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Queens New York City USA 1961 stock footage and images

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General Smith and Beau shake hands with foreign cadets during International Cadets Exchange Program in Maryland,United States.

International Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Cadets Exchange Program in Maryland,United States. Sign board reads Department of State,320 21st Street North West. Foreign cadets attend reception. They shake hands with United States Air Force Lieutenant General Joseph Smith. General's wives shake hands with the group. United States Air Force General Lucas Victor Beau and General Smith shake hands with foreign cadets. Flags in the background.

Date: 1953, July 27
Duration: 1 min 32 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675072825
St. Louis 'Browns' baseball team in Spring Training at San Antonio,Texas.

A formation of "Cowgirls" in costume twirl lassos on the infield of a ball park in San Antonio, Texas, as members of the St. Louis Browns baseball team watch from the baseline. The team members try their hand at twirling the lassos. Players try to spin rope. A Player lifts up a cowgirl, who twirls a lasso over both of them. Pitcher, Sid Jakuchi, wearing a cowboy hat throws a baseball at the camera. A bevy of cowgirls throw baseballs, as well. Club owner, Donald Barnes, is seen in several scenes, wearing a sport jacket and open collar shirt. Players pose and warm up. They practice fielding and batting. Spectators fill the grandstand. Player number 4, Johnny Berardino, wearing a cowboy hat, bats a ball and then mounts a horse to "run" the bases.

Date: 1941, March 13
Duration: 2 min 6 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675072852
Boston Bees baseball team holds spring training in San Antonio Texas, 1941

Players on the Boston Bees baseball team (formerly the Boston Braves) do spring training drills in San Antonio Texas, March 1941. Players warm up by throwing and catching. Manager Casey Stengel, a future Hall of Famer, clowns around with a movie camera for three of his players. Pitcher Hank LaManna throws a couple of pitches toward the camera. Shortstop Eddie Miller turns a double play in practice.

Date: 1941, March 13
Duration: 51 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675072853
United States airmen install black box in nose of SM-68 Titan missile at Cape Canaveral,Florida.

United States Air Force personnel work at Cape Canaveral,Florida. United States airmen install black box in nose of SM-68 Titan missile. They work on sixth level of gantry. Airmen interact.

Date: 1960
Duration: 2 min 6 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675072860
United States sergeant and two airmen conduct SM-65 Atlas missile fueling test at Cape Canaveral,Florida.

United States Air Force personnel work at Cape Canaveral,Florida. United States sergeant and two airmen conduct SM-65 Atlas missile fueling test. Airman at controls.

Date: 1960
Duration: 1 min 9 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675072861
Two non commissioned officers (NCO) make electrical checks inside pod of a missile at Cape Canaveral,Florida.

United States Air Force personnel work at Cape Canaveral,Florida. Two non commissioned officers (NCO) make electrical checks inside pod of a missile. NCO discuss a document with other airmen.

Date: 1960
Duration: 1 min 3 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675072862