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Rockland Maine USA 1931 stock footage and images

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Coast Artillerymen unpack a barrage balloon and its accessories during a demonstration at Camp Davis in North Carolina (WW2)

Coast Artillery troops at Camp Davis in North Carolina demonstrate how to handle a barrage balloon in World War II. Two types of barrage balloons. Army Soldiers lay a canvas cover on a balloon bed. A compact wooden box in which a balloon is transported. Men lift the box and bring it to the edge of the cloth on the ground. They remove a lid. A balloon and its accessories are unpacked. Men remove their shoes and spread the balloon. Men put an inflation tube into an appendix of the balloon and the other end is attached to an air blower. The balloon is partially inflated. A man enters a gas chamber through the appendix and takes an inspection lamp. Men prepare cylinders of helium for inflation the balloon. The inspection is complete and the man comes out from the appendix. Men walk on the balloon to remove the air.

Date: 1941
Duration: 7 min 20 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675069168
Coast Artillerymen fill a balloon with helium gas and raise the balloon during a demonstration at Camp Davis in North Carolina (WW2)

Coast Artillery soldiers at Camp Davis in North Carolina in World War II. demonstrate how to handle a barrage balloon. The manifold of the balloon is connected to a helium gas cylinder by means of a rubber tube. Men connect one end of an inflation tube to the manifold. The end of the tube is connected with the appendix of the balloon. The envelope is inflated A soldier opens cylinder valves. The balloon gradually rises. Men install a rudder. Men hang sand bags on the balloon to control its rate of rise. Men move the balloon to a winch. The second balloon inflated in the same manner. Men remove the sand bags. A man operates the winch. The balloon rises. The second balloon rises. The balloons are raised up. A balloon is hauled down and anchored. Men hang the sand bags. The Army personnel march off from the field.

Date: 1941
Duration: 7 min 29 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675069169
The spectators in a stand watch the horses perform at the National Horse show at Madison Square Garden in New York.

The National Horse show at Madison Square Garden in New York. Spectators seated in stand. The jockeys with their horses on a track. The horses lined up. The show starts. The horse performs different stunts and spectators in the stand cheer. The spectators watch the show. The horse carriages in different formations.

Date: 1937, November 3
Duration: 1 min 13 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675069214
Chinese men construct a speedboat and lower the boat into water in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Chinese to use speedboats in suicide attacks in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Men make speedboat. A man tightens the nails with a machine on the boat. The bottom part of the boat. Men at work on the bottom part. The speedboat being lowered into water. Men on the boat. The speedboat underway at sea.

Date: 1937, November 3
Duration: 44 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675069216
A 300 ton bridge floats in water in Brooklyn, New York.

Launch of a 300 ton bridge in Brooklyn, New York. The 300 ton bridge and men at work on the bridge. People gathered for the launch. The bridge being lowered into water and floats. The bridge floating. Buildings in the background.

Date: 1938, February 22
Duration: 35 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675069224
Lumberjack water sports, trained deer, trout fishing and other amusements at a sports show at Grand Central Palace, New York.

Antics at the sports show at Grand Central Palace in New York, United States. Men dressed as African tribesmen knock on the door of an igloo in a winter diorama and greet a man dressed as an Eskimo. They are joined by others; one dressed as a Canadian Mountie and another as a Scotsman in a kilt. Lumberjacks joust each other while balancing in their canoes. Lumberjacks in a log rolling competition. The lumberjack from Nova Scotia falls in the water. Trained deer jump through hoops and extend their front legs in exchange for a treat. A man catches trout at a water display, complete with water wheel.

Date: 1938, February 22
Duration: 56 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675069226