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Sandy Hook New Jersey USA 1933 stock footage and images

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Head of Warner Brothers Jack Warner at his office in Hollywood.

Head of Warner Brothers Jack Warner in Hollywood. Jack Warner at his desk in office. Jack talks over the phone.

Date: 1939, June
Duration: 1 min 13 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675074178
Hollywood Actress Clara Kimball Young sitting in a lawn in Hollywood.

Hollywood Actress Clara Kimball Young in Hollywood. Hollywood Actress Clara Kimball Young comes and takes her seat in a lawn. Clara Kimball Young goes through the documents on a table.

Date: 1939, June
Duration: 55 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675074179
Texas Senator Lyndon B. Johnson speaks about industrial and agricultural growth in the state of Texas.

U.S. Senator from Texas, Lyndon B. Johnson's speaks at his office in Texas. Lyndon Johnson arrives and takes his seat. Multiple takes are shown as Senator Johnson speaks about industrial growth of Texas and explains how nation leans more on agriculture of Texas. He further talks about the spirit of the people in Texas which resulted in success. He talks of Texas as a leader worldwide in farming, and mentions rapid growth of Texas cities. Johnson speaks about skilled and self-reliant labor, farmers, and ranchers of Texas and their courageous approach to problems which makes everything possible. He lauds the business men of Texas who are progressive, free, cooperative, and friendly.

Date: 1955
Duration: 3 min 0 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: English
Clip: 65675074188
U.S. Navy Squadron deploys from San Diego, California, in its PBY-4 Catalina flying boats.

Flight crew members of U.S. Navy Squadron VP-1 (later changed to VP-21) sit in front of a Squadron PBY-4 for group photo before departing on a deployment (likely to Pearl Harbor). They disperse. Sailors are seen kissing their wives and girl friends goodbye. The Squadron aircraft is pushed down a seaplane ramp and departs, followed by others, one at a time. Friends and family wave as they depart. Aircraft numbers seen include 1-P-4; 1-P-6; and 1-P-10. A huge warship is seen behind the departing PBYs in several concluding scenes. The Squadron PBYs all display the insignia of a white elephant standing on a cloud holding a bomb with its trunk. The PBY-4 aircraft are distinguished by propeller spinners and flat hatches on their sides. The location appears to be North Island NAS, at San Diego.

Date: 1939
Duration: 1 min 9 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675074274
Secretary of Japanese-American Citizens League Masaoka delivers a brief eulogy during Nisei services at Arlington Cemetery.

Nisei services at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, United States. Mr. Michael Masaoka National Secretary of the Japanese-American Citizens League Anti-Discrimination Committee, the first volunteer for service in the U.S. 442nd Infantry Regiment, delivers a brief eulogy. Taps are sounded. The flags which were held over the caskets are folded by men. Soldiers parade. Folded flags are presented to the families by U.S. General Jacob Devers.

Date: 1948, June 4
Duration: 6 min 30 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: English
Clip: 65675074377
Civilians of depot check wrecked trucks for salvageable parts at Camp Gordon in Georgia, United States.

Civilians of depot check wrecked trucks in a supply dump of Camp Gordon, Georgia. Civilians search salvageable parts. Several views of civilians as they search for salvageable parts.

Date: 1951, April 13
Duration: 2 min 7 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675074378