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Republic of San Marino 1930 stock footage and images

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Nazi German Ambassador Hans-Adolf von Moltke submits his credentials to Franco during WWII.

Nazi German Ambassador to Spain Hans-Adolf Helmuth Ludwig Erdmann Waldemar von Moltke formally presents his credentials in the Royal Palace of Madrid during World War 2. The German ambassador is accompanied by a Moorish Cavalry parade to the Royal Palace (C. de Bailén, s/n, 28071 Madrid, Spain). Moorish Cavalry soldier carry pennants, flanking the ambassador’s staff car. Ambassador von Moltke performs a Nazi salute while carrying his credentials to Generalissimo Francisco Franco. Ambassador von Moltke and Franco sit together after von Moltke formally submitted his credentials.

Date: 1943, January 23
Duration: 30 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: German
Clip: 65675079849
A soccer match in Rome, Italy during World War 2

Italian Regia Marina (Royal Navy) men participate in soccer (football) match at a stadium in Rome during World War 2. Soccer players of the Italian Royal Navy performs the Roman salute before a match. Spectators fill the stadium and cheering. Soccer players in match. “Radio Marelli”, “Cognac Salva” advertised in stadium. A soccer player kicks the ball. Fans cheering after soccer player scores a goal. Regina Marina navy men, soldiers in uniform watch the soccer match. Soccer player hits a goal.

Date: 1943
Duration: 55 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: German
Clip: 65675079854
United States diplomatic corps and Luxembourgish politicians attend ceremonies in Ettelbruck, Luxembourg

The unveiling of the "Avenue John F. Kennedy" sign in Ettelbruck, Luxembourg. A Luxembourgish politician watch a speech. Prominent guests clapping. The plaque is unveiled. Plaque reads “Avenue John F. Kennedy”. Men clapping. A child wearing a white conical hat watches the event. A United States military official salutes. A military band plays music. A conductor leads the band. Street sign reads “Avenue John F. Kennedy”. United States diplomatic corps car and other vehicles driving away. “ETTELBRUCK” shoulder patch. Hand with scissors cutting a ribbon during a ceremony. Two United States military officials carefully cutting the ribbon during the “General Patton Remembrance Day” in Ettelbruck, Luxembourg. A United States missile rocket on display in Luxembourg.

Date: 1964, June 20
Duration: 1 min 25 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675079869
Prominent Italians meet inside a villa during World War II

Italian elites convene for a social meeting in Italy during World War II. Prominent Italian men and women arriving inside a villa for an event. Butlers welcome the guests and take their coats. A group of women in black dresses arrive as guests. A guest hands over his hat to the footman. Italian footman takes off the man’s coat. A man escorts his wife as they walk down the hallway. Ornate Baroque furniture such as mirrors, tables and busts decorate the hallway. Guests drink coffee and chatting with one another. A butler serves coffee to guests.

Date: 1944
Duration: 1 min 27 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675079876
Prominent Italians socialize over coffee during World War II

Italian society figures meet for coffee inside a villa during World War II. An elderly matron speaks to a young man. Two couples talking to one another. A large harp stands behind the elderly woman. A butler serves coffee to guests. Butler adds sugar to a guest’s coffee cup. Three women talking to one another over coffee, a young man sits beside a matron. Italian military officer speaks to a society woman. A vicar speaks to other guests. A woman wearing a fur coat speaks to her friends. A woman in black speaking to a man. Society women chatting. A man holds a cigarette. Italian Fascist military officer gallantly kisses the hand of a matron.

Date: 1944
Duration: 2 min 0 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675079877
Young Italian men and women socialize during a house party in Rome, Italy (World War II)

A house party in Rome, Italy during World War II. Young Italians socialize during a house party. Couples romantically dancing in living room, while men and women sitting on chairs on the side. Man turns hand crank of a record player. Men and women listen to music. A man shows a paper to a woman standing behind the record player. Italian men and women smoke cigarettes in a balcony overlooking the Castel Sant’Angelo (Lungotevere Castello, 50, 00193 Roma RM, Italy) and the Parco della Mole Adriana Garden. A woman talks to a man while smoking cigarettes. The man turns to the woman.

Date: 1944
Duration: 1 min 4 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675079879