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South East Asia 1970 stock footage and images

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Liuchow recaptured from the Japanese forces, and Chinese 169th Division troops in flag raising ceremony in Liuchow, China.

Chinese troops recapturing Liuchow, China. Liuchow, the former U.S. 14th Air Force Base and largest communication center in South Central China, in ruins after the withdrawal of Japanese forces. The burnt buildings on the streets in Liuchow. The ruins of buildings along the sides of the road. Chinese troops walk along the road. The Chinese troops recapture Liuchow on 13th June 1945. The civilians in China cheering and welcoming the soldiers to the town. The Liuchow Air Base, which was not usable since the Japanese forces had dug holes in places. The entire stretch of the airstrip being blocked with gas drums. The center stretch of the airstrip being damaged. An Air Force engineer examines the heavily mined air strip. Men of Chinese 169th Division assemble for the flag raising ceremony on 2nd July 1945. The troops are welcomed by a citizens' committee. The Chinese 169th Division Major General addresses the men. The Chinese flag hoisted. The troops salute the flag. (World War II period).

Date: 1945, June 13
Duration: 1 min 54 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: None
Clip: 65675054935
Laura Ingalls with her Department of Commerce transport pilot's license in Burbank, California.

An aviatrix (female flyer, woman pilot) gets a transport pilot's license in Burbank, California. An aircraft in flight. The aircraft taxis and lands at an airfield. A pilot in the aircraft. The Department of Commerce transport pilot license is issued to Laura Ingalls, an aviatrix. Laura Ingalls, the aviatrix who completed a several-mile solo flight around South America, with another person beside the aircraft. Laura Ingalls looks at the license in her hand.

Date: 1935, February 4
Duration: 44 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: None
Clip: 65675055050
American soldiers using field telephones at the fortress of Guentrange overlooking Thionville, France, during World War II.

American soldiers of th 90th Infantry Divisionat, at the fortress of Guentrange (Fort Obergentringen) in Thionville, France, during World War 2. The town of Thionville. A cluster of buildings in the town. Smoke rising from certain areas in the town. High walls of the main barracks of the fortress south of the Maginot Line in Thionville, built by the Germans when they occupied Lorraine after 1871. An iron palisade in front of the main barracks of the fortress. Trees near the iron fence. People walk along a pathway beside the fence. American soldiers at the fortress. A couple of soldiers using a field telephone. The soldiers sit outside the entrance of the fortress and clean rifles. Krupp 105 mm guns at the fortress.

Date: 1944, September
Duration: 1 min 43 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675055085
U.S. F8E Crusader approaches and lands on the deck of USS Hancock CV19 in the Pacific Ocean.

United States aircraft lands on USS Hancock CV19 in the Pacific Ocean during Air Strike in South Vietnam. Pilot's eye view of approach to USS Hancock CV19. U.S. F8E Crusader approaches and lands on the deck of USS Hancock CV19. Meatball is seen in the center of the Fresnel Lens System in left of the ship. Second approach is made and plane touches down and makes arrested landing. Plane taxies forward over the deck.

Date: 1966, March 30
Duration: 2 min 14 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675055338
Vietnamese aboard sampans approach a barge complex on the Cua Lon River during Operation Seafloat in Vietnam.

Operation Seafloat in the Cua Lon River,Vietnam. Crewmen stand guard on a barge. A bridge spans the river. Rubble of a village seen on the water's edge. Men remove rockets from canisters and time the rocket mechanism. Two crewmen stand on a barge complex. A control fire ship moves past a barge towards the open river. Vietnamese personnel control the boat. A man looks out over the river through binoculars. Sampans approach the barge complex. Vietnamese aboard the sampans along side the barge. South Vietnamese flags on the sampans. People on sampans arrive to tie the sampans to the barge. Vietnamese move on sampans tied to the barge. A security man checks the sampans. He searches a Vietnamese man and distributes pamphlets to the man. Other Vietnamese men seen on the sampan. An RVN (Republic of Vietnam) flag seen flying stick on the boat. A young boy on the sampan. A man wearing a coolie hat starts a small outboard motor on the sampan. Other boats leave the barge. Two men chat on the deck of the barge. PCFs (Patrol Craft Fast or Swift Boat) tied up to the barge in the background with engines running. A group of men stands on the deck area of the barge. American flags on the deck. Landing Craft Mechanized ( LCM-6s) naval crafts tied up in the background. United States Navy and RVN personnel talk on the barge complex.

Date: 1969, July 16
Duration: 4 min 43 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675055541
PBR crewmen check ID cards and an injured Vietnamese at the Binh Thuy Air Base, Mekong Delta, Republic of Vietnam.

A feature film about PBR (Patrol Boat River) at Binh Thuy Air Base, Mekong Delta, Republic of Vietnam. A camera boat approaches. American flags on the camera boats. A small sampan pass by. The stern of a PBR to a sampan along the port quarter. Vietnamese on the stern of the sampan. An interpreter talks to the Vietnamese. A PBR crewman talks to an elder woman on the sampan. South Vietnamese flags seen on the sampans. A crewman checks paperwork and he steps aboard the sampan. The Vietnamese on the stern is apparently a detainee. An injured Vietnamese being helped and bandaged on the deck of the PBR. A Vietnamese carries a wounded woman from the boat. The woman lying on the pier. Vietnamese carry off the injured woman on a stretcher. (Vietnam War period).

Date: 1967, September 17
Duration: 2 min 4 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675055547