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South China Sea 1945 stock footage and images

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U.S. Navy officers discuss about the Vietnam War with the help of a map aboard USS Coral Sea in south China Sea.

U.S. Navy 7th fleet operations in South China Sea during the Vietnam War. U.S. Navy Rear Admiral E.C. Outlaw, Commander Carrier Division one; Captain H.P. Streeper, Captain M.E. Stewart,Commander H.L. Benson, Commander J.F. Brenan and Commander R.W. Reeve in a wardroom aboard USS Coral Sea. Officers discuss about Vietnam War. An officer briefs with the help of a map as others turn around to look at the map. Officer points at the map. Officers return to the conference table.

Date: 1965, May 12
Duration: 1 min 17 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675059974
U.S. Navy officers at a press conference aboard USS Coral Sea underway in the South China sea during the Vietnam War.

U.S. Navy 7th fleet operations in South China Sea during the Vietnam War. U.S. Navy Lieutenant, an Air Force airman 1st at a conference held in wardroom aboard USS Coral Sea. Rear Admiral Edward C. Outlaw answers questions from news men. Officer speaks into a microphone as newsmen jot down notes. Others at the conference include Lieutenant Commander R. Gallagher, G. Wright, C. Brovelli of Agnay France press, W. Tuohy of Newsweek, Captain P. Behm, Airman First Class Ray Heitman,Lieutenant Commander W. Lyons, Commander J. Harris, Commander J.M.Schneider, Norris of Washington Post. W.C. Powell, Commander K.J. Weaver. Rear Admiral Outlaw reaches across the table and shakes hands with newsmen. Newsmen at the table as they write down notes. Members of the press and officers at table as a steward serves refreshments. Rear Admiral Outlaw answers questions. A member of the press asks a question.

Date: 1965, May 12
Duration: 2 min 51 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675059976
U.S. Navy sailors serve food aboard USS Coral Sea underway in the South China Sea during the Vietnam War.

U.S. Navy 7th fleet activities in South China Sea during the Vietnam War. Menu board aboard USS Coral Sea. A cook cuts meat in the kitchen. Cook places sliced pork on a tray for steam table. United States sailors pick up plates as they move through the mess line. Sailors serve themselves. A sailor helps himself to three slices of bread and then moves down to serve a dessert. A cook hands out a slice of fresh pork to a sailor. Cook hands out meat in a mess line. Cook in a hat as he talks to a man.

Date: 1965, May 19
Duration: 4 min 30 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675059977
Sailors serve themselves as they move through mess line aboard USS Coral Sea in South China Sea during the Vietnam War.

U.S. Navy 7th fleet activities in South China Sea during the Vietnam War. Two men push a large rack of trays in mess area aboard USS Coral Sea. Sailors move through the mess line. Men move along a salad bar as they help themselves to various salads and desert. Cooks hand out meat to sailors as they move through the chow line. Pork chops being taken off grill by a cook and being placed in a pan for steam table. Cook places fresh pork chops on the grill. Pork chops being cooked on the grill.

Date: 1965, May 19
Duration: 2 min 45 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675059979
Aircraft make arrest landing and crew refuels A-4C aircraft aboard USS Coral Sea (CVA-43) underway in South China Sea.

United States Navy 7th Fleet operations in South China Sea during the Vietnam War. United States Navy aircraft A-4E Skyhawk makes an arrest landing on flight deck of USS Coral Sea. Aircraft taxis on deck of the ship. A United States Navy aircraft A-1B makes an arrest landing and rolls to a stop. Men work around a United States Navy aircraft A-4C Skyhawk on flight deck during refueling. Other aircraft parked in the background. A United States Navy aircraft A-3B Skyhawk makes an arrested landing on angle deck.

Date: 1965, May 13
Duration: 1 min 41 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675067883
Activities aboard USS Coral Sea (CVA-43) underway in South China Sea during the Vietnam War.

The U.S. Aircraft carrier, USS Coral Sea (CVA-43) in South China Sea during the Vietnam War. Band of Sailors practice together, playing brass instruments, including trumpets and trombones. Sailors use a winch to lower a bomb onto a dolly on the ship's deck. An aircraft being moved by a tug. Two United States Navy A-4C/A-4E Skyhawk aircraft lifted to flight deck level on deck edge elevator. Mechanics work on tail section of a United States Navy UH-2A Seasprite helicopter in hanger bay.

Date: 1965, May 10
Duration: 1 min 43 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675067885