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Palembang Dutch East Indies 1942 stock footage and images

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GIs refuel and load a large aircraft engine in a C47 Skytrain aircraft in the South West Pacific theater during World War II.

United States 5th Air Force transport service in the South West Pacific theater during World War II. View of a camp area: Two long thatched roof buildings with a flag flying atop a tall pole. United States Army Air Force C47 Skytrain military transport aircraft parked on a field. A C47 Skytrain aircraft named 'Flamingo' taxis on the field. Mountains in the background. Two C47 Skytrain aircraft are refueled. GIs get ready to move out. They refuel a C47 Skytrain aircraft and load a large aircraft engine into the aircraft.

Date: 1942
Duration: 2 min 0 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675072397
A man checks a shelter and records data at a weather station in the South West Pacific theater during World War II.

Activities at a weather station in the South West Pacific theater during World War II. A sign board on a tent reads "Colin Weather Station". Trees in the background. A man checks a shelter and records data. He climbs up a steel pole and checks an anemometer.

Date: 1942
Duration: 1 min 3 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675072398
The Battle of Dieppe in World War II

Operation "Rutter,"(aka Operation Jubilee) the ill-fated Allied raid on Dieppe, France, conducted by the Canadian 2nd Infantry Division and British Commandos plus some Inter-allied commandos, during World War 2. Map highlighting Dieppe. Low-flying British Royal Air Force Spitfire aircraft attacking German positions. German gunners firing heavy field gun from a grove of trees. Batteries of German antiaircraft guns firing from positions in hillsides. Explosions close to the camera. Fortified German gunners firing quad 2 cm Flakvierling 38 antiaircraft gun. A German 8.8 cm Flak 18 antiaircraft gun in operation. Explosions on the beachhead. German soldiers at roadside, one with a hand grenade. Another huge explosion near the camera. View from inside fortified German position, as soldier fires MG42 machine gun. View through window of building as bomb or shell explodes close by. View of Allied beachhead in disarray as Allied raiders are taken prisoners of war. Several are ambulatory wounded and another is carried on a stretcher. A German Junkers Ju 88 bomber overhead, bombs an allied ship at the waterfront. Wounded Allied soldiers lying on the beach with knocked out Churchill tank and a burning landing craft behind them. Abandoned landing craft on the beach. A larger ship afire. Allied soldiers being gathered up by German soldiers. One gives a drink to an Allied soldier in a landing craft. Remnants of Allied forces being escorted as prisoners of war along a road with seaside Church of Notre-dame-de-bon-secours in the background. Some prisoners are barefoot. One is carried on a litter. Burning landing craft on the beach. Canadian soldiers march with hands raised. Views of damage to buildings in Dieppe, from bombing and shelling. Canadian prisoners of war being escorted by German guards through town. View from high point overlooking Dieppe, showing the town, with smoke rising in places, and the beach with Allied boats and equipment strewn on it.

Date: 1942, August 19
Duration: 2 min 58 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: French
Clip: 65675072445
German soldiers march captured Commandos through the streets in France during the Dieppe Raid of World war II.

German and British soldiers in France during the Dieppe Raid of World War II. Dead troops lying on beach in a long barbed wire entanglement. Canadian and British troops. Damaged amphibious tanks stranded on beach. British soldiers' damaged helmets lying around tanks. Damaged Royal Air Force Supermarine Spitfire fighter aircraft on field. Germans march captured Commandos through the streets. Some Commandos in uniform. Scenes of German prisoners camp: food rationed out to prisoners. Street scenes: civilians walk around. Buildings seen on either side of the streets. German soldier stands guard at the beach with machine gun in front of him. Platoons of German troops in uniform march on beach. German soldier mans a machine gun. Men stand around it.

Date: 1942, August 19
Duration: 2 min 43 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: French
Clip: 65675072446
German Fa 223 Drache helicopter transports aircraft wing and engine attached to its sling in Germany during World War II.

Helicopter development in Germany. German Focke Achgelis Fa 223 Drache helicopter in flight. It lands on airstrip. Trees in the background. Views from several angles of the helicopter, including Swastika sign on tail. It takes off from airstrip. Helicopter in flight. Men attach an aircraft wing to sling of helicopter. Helicopter flies away, with the cargo of airplane wing, suspended beneath. The helicopter lowers the wing to the ground. Men attach damaged aircraft engine to helicopter sling. Helicopter delivers aircraft engine to grass field at airport destination.

Date: 1942
Duration: 2 min 44 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: German
Clip: 65675072916
German Fa 223 Drache helicopter transports airplane attached to its sling in Germany during World War II.

German Focke Achgelis Fa 223 Drache helicopter in flight over ground. A German light airplane parked at airfield. Man fastens the airplane to helicopter sling. Helicopter lifts the airplane and places it on nearby ground.

Date: 1942
Duration: 55 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675072917