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Republic of San Marino 1930 stock footage and images

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U.S. Patrol Torpedo Boat crew fires guns and torpedoes at Japanese ships in the Pacific Theater during World War II.

U.S. Patrol Torpedo Boat crew in the Pacific Theater during World War II. Patrol Torpedo Boats underway at sea. Japanese aircraft strafing overhead. A torpedo boat gunner fires at the Japanese aircraft. A Japanese airman in the cockpit. A bullet chain placed on a stand as the gunner fires. The hit Japanese aircraft falls into water. A fleet of United States bombers in flight. They drop bombs over Japanese ships. Fire and explosions on the ships. A torpedo boat crew fires a torpedo at a Japanese ship. Another torpedo is fired which hits the enemy ship.

Date: 1943
Duration: 2 min 44 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675064954
The film 'March on Marines' shows views pertaining to the U.S. Marine Corps from 1775 to the 20th century.

Film opens referring to U.S. Marines in 1775. In a reenactment men carrying the "Don't Tread on Me" flag march to resist the British. Next, they are seen in a battle at sea. Scene shifts to 20th Century, where Marines are seen marching in a parade in an American city. Scene shifts again, to a ship at a dock with U.S. Marines disembarking. Closeup of some in class A and dress uniforms carrying duffel bags. They sing as they move from the ship to the dock and then march along a pier, past sailors aboard a lightly armed ship.. (World War II period).

Date: 1940
Duration: 1 min 35 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675064955
A dramatization shows Sergeant Morgan and his brother doing their duties towards the nation in the United States.

The United States Marine Corps in the United States. A reenactment shows Sergeant Morgan conversing with his younger brother. Sergeant Morgan speaks to an Admiral's daughter and hands over her red hat and hand bag. A Colonel speaks to Sergeant Morgan in his office and shakes hands with him. A group of Marines cheers and welcomes the Sergeant inside a dormitory. The U.S. flag being hoisted on a pole. A Marine stands with rifle in hand while Sergeant Morgan salutes standing at the back.

Date: 1940
Duration: 3 min 0 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675064956
Sergeant Morgan welcomes and trains Marine recruits at a sea school in the United States.

United States Marine recruits being trained by Sergeant Morgan in the United States. Marine recruits read from a board and converse with each other. Sergeant Morgan briefs a large group of Marine recruits. They listen carefully. The Marines with rifles in hand march. The recruits learn knot tying with ropes at a sea school. An officer instructs them. The recruits stand in a line with their baggage.

Date: 1940
Duration: 2 min 10 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675064957
A dramatization shows a Colonel briefing Sergeant Morgan and his brother about a vacant position in Annapolis, U.S.

A U.S. Colonel speaks to Sergeant Morgan and his brother at a Marine camp in the United States. United States Marines standing. A senior officer instructs the Marines. A dramatization shows an Admiral's daughter arriving in a car. Sergeant Morgan and his brother look at her. Morgan's brother introduces him to the Admiral's daughter. They take a tour of the training camp. A board reads 'Montezuma street'. The Colonel speaks to both the brothers and tells them about one position vacant in Annapolis. He asks them for friendly rivalry for three weeks and the best Marine would get the position.

Date: 1940
Duration: 2 min 31 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675064958
Mountain troops ski down a slope during a test at Camp Hale in Colorado, United States.

U.S. Army Mountain troops at Camp Hale, United States Army Mountain Training Center, in Colorado, United States, during World War 2. The mountain troops assemble for a ski test. An officer briefs the team. The mountain troops standing in a line wear their skis. They come down a slope and cross trees in between. One of the trooper falls in the end. Narrator describes their ski test and their skiing.

Date: 1943
Duration: 2 min 51 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675064972