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Point Hope Alaska USA 1915 stock footage and images

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Events that initiated World War I and animated map showing involvement of nations from 1914 through 1918

Opening scene shows a man being roughed up by a group of men in an alleyway. A slate comments (in French) that when nations are bellicose, an assassination can cause a world war. Next, a slate shows picture of the world and states (in English) "One murder may start a world war." Another slate (in French) states that In 1914, while Europe's armies and fleets were more powerful than they had ever been, the nephew of the Emperor of Austria (Archduke Ferdinand) was assassinated. A front page is shown of newspaper, "Journal De Geneve" carrying the story. Next scene is a view of the city of Sarajevo. The ancient Emperor's Mosque dominates the scene. A slate appears asking Where is Sarajevo? It is followed by a map of Europe in 1914, which zooms in on Austria and Serbia and identifies and labels Sarajevo,in Austria, close to the Serbian border. Slates (in French) says Austria accused Serbia of War and other nations enter the melee. Animated World map shows the nations getting involved, starting with the German Empire in 1914, including its African colonies, and then successively showing Russia, France, Belgium,Great Britain, Japan, and the Ottoman Empire. Map advances to 1915, showing the Italian empire, Bulgaria,and Central Arabia. In 1916 it adds Portugal, Roumania. Next, the U.S.A. is added in, 1917, along with Central and South America, Greece, Siam, and China. Finally, the slate shows the war ending in 1918. Slate shows Armistice Day, the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th Month (November), with time shown on hands of Big Ben in London.

Date: 1918
Duration: 3 min 34 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: French
Clip: 65675029392
Information about unidentified airplanes is transmitted in the United States.

A public television program by the U.S. Army entitled 'The Big Picture.' U.S. troops are seen hunkered down and looking through binoculars in a defensive position in Korea, during the Korean War. American soldiers riding atop a Sherman tank on a city street in Germany, during World War II. Ski troops moving across snowy hill in Alaska. U.S. Army amphibious assault training on a beach in Puerto Rico. Army Master Sergeant Stuart Queen, narrator, speaks about America's defense against threat of atomic attack in these times of lukewarm peace. View of mountainous region in Alaska. A cluster of Cup'it Eskimo dwellings is seen on Nunivak Island, in the Bering Sea. Several of the local inhabitants are fishing through holes cut in the ice. Vapor trails are seen from Soviet aircraft flying at high altitude. A sign on a tarpaulin displaying logo of the Army Signal Corps, reads,"Alaska Communication System, Long Distance Commercial Telephone-Telegraph." A tracked vehicle carries a soldier to a facility posting a sign reading, "Alaska Communications System Receiver Station." Several tall antennas loom above the site. The soldier, dressed in arctic gear, steps from the tracked vehicle and walks past several snow shoes, standing upright in the snow, to enter a white wooden building. Inside, a man in civilian clothes works at a battery of telecomunications equipment. He transmits a message about the aircraft sighting, to the Alaska Communication System facility in Fairbanks Alaska (briefly shown) by means of a telegraph key. From there it is relayed to a Signal Corps facility, shown, in Washington, DC. A soldier is seen Inside that facility, in a room filled with computers and telecommunications equipment. A Sergeant handles paper tape messages being sent and received by teletype. Another soldier plugs connections into a communications switchboard. Next, the camera pans over the entrance to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, in the Pentagon. More views of soldiers attending banks of teletype machines. Animated map displays paths of orders being transmitted to U.S. Air Defense Centers in San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle, New York, and Atlanta. View from control room, of several U.S. Air Force F-94 Fighter Interceptor aircraft on an airfield ramp. A controller activates a Klaxon horn and pilots on alert, in the Fighter Interceptor Squadron ready room, jump up and scramble to their aircraft. A pair of F-94s taking off. One is number 51-5385. Next, a U.S. Navy F-9 fighter plane is seen taking off from an airfield. It displays tail code AE. It is followed by another F-9 aircraft.

Date: 1954
Duration: 3 min 39 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675070284
The U.S. Army Air Corps Alaska Flight of 1934, reaches Fairbanks, Alaska 5 days after leaving Washington, DC.

The U.S. Army Air Corps Alaska expedition flight of 1934. YB-10 aircraft of the Alaska Flight are parked at an airport in Fairbanks, Alaska. Hangars are seen in background. One of the aircraft is starting its right engine. Camera pans the grass field where YB-10 are parked (and a dog stands in the center of the field). The Pan American Airways logo is painted on front of a hangar and "Pacific Alaska Airways" below it. A wind sock is atop the hangar. Scene shifts to Lieutenant Colonel Henry "Hap" Arnold, standing with his aviators in front of a YB-10 airplane. He is receiving a large symbolic "Key to the City," from Fairbanks Mayor, Ernest B. Collins. They shake hands, and Mayor Collins takes his hat off to Colonel Arnold and his fliers. Arnold and Collins pose for a closeup. Camera pans across the Alaska Flight airplanes parked on the field

Date: 1934, July 24
Duration: 2 min 23 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675064910
President Eisenhower gives a speech after he awards Medals of Honor to for heroism in the Korean War at the White House.

President Dwight D Eisenhower awards Medals of Honor for heroism in the Korean War at a ceremony in front of the White House. After presentation the President speaks of the gratitude of the nation, and says he hopes there will be no need for any more battle citations. Relatives of awardees and spectators. The awardees on stage: Sgt Hiroshi Miyamura, USA; Lt James L Stone, USA; Sgt David B Bleak, USA; Sgt Alford Lee McLaughlin, USMC; Private Robert Ernest Simanek, USMC (retired); Lt George H O'Brien Jr, USMC; Lt Raymond G Murhpy, USMC. Secretary of Defense, Charles E Wilson and others watch. The President poses with the awardees for the press.

Date: 1953, October 27
Duration: 2 min 49 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: English
Clip: 65675020754
South Eastern areas of Alaska where totem poles are made.

Landscape and natural terrain views of Alaska, areas of South Eastern Alaska and Tongass National Forest where native indigenous indian totem poles are made are shown. View of glaciers across water. Two women walk away from a small PanAm passenger airplane on an airfield in Alaska. Aerial views of snow covered mountains, and wooded mountains and lakes in Alaska. Harvested wood timber floating in large pens in waterways of Alaska. Fishing boat and hauling in a large catch of salmon fish by net. View of waterfall. Mountain and lake scene at sunset.

Date: 1960
Duration: 1 min 12 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675038984
YB-10s of the U.S. Army Air Corps 1934 Alaska Flight return to Bolling Field in Washington, DC after flying more than 7000 miles.

The U.S. Army Air Corps (USAAC) Alaska Flight of 1934 departing Fairbanks Alaska on flight back to Washington, DC. Their YB-10 aircraft are seen in a line on the airfield. Spectators are at the edge of the field to see them off. Next, the aircraft are seen taxiing out for takeoff, with their Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Henry Arnold, piloting the lead aircraft, the "City of Fairbanks." Other aircraft follow in succession. Colonel Arnold's airplane takes off and proceeds in a shallow climb. Slate tells first leg is 640 miles to Juneau in 3 hours and 55 minutes. Map shows North America with outbound course to Alaska from Washington, DC, traversing the Great Lakes, Edmonton, Prince George, and White Horse, to Fairbanks. But a moving arrow shows return route via Juneau. Snow-covered mountains seen from a YB-10 on this return leg. Aerial shots of several YB-10s in formation. Slate announces next leg as 940 miles and 5 hours and 40 minutes to Seattle, Washington State. Aircraft and crews of the returning Alaska Flight, seen on a grass field in Seattle. Lieutenant Colonel Henry Arnold, expedition commander, leads his fliers across the field. Slate states remaining distance to Washington, DC, as 2700 miles and 14 hours. More shots of YB-10s in formation aloft. Shot of a YB-10 with farmland below. Ten YB-10s seen in formation, and the animated map completes the journey to Washington, DC. Aerial view from above of several YB-10s below, flying over the Potomac River, in Washington, DC, with the Lincoln Memorial, and Arlington Memorial bridge visible below. The formation of 10 planes barely visible above the Capitol building. The YB-10 named Juneau, taxiing across Bolling Field, after landing. (This segment of film is reversed, so the name and Alaska Flight logo are mirror-reversed.) The last of the 10 aircraft pulls into position on the flightline. Lieutenant Colonel Henry (Hap) Arnold stands in front of his fliers who hold a large totem pole souvenir. Secretary of War, George H. Dern, greets the returning aviators and poses next to Colonel Arnold.

Date: 1934, August 20
Duration: 3 min 44 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675064923