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Riverdale New York USA 1943 stock footage and images

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Woman officer directs aircraft T-2C at Naval Air Station Chase Field in Texas.

Woman ground crewman at Naval Air Station Chase Field in Texas. Aircraft T-2Cs parked in the background. She directs T-2C on airfield. She places chocks around T-2C's landing gear. Fuel truck passes in the foreground.

Date: 1982, March 29
Duration: 1 min 35 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675052113
Man directs aircraft T-2C at Naval Air Station Chase Field in Texas.

Man drives vehicle on airfield at Naval Air Station Chase Field in Texas. Man directs aircraft T-2C on airfield. T-2C taxies. T-2Cs parked on airfield.

Date: 1982, March 29
Duration: 1 min 4 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675052114
Preflight check of aircraft T-2C at Naval Air Station Chase Field in Texas.

Flight training at Naval Air Station Chase Field in Texas. Preflight check of aircraft T-2C parked on airfield. Man works at T-2C. Pilot in cockpit of plane. Man inspects landing gears of T-2C. Pilots of plane in cockpit. Man signals aircraft for take off. Letters on side of plane 'NAVY'. T-2C taxies on airfield.

Date: 1982, March 29
Duration: 2 min 45 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675052115
Preflight checking of aircraft T-2C before take off at Naval Air Station Chase Field in Texas.

Man directs aircraft T-2C at Naval Air Station Chase Field. Hangar and fuel truck parked in the background. Man places chocks around landing gears of T-2C. Man signals pilot. Front of T-2C shows the pilot in cockpit. Man signals the pilot again and checks lower section of plane. Pilot in cockpit. Co-pilot converses with the pilot of T-2C. Letters on helmet of co-pilot reads 'Patch'. Pilot gets up in cockpit. Man inspects landing gears and lower section of plane. Man climbs to cockpit. Nose of T-2C.

Date: 1982, March 29
Duration: 3 min 22 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675052116
Aircraft T-2Cs parked in flight line at Naval Air Station Chase Field in Texas.

Two men walk towards a building at Naval Air Station Chase Field. Aircraft T-2Cs undergo inspection at airfield. Vehicle is driven. Truck tows material on airfield. T-2Cs parked in flight line. Men walk and reach to T-2C.

Date: 1982, March 29
Duration: 2 min 46 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675052117
Aircraft TA-4J undergoes inspection at Naval Air Station Chase Field in Texas.

Aircraft TA-4J parked at Naval Air Station Chase Field. TA-4J undergoes inspection. Pilot of TA-4J in cockpit. Man converses with pilot. Man at cockpit of TA-4J. Man gets down and inspects lower nose section of TA-4J. He inspects TA-4J landing gear.

Date: 1982, March 29
Duration: 1 min 37 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675052118