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Rossville Georgia USA 1935 stock footage and images

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African Americans learn shoe repairing and radio training in classes of National Youth Administration.

African American young men and young women learn in various classes of Georgia State College, under the National Youth Administration (NYA) Center in Atlanta. Campus of Georgia State College at Savannah (later Savannah State University, 3219 College St, Savannah, GA 31404, USA). African American boys constructing the building of a Community Center. African American girls outside the Homemaking Center constructed by NYA boys. The girls play with a dog. African American girl learns cooking in kitchen. A girl is cutting cloth and another one is sewing clothes on a sewing machine. College age African American boys working in a shoe repairing workshop. A boy working on radio during a radio training workshop.

Date: 1957
Duration: 1 min 39 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675024040
Exchange of cultures and collaboration in science and arts between the Soviet Union and the United States

The Moscow summit between the U.S. and USSR in Moscow, Russia. Wyeth family artwork being packed in boxes for a visit to the Soviet Union. Various paintings being packed up. In exchange, some Russian paintings and artwork seen that will be displayed in America. General Secretary of the Communist Party of Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev visits the United States during Glasnost efforts amid Perestroika reforms. People on the streets in what appears to be New York or possibly Washington DC are surprised when he exits his motorcade to shake hands directly with American citizens gathered on the sidewalks.The U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz and his wife visiting Soviet Georgia and being greeted by Soviet citizens. Gorbachev and U.S. President Ronald Reagan side by side at a summit in Washington DC. They stand together on the White House lawn as a band plays. Animation depicts the sharing of cultures between the two nations and the exchange of magazines. View of American rock star Billy Joel and his band performing at a concert in the Soviet Union on New Year's eve. A Moiseyev Dance Company folk troupe from Russia performing a dance in the United States. Cultural exchange between the two countries includes views of a piano performance by Vladimir Horowitz in Moscow and a ballet performance in the United States by the Bolshoi Ballet. Several Russian school children pose for pictures on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC. Soviet teenage children enjoy a elevated ropes course in an outdoor program. People sit in an amphitheater with officials at a Chautaqua Talk in 1987. A group of Soviet citizens view a touring "Information USA" exhibit in the Soviet Union that presents American culture. They view the program on an array of television monitors. A young Russian boy speaks in Russian about his interest in learning about American culture. People watch a science exhibition. Astronauts of the USA (NASA) and Soviet Union in a spacecraft. The astronauts open a connecting hatch and shake hands (possibly on a space station). Narrator describes collaboration of the two nations to monitor and study the depleting ozone layer of the earth and how to protect it. A man is shown sunbathing. Officials of the America and the Soviet Union sign an agreement relating to sharing information about safety of nuclear power plants. Soviet representatives and George Shultz, the U.S. secretary of State, inaugurate a new communication system that communicates nuclear dangers between the two countries. A woman in the communication room. Food grain pouring from a harvester, part of what is supplied to the Soviets. Soviet Union tanks and soldiers in Afghanistan. Soviet soldiers walking on a street in Afghanistan in front of a shop. Arrested American journalist Nicholas Daniloff disembarks an aircraft after his release. View of the exterior of the American Embassy in Russia. U.S. marine Sgt. Clayton J. Lonetree being escorted under guard after having been accused of collaborating in a Soviet spy mission at the U.S. embassy in Moscow. Scene inside a Voice of America radio broadcast studio. Sign indicates it is broadcasting in Russian. Close up of meter moving on a radio instrument during the broadcast. Dancers from the Dance Theatre of Harlem performing before their visit to the Soviet Union. A group of Soviet citizens including men, women and children walking outdoors. Mikhail Gorbachev with U.S. President Ronald Reagan at a ceremony on the White House grounds on December 8, 1987.

Date: 1987
Duration: 5 min 13 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675032115
German prisoners play with puppies while one fixes a tripod stand at an internment camp in Fort Oglethorpe, in World War I.

German prisoners play with dog pups at an interment camp in Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, USA, during World War 1. (Fort Oglethorpe was established as an Army Post in 1902, and is part of Chickamauga National Military Park's North Post.) Prison barracks in the background. A prison guard fixes a tripod stand. A prisoner in the background watches the guard. (WWI; WW1)

Date: 1918
Duration: 15 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675030399
Examples of middle-class United States American lifestyle in early 1970s.

Shows early 1970s era construction activities, economic growth, retail shopping, and American fashions and goods of the 1970s. As a contrast to the modern way of life, a farmer is seen using teams of horses to plow his land. Views of middle-class suburban living in the U.S.A. New, modern houses and cars in the suburbs. Construction workers building new homes. Modern farm machinery being employed. Panels being placed on a new car in a factory production line or assembly line. A long freight train moving goods. U.S. consumer retail stores selling a variety of products, and pedestrians in 1970s fashions shopping on town and city streets for various goods including ice cream, lawn mowers and hardware, custom framing, fast food (McDonalds restaurant shown), an "organic food" cafe or store, barbecue grills, outdoor lounge chairs, and antiques, among others. Shipping containers being loaded on a ship for export abroad. Various construction sites ranging from those for suburban neighborhood homes to those for high rise buildings. Construction of the Dunhill Condominiums in progress in Atlanta Georgia. A 1970 Ford Falcon car in a neighborhood of new homes in the suburbs. Sink and bath tub fixtures in a typical kitchen and bathroom. Families at a high school graduation. African American students on a college campus. White students walking on campus of a college or university. Families shopping for high price goods: View of a hand starting a phonograph record player, a man examining a Ford Pinto car in a new car show room, views of home appliances, washers, dryers, stoves, ovens, televisions for sale in a show room, and window air conditioner units. Private pleasure boats operating near a large ferry boat. More views of carpenters and other construction workers and building tradesmen working at construction sites. People at work compiling statistics in the U.S. Bureau of the Census.

Date: 1974
Duration: 3 min 10 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675070321
Ninth National Convention of the Communist Party, New York City. Earl Browder and theme"Against hunger fascism war"

Ninth National Convention of the Communist Party USA in New York City, June 24 -38, 1936. The theme as seen in outsize banners included a huge likeness of Earl Browder displaying the words: "Against Hunger Fascism War" and a banner around the hall reading in part: "forward to Unity..." The activities seen are like any major political party convention, including having placards identifying delegates from all the States of the Union, such as Georgia, Virginia,Iowa,West Virginia, Kentucky, Maryland, District of Columbia,Oregon, etc. Lights sweep over the darkened arena highlighting the signs of the various states. Several scenes show massed flags of the Communist Party displaying the hammer and Sickle on a solid field.

Date: 1936, June 24
Duration: 3 min 1 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675028564
Babe Ruth honored before his final baseball game with New York Yankees, 1934

Brief newsreel clip covering Babe Ruth's final game with the New York Yankees at the Griffith Stadium (Present day Howard University Hospital, 2041 Georgia Ave NW, Washington, DC 20060, United States) in Washington DC, USA. Players, photographers, and dignitaries honor Ruth before the game with ceremony around home plate. Man presents Ruth, wearing the New York Yankees road uniform, with an award. Ruth accepts it and talks briefly, standing next to his wife Claire, seen at right. Brief shot of Washington Senators pitcher Orville Armbrust throwing. (Armbrust would get the only win of his major league career in this game.) Ruth, pictured in a different game and in home uniform, steps into batter's box. Scene of Ruth hitting a home run from earlier in his career.

Date: 1934, September 30
Duration: 21 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675051592