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Pacific Proving Grounds Marshall Islands 1956 stock footage and images

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U.S. run Kadena Airbase in Okinawa

Kadena Airbase in Okinawa, Japan. B-29 'Superfortress' bomb North Korean targets during the Korean War. United States Air Force crew carrying bombs in Okinawa. Aerial view of Kadena Airbase. Sign on building reads 'Headquarters Marine Amphibious Force and 3D Marine Division' and 'United States Marine Corps Camp Courtney'. View of harbor at Okinawa. Sign reads 'Fleet Activities,Ryukyus U.S. Naval Air Facility'. U.S. airplanes at Kadena Airbase. C-5 Galaxy U.S. transport airplane parked at Kadena. Airplane maintenance by U.S. Airmen. Housing, club and supermarket at Kadena. A doctor treats a child as mother stands nearby. Women shopping at the commissary and exchange in Kadena Airbase. Children playing on the playground of a school inside Kadena Airbase. A sign reads “The friendlist people on Okinawa Welcome You To Koza City”. View of Koza City, Okinawa. An American woman with his son, shop in a departmental store in Koza City.

Date: 1972
Duration: 4 min 31 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675025527
Japanese Kamikaze aircraft attacking U.S. Navy Task Force 58, off Okinawa

Japanese Kamikaze aircraft attacking U.S. Navy Task Force off Okinawa. They attack the Aircraft Carriers Yorktown, Saratoga, and Bunker Hill. View from deck of USS Yorktown (CV-10) as a kamikaze, hit and on fire, passes directly overhead and crashes into the ocean just past the deck of the ship. The Saratoga is hit by 4 Kamikaze planes. 315 U.S. sailors and airmen killed or wounded. Crew struggles to control fires and damage and care for casualties.The attacks continue and the USS Bunker Hill is struck by 2 Kamikaze planes and is on fire with heavy smoke rising as crew tries desperately to save her. The Cruiser Wilkes-Barre comes alongside spraying fire hoses in attempt to aid the stricken Bunker Hill. The Wilkes-Barre passes respirators to firefighters aboard the Bunker Hill. Rescue boats pick up crewmen who were blown off the deck into the sea. 373 killed and 264 injured on the Bunker Hill. (World War II period).

Date: 1944
Duration: 3 min 56 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675027694
U.S. Fifth Fleet commanded by Vice Admiral Spruance, and U.S. 10th Army, commanded by Lieutenant General Buckner, at Okinawa.

Animation depicts Okinawa in relation to Japan,China,Formosa, and Iwo Jima. U.S. landing ships carry troops who make unopposed landings on Hagushi beach, U.S. troops seen pouring ashore. Okinawa. Lieutenant General Simon Bolivar Buckner and Vice Admiral Raymond A. Spruance seen looking through binoculars on the deck of the amphibious Flag Ship. U.S. troops move inland from the beachhead. Troops bringing bulldozers. U.S. Army infantry of the 24th Corps engage Japanese defenders. Japanese bunkers and fortifications seen. U.S. battleships and other ships of the line begin intense bombardment of the Japanese positions. U.S. army artillery fire large howitzers. U.S. tanks attack Japanese fortifications and suffer counter fire. Troop movements impeded by rain and mud. Ammunition ships seen having difficulty on congested beachhead. Animation shows how naval gunfire could successfully strike Japanese fortified positions because of flat trajectory. (World War II period).

Date: 1945, April 1
Duration: 5 min 35 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675027747
U.S. naval heavy gunfire supporting invasion of Okinawa, Japan, during world War II.

Animation showing disposition and range of Naval Gunfire supporting the U.S. invasion of Okinawa, in World War II. At times 00:25 battleship USS New York, BB-34, and at time 00:33 foreground, heavy cruiser USS Salt Lake City, CA-25; directly behind CA-25 is the battleship USS New York, BB-34; to the right is the battleship USS Nevada, BB-36; to the left is the battleship . all fire heavy guns at Okinawa, Japan. A floating Japanese mine is seen. A Japanese suicide boat. U.S. troops stand by a Japanese suicide "Baka" rocket propelled bomb sitting on a wooden frame. Views of Japanese Kamikaze planes being shot down by U.S. naval antiaircraft fire, at time 00:38 is a Cleveland Class light cruiser firing its forward 6-inch triple mount guns; and time 00:59 to 01:04 a kamikaze flies past the battleship USS Colorado, BB-45 ( in Measure 33/3D camouflage) and past an Astoria Class heavy cruiser. It then explodes on the starboard aft quarter of the USS Idaho, BB-42.

Date: 1945, April
Duration: 1 min 1 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675027748
Coordinating naval gunfire during U.S. invasion of Okinawa in World War II. Destroying enemy caves and hideouts

Animation graphic describing how land sea and air information was coordinated to enable precise targeting of enemy positions by naval gunfire during the U.S. invasion of Okinawa, Japan in World War 2. U.S. minesweepers enable capital ships with heavy guns to safely operate close to enemy targets. Views of heavy naval gunfire. Advance of the Marine 3rd Amphibious Corps. U.S. troops, advancing slowly, routing out Japanese defenders dug in to caves and holes throughout Okinawa. Naval heavy guns were called upon to destroy these caves. Detailed live images include: Mine sweepers off Okinawa, sweeping for mines; heavy cruiser USS San Francisco, CA-38, under a head of steam and using signal lights; battleships fire at Okinawa; A bow view of a Tennessee Class battleship; battleship USS Nevada, BB-36, fires its main battery; closeup of a Cleveland Class light cruiser's main aft battery firing at Okinawa; stern view of the heavy cruiser USS Pensacola, CA-24, fires her aft main 8-inch/55 main battery; U.S. Marines on the march and blowing up caves; battleship USS New York, BB-34, fires her main battery; time 03:36 shows a Cleveland Class light cruiser firing its forward main 6-inch battery; time 03:30 shows the USS New York, BB-34, again; various naval guns fire and explosions on Okinawa are shown; time 04:08 shows the forward main deck, looking aft, of the USS Nevada, BB-36, with a Tennessee Class battleship in the background.

Date: 1945, April
Duration: 4 min 12 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675027749
U.S. Battleships fire at Japanese defenses during the battle for Okinawa, Japan, in World War II.

U.S. Battleships fire at Okinawa, Japan. A map shows the area of operation of the land forces. 483 Japanese artillery pieces located in the area. U.S. tank destroyed by Japanese artillery fire. Japanese antiaircraft fire interferes with U.S. observation planes. U.S. naval gunfire from ships was able to destroy 120 Japanese artillery emplacements. An airplane in flight. Many views of U.S. naval gunfire. Views of destroyed Japanese heavy artillery.

Date: 1945, April
Duration: 1 min 35 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675027750