tarawa Atoll in the Pacific in World War 2, killed in battle. Japanese high ranking officers reviewing troops on parade. Japanese warships underway. Troops parading beneath the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. American B-25 bombers on flight deck of the USS Hornet, headed to bomb Tokyo.A crew of Doolittle's Raiders standing by their plane. B-25 taking off from the Hornet. Formation of B-25s in flight. View from bomber of smoke rising from bombing of Tokyo below. Brigadier General Jimmie Doolittle pledging to repeat bombing of Tokyo. Supply train entering a Boeing Company defense plant. United States war production workers being scrutinized as they enter the facility and punching in at a time clock. Poster in the plant picturing a B-29 bomber aircraft on a message in German describing it as an instrument for a "Destruction Battle against the Luftwaffe." Bold letters, above, in English read: "They're Promised-Let's Deliver 'em!" And, below, the words: "B-29, Super Bombers." Slabs of aluminum sheets fill a factory room. Overhead traveling cranes move them. Workers in airplane manufacturing and assembly plant use heat and brakes to shape the aluminum sheets. Multiple views of the aluminum being machined and stamped to specifications. Wings being fabricated. Relatively unskilled labor using jigs to perform the work. Woman war worker operating an overhead crane moving a wing in the plant. Views of plane parts moving across the ceiling via cranes. Women workers driving rivets into wings. Men and women employees working inside fuel fuel compartments of wings. A floor full of engine nacelles. A floor full of 2200 HP radial engines. A skeleton nose section being fabricated. Midsections and bomb bays being assembled. Workers crawling through the airframe during aircraft assembly. A woman working on a connecting tunnel. Sub-assemblies made by contractors arriving at the plant. More views of Boeing employees including young, old, men, and women, at work in the plant.

Date: 1944
Duration: 11 min 0 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675046523
Fordson model F tractor draw a disc in an orchard and a plow on a field in Oregon, United States

Fordson model F tractor in Oregon, United States. Tractor drawn disc in an orchard. Portland: Tractor drawn plow on a field. Hillsboro: Tractor on a steep hillside and a farm below.

Date: 1920
Duration: 1 min 2 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675031983
Fordson model F tractor pulls a tank cart at a farm near Hood river in Oregon, United States

Fordson model F tractor on a farm near Hood river in Oregon, United States. Tractor with pump attachment on front. Tractor pulls a tank cart. Workers spray chemicals on trees. Two men examine apple trees. Worker hold a branch loaded with large apples.

Date: 1920
Duration: 1 min 59 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675031984
White Water Racing with course of 25 miles downstream the Rouge River in Oregon,United States.

White Water Racing in the Rouge River in Oregon, United States. The White Water racing starts. The course of the race is 25 miles downstream with the swift flowing water. Spectators line up across the edge of the rocky mountain to watch the race.

Date: 1959, June 1
Duration: 1 min 35 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675055769
Flood water destroys the city of Nelscott in Oregon, United States.

City of Nelscott in Oregon United States, destroyed due to flood. Gigantic waves of sea strikes the rocks at the shores. A view of destroyed boasts on the ground and flood water fills the city. A woman and a man take his child on a wooden raft. They load provisions while floating beside a house window. Man along with child, household furniture and a dog, sail the raft through flood water. People walk cautiously in search for a safer place. Logs of trees destroyed by flood.

Date: 1936, January 8
Duration: 41 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675030775