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Saint Lawrence River North America 1942 stock footage and images

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1940 launching of USS Hornet (CV-8); accomplishments of USS Hornet, famous for the 1942 Doolittle Raid during World War II.

A film titled 'The Life and Death of The USS Hornet' dedicated to the workers of America's shipyards and war plants during World War II. The Capitol building in Washington DC. U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt gathered at press conference to announce the bombing of Tokyo Japan by Doolittle Raid forces in April 1942. Reporters run out to phones and typewriters. A man at NBC microphone in 1943. The headlines of newspapers read 'Japs Murder Doolittle's Fliers'. American people in groups and families listen to radio broadcasts, gathered at work and in living rooms around radios to hear the radio news. They buy newspapers at newsstands. Headline of newspaper reads "Carrier Hornet was Shangri-La". Workers at shipyard, factories, machine shops. Men and women war workers of varying ages and races, including white, Japanese-American, and African-American seen welding, machining, and working to buld the ship and its parts. Scenes from the launching of USS Hornet CV-8 in December 14, 1940, with sponsor Annie Reid Knox at the launching.

Date: 1942
Duration: 2 min 42 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675074562
Statues of Great American leaders and Views of American buildings.

Descriptions of American ideals. Animated map of United States with its different States. Globe with North and South America on it. The Holy books of Bible, Kuran and Bhagwat Gita, The Declaration of Independence document. Statues of Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson, Lafayette, sculpture of soldiers. View of the American flag. The bell rings. View of White house and U.S. Capitol in Washington DC, and the Statue of Liberty in New York. Tomb of Unknown soldier at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. Narrator describing virtues on which the United States was founded. (World War II period).

Date: 1942, May 8
Duration: 2 min 50 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675023563
German forces in Northern Italy, immediately after Nazi capitulation in 1945.

Surrendering German officer steps from a building and exchanges salutes, and hand shakes, with officers of the British 8th Army, in Northern Italy, during final days of World War II, in Europe. German soldiers standing about, watching, as one of them prepares a pig for roasting. View from a high balcony overlooking a river and valley.

Date: 1945, May 5
Duration: 35 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675036694
Cold War commences in Europe and UN takes military action against North Korean aggression

Opening scenes show people of East Germany escaping from the Soviet-controlled zone, to the West, through forests. Whole families are seen carrying whatever they could in back packs and suitcases. An animated map is inserted showing a map centered on Korea, with the 38th Parallel dividing Communist North Korea from South Korea. View of a line scratched in a dirt road, designating the 38th Parallel, leading to a temporary border with guard post, established for administrative purposes. View of Ducksoo Palace, in Seoul, Korea, headquarters of the United Nations (UN) Commission on Korea. Diplomats inside its chambers, trying (in vain) to negotiate the withdrawal of Soviet forces from North Korea. United States troops are seen evacuating from South Korea, after the establishment of the Republic of Korea. Carrying duffel bags and all their gear, they board trains to evacuation ports. General scenes of landscape and South Korean people going about their normal activities, under the new government. Smoke rising from surprise attacks by North Korea against the South. Republic of Korea (ROK) troops march to defend against the North's aggression. ROK troops in trucks and trenches fire small arms against the invaders. Huge numbers of refugees are shown fleeing the North. Soldiers raise international flags at the headquarters of the United Nations, in Lake Success, Long Island, New York. Inside, diplomats meet to deal with the crisis. View of empty place at the table labeled "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics." Warren Robinson Austin, U.S. Ambassador to the UN is seen as well as other UN representatives. (Narrator states that after its cease fire order had been ignored by the Communists, the Security Council voted for united military action against the aggressor, and provided for a unified command of United Nations forces.) View of the delegates voting with raised hands. U.S. General Douglas MacArthur is seen receiving the first UN battle flag. Aerial views of the Port of Pusan, Korea. The U.S. Navy transport ship, USS Pickaway (APA-222) is seen being moved by tug boats in the port. View of the troop ship loaded with American troops headed to the port of Pusan, Korea. Color guards waving flags of the UN, the U.S. and the Republic of Korea, as they lead a military brass band marching along the pier. Change of scene to American troops marching along opposite sides of a road in Korea, as jeeps drive in the middle. Troops, including ROK soldiers, engage North Koreans with small arms, mortars, machine guns and artillery field pieces. Back in America, troops parade along Constitution Avenue in Washington DC, with capitol building seen in background. American soldiers boarding a train. Camera focuses on shoulder emblem of a Canadian officer boarding a train and then shows Canadians marching to a port of embarkation. Turkish troops pass in review on their way to Korea. Troops of the Netherlands on the march. Australian troops assembled before sailing to Korea. Swedish doctors and nurses boarding a ship to Korea, where they will set up hospitals to treat the wounded. British sailors boarding ships for action in Korean waters. Glimpse of a British Colossus class aircraft carrier, underway in Korean waters. Views of other UN forces headed to Korea. The UN General Assembly building in Lake Success, Long Island, New York. View of delegates inside the building. Film ends showing a rotating globe of the world, with flags of Nations participating in UN actions in Korea, being shown as the globe passes their respective countries.

Date: 1950
Duration: 6 min 35 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675053068
America plunged into World War 2. Montage of various World War II scenes over the span of the war years

American Jitterbug dancers seen at a contest in 1938. View of feet in shoes, as wearers tap their feet and beat time to music. View of drummer using wire brush on drum. Stadium of people cheer for a dancing cinematographer who is using a motion picture camera to film the event. In contrast, Nazi troops seen parading by torchlight. Nazi flags everywhere and Nazi party ceremonies, overseen by Adolf Hitler, in Germany. Nazis burning books. "Attention Jews" with skull and crossbones painted on stores and business establishments. Nazi Storm Troopers intimidating Jewish businesses and advocating boycott. Glimpse of Heinrich Himmler, in foreground, and Hermann Goering, in center of group of Nazi officials. Junkers Ju-87 Stuka dive bombers attacking Poland in 1939. German artillerymen firing heavy guns. A German railroad gun firing. German paratroopers jumping from Ju-52 trimotor transport aircraft. In contrast, patrons are seen descending in parachutes on the Parachute Jump ride at Coney Island Steeplechase Park, in Brooklyn, New York. Life Savers company sponsorship sign seen atop the parachute jump tower. People eating hot dogs, and firing guns at the shooting gallery on Coney Island's boardwalk. Germans march Polish prisoners of war. German troops entering Denmark and Norway. German troops passing a road sign for Chemin des Dames in Picardy, Northern France. Bomb exploding at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941. American forces engaged in war against japan in the Pacific and against the Axis powers in Europe. U.S. soldiers throwing hand grenades. American wounded being carried on litters. People cheering liberating Allied forces in a European town. British soldiers on a vehicle displaying cartoon of Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Soviet forces advancing in snow. U.S. steel and war plants in operation. Men and women working in American defense plants and war materiel factories, using drills, lathes, and power tools in the spirit of "Rosie the riveter." C.I.O. Poster to promote voting, during the war. Closeup of Sidney Hillman, President of Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. Spectators line sidewalks to get glimpse of President Franklin D.Roosevelt (FDR) in a motorcade. Silhouette of two soldiers helping wounded comrade. FDR's funeral cortege. U.S. troops taking a break, in a war zone. American school children run into a field. An atomic bomb explosion.

Date: 1945
Duration: 5 min 27 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675036816
Production,transportation and assembling of Boeing KC-135 parts in different parts of America.

A Boeing 367 Dash 80 lands on an airstrip. Shows parts of a test airplane being transported to the Boeing Flight Center in Seattle, Washington. Interior view of the test center. A tank constructed for the hydrostatic testing of Boeing fuselage. A production line for Boeing KC-135. Fuselage section of KC-135. Boeing KC-135 parts are manufactured by companies across different parts of America such as War Aircraft Manufacturer in Riverside, California, Northrop Aviation in California, Twin Coach Company in Buffalo, New York and Ryan Aeronautical Company in San Diego, California. A large Boeing part being transported on the Great Northern Railways. Boeing parts being brought in assembly at the Renton Plant in Seattle. Scenes of Boeing parts being manufactured inside the plant.

Date: 1957
Duration: 4 min 29 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675029131