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Peking China 1973 stock footage and images

- Showing 1333 to 1338 of 1407 results
Bank teller gives cash to Iranian man; fuel nozzle filling gas in car

Fuel nozzle filling gas in car. A car filling petrol at a gas station with spiral gas flow indicator moving. A male bank teller counting Iranian rial bills and coins. The bank teller gives cash to a wealthy Iranian man. The elderly man places bills into his money case. Molten metal flowing into a vat. An artisan weaving a traditional Persian rug. The artisan weaves rug with elaborate floral patterns. A policeman directs car traffic in Tehran, Iran.

Date: 1973
Duration: 38 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675080185
Aerial view of Iranian oil fields, refineries, and oil tankers.

Aerial view of an oil field in Iran. Flames are seen on top of flare stacks flaring. Oil storage tanks in desert oil refinery. Ships in the coast near oil refinery. Offshore drilling in Iran. Oil tankers are docked in Iranian ports.

Date: 1973
Duration: 1 min 52 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675080186
Pre revolution Tehran, Iran shows women in Western fashions, carpet weaving and crafts.

View of downtown Tehran, Iran. Modernist skyscrapers, streets of Tehran are shown. An Iranian policeman directs car traffic. A man runs in the middle of a heavy traffic. Pedestrians cross the road. Iranian women wearing Western fashion such as jeans, miniskirts, and short dresses. An Iranian family walking together. Two women wearing short skirts talk to each other as they walk in the street. A driver gets distracted by women wearing short skirts on the street. He bumps his car into another vehicle in front of him. Two young Iranian boys weave a Persian rug with an artisan. Yarns hang over the loom. A boy weaves the rug by hand. An artisan creates a Persian miniature. Metalworkers create hand tooled metal plates in Iran. A young boy trains alongside two adult metal artisans. Artisans use tools to engrave into metal plates. Persian metal plates and vases on display.

Date: 1973
Duration: 1 min 54 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675080187
Natural gas pipeline in Iran, Esfahan Steel Factory

A factory under construction in Iran as seen from a passing vehicle. Factory estates in the Iranian desert. View of the Hajiqabul–Astara–Abadan pipeline that supplies natural gas to the Soviet Union. The Esfahan Steel Company steelworks in Isfahan, Iran. Molten metal flowing into a ladle. Flames in furnace. Molten copper bubbling. A worker pulls out and inspects a copper sheet.

Date: 1973
Duration: 1 min 34 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675080188
Interview with Shah of Iran about nationalization of resources in Iran

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran, speaks about the economic system of Iran. An English dubbing translates the Shah’s comments. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi speaks how Iran has adopted a capitalist system (defined as “if you accept what is not communist is capitalist”) despite every natural and industrial resources of the country is nationalized. The Shah added that almost half of companies in Iran have opened their accounts to the public.

Date: 1973
Duration: 46 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675080189
Iranian factory workers working in various industries; automobiles made in Iran

A man wearing a respirator mask puts on protective gloves. The man began to grind metal with sparks flying. A mustached man peers from behind a machine. View of large storage tanks inside a factory. Man climbs ladder, walks on mezzanine floor above tanks. Early computer and reel to reel tape drive. Row of thread bobbins being wound on machine. Iranian factory workers operating loom machine to weave fabric. A worker pulls formed rubber sheet from machine. A woman worker pulls a boot liner over a boot last. A machine pressing soles onto boots. Watchful eye of a worker as metal press operates. Hand pulls lever. Man hammers metal panel. A group of Iranian factory workers wearing protective suits walking. Factory workers assembling parts. The factory workers in protective suits enters a paint room at automobile factory and spray paint on cars. Men position metal sheet into a large automobile panel press. Iranian factory workers assemble a car in a plant and spot weld by hand. Molten glass formed into bottles. Coca-Cola glass bottles move on assembly line and are filled. Milk comes out from a machine into a vat. Machine printing milk cartons. Pegah Bottled Milk by Iran Dairy Industries Co. Teletype machine printing message and teletype control room. Man pulls paper out of teletype machine and puts pages into pneumatic tube container. Man puts pneumatic tube container into pneumatic tube door while camera pans pneumatic tube on ceiling. Iranian newspapers being printed on rolls of printing press.

Date: 1973
Duration: 4 min 7 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675080190