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Pacific Ocean 1972 stock footage and images

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Early history of Okinawa-Keystone of the pacific

Underwater coral reefs in the western Pacific Ocean. Sunlight falls on coral reef. Stone carvings from Okinawa. Depictions show the early history of Okinawa and the Ryukyu Islands. Paintings show ships in sea, men rowing boats, men in Okinawa gathering wood, Japanese writing, battle scene and fighter jets.

Date: 1972
Duration: 3 min 58 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675025521
Sammy Davis Jr. and USO troupe, entertain sailors aboard the Aircraft Carrier, USS Hancock (CVA-19) at sea, during the Vietnam War.

Sammy Davis Jr. and USO troupe entertain sailors aboard the USS Hancock, during her 7th Vietnam Cruise, in 1972. Opening scene shows sailors assembled on Hangar deck of the Aircraft Carrier, USS Hancock (CVA-19). Several parked aircraft are seen. Sailors listen as Davis speaks. Then an announcer asks if they should make the entertainers stay over a day. All shout and applaud in agreement. Distant view of the entertainers on a stage. A sailor (announcer) on stage, comments on the enthusiam of the audience. View from behind sailors standing on improvised platforms at rear of the space. Other random views of sailors in audience. Another distant view of the stage. Random closeups of audience members standing in various locations. Some are perched on hangar equipment. Finally, the camera shows Sammy Davis Jr. onstage with dancers moving behind him rhythmically, as he speaks. He expresses appreciation to the officers and USO officials who made their visit and show possible.

Date: 1972, February 24
Duration: 3 min 4 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: English
Clip: 65675022317
Sammy Davis Jr. and USO troupe, entertain sailors in Hagar deck aboard the Aircraft Carrier, USS Hancock (CVA-19).

Opening scene shows Sammy Davis on a stage set up in Hangar deck of the Aircraft Carrier, USS Hancock (CVA-19) during her 7th Vietnam Cruise, in 1972. He speaks about doing impersonations. Sailors in audience are seen in various places on the hangar deck. Some are perched on structural members and hangar equipment. Views o main audience in seats on hangar floor. Davis onstage, speaks of Frank Sinatra, and then sings the song, "All the way," in the style of Nat King Cole (who never recorded it). Members of audience applauding as Davis sings. He continues singing in style of Tony Bennett, Billy Eckstein. At this point, clip continues with audio only, as Davis sings in styles of Frankie Lane and Louis Armstrong, and then impersonates Humphrey Bogart, James cagney, James Stewart, Cary Grant, and W.C. Fields, speaking the lyrics of "All the Way," as they would. He then impersonates Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. Davis then finishes singing the song in his own voice. Audience applauds.

Date: 1972, February 24
Duration: 8 min 9 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675022318
U.S. Task Forces attack Japanese forces and commanders of U.S. fleets communicate with each other in the Pacific Ocean.

The Battle of Leyte Gulf in the Pacific Ocean during October 1944 in World War II. Aerial view of the Pacific Ocean. A U.S. aircraft takes off from a carrier. The aircraft in flight. Naval guns being fired from ships underway in the Pacific. Animation depicts lack of communication between American forces. Ships underway. Animation depicts the cause of surprise enemy attack on American forces. U.S. Navy officers and crew look at radar monitors tracking enemy forces. Japanese ships underway in the Pacific. U.S. 7th Fleet ships underway. Animation depicts positions of U.S. Task Forces. Commander of U.S. 7th Fleet Admiral Thomas Cassin Kinkaid receives a dispatch from Commander of U.S. 3rd Fleet. Battleships underway in the Pacific Ocean. Animation depicts organized Task Force 34 and Task Force 38 pushing on. Animation depicts the various possibilities of American Task Force attack over the Japanese forces.

Date: 1944, October
Duration: 6 min 5 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675068320
U.S. Navy air and sea forces battle the Japanese fleet during the Battle of Midway in June of 1942, during World War 2

The Japanese Navy and U.S. Navy in combat in the Pacific Ocean during the Battle of Midway in World War II. On June 3rd 1942 : U.S. amphibious aircraft take off from a catapult. A sailor observes through binoculars from a ship deck. A convoy of Japanese ships in the Pacific ocean. A pilot in the cockpit of the U.S. Navy aircraft in flight. A man beside the control panel. The Pacific Fleet Admiral Chester William Nimitz on a ship. The United States sailors work on the ship deck. The sailors inside a cabin on the ship. Men walk out of the cabin to the deck. The men load a bomb in bomb bay of an aircraft. The ammunition on the deck. The aircraft takes off from the carrier deck. U.S. Navy ships attacked by Japanese aircraft. Smoke rising from an aircraft carrier in the Pacific ocean. U.S. ships fire at Japanese planes. A Japanese plane crashes into the ocean. A parked U.S. plane bounces to side of aircraft carrier after explosions and turbulence and nearly falls off edge. Dramatic close view of a Japanese aircraft hit while closing in on a U.S. Navy carrier. A wing tears off and the Japanese plane crashes into the ocean right beside the U.S. Navy carrier. Gun camera footage of U.S. Navy aircraft attacking the Japanese naval fleet. Japanese ships burning and smoking. Views of disabled Japanese ships off the Midway atoll. U.S. soldiers on deck of ship after the battle.

Date: 1942, June
Duration: 4 min 7 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675067756
Development of Okinawa Island in the years after World War II

Postwar development of Okinawa Island in the Pacific Ocean. Views of recently constructed schools, power stations, and aerial view of the Fukuji Dam and water reservoir. Children play in school. Two young Japanese boys read. Power generators and electric power lines, poles, and cables. Water reservoir site. Transport boxes are offloaded from ship on to a dock at harbor. Passengers board an All Nippon Airways (ANA) Boeing aircraft at Naha Airport. A Japan Airlines aircraft taking off from the airport and seen in the sky overhead. People walking in front of the Naha Airport terminal. Buses, trucks, and car traffic on roads and streets of Okinawa city. Men at work at a construction site.

Date: 1972
Duration: 2 min 11 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675025526
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