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Southwold Suffolk England 1943 stock footage and images

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CO of USAAF 56th Fighter Group briefs P-47 pilots B-17 escort mission to Bremen, Germany, in World War II

Operations of the U.S. Army Air Forces (USAAF) 56th Fighter Group stationed at RAF Halesworth, Southwold, Suffolk, England, during World War 2. A Lieutenant pilot of 56th Fighter Group, writes notes on back of his hamd during briefing by Group Commander about "ramrod" (escort) mission to accompany B-17 bombers to Bremen, Germany. Intelligence officer briefs on enemy flak and fighters, and tells aircrews to watch out for German twin engine rocket planes from below. Weather officer briefs on anticipated conditions. Aircrews synchronize watches. (Narrator remarks about "Ramrod to Emden, suggesting that footage may contain mix of scenes from different missions.) Pilots board jeep ankle deep in mud, piling their chutes on the hood. Jeep stops near a P-47 abd oilot climbs into its cockpit. Propeller seen rotating. P-47C, 41-6271 “Rat Racer” of the 61st Fighter Squadron is seen. Planes taxiing.

Date: 1943
Duration: 4 min 38 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: English
Clip: 65675034814
British Cruiser, HMS Suffolk, launched by Marchioness of Bristol at Portsmouth in England.

HMS Suffolk, the first of the County Class cruisers of the Royal Navy launched by Marchioness of Bristol at Portsmouth in England. The cruiser leaves the shipyard into the water. Cruiser underway in the harbor. British Flag flutters on the ship.

Date: 1926, March 16
Duration: 4 min 1 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675029968
King George VI of England visits Allied officers in Algiers, North Africa, on June 12, 1943, during World War II.

Opening scene shows Brigadier General Terence John Tully, U.S. Signal Officer, escorting King George VI of England as they leave a building, during the King's visit to Allied officers in Algiers, North Africa, during World War 2. Next, King George VI is seen in a garden, conversing with an American officer while a British officer stands a rigid attention nearby. He is then seen with General Tully in the midst of a group of British officers. Closeup of the King. Allied officers stand in a line as the King greets them individually. Closeup views of of the King, from behind the line of officers and then from behind the King, as the photographer circles the gathering. Closeup of King George VI and General Tully as they return to the building, first seen in the film. Camera focuses on King George VI as he says farewell to his hosts. He salutes and enters the building.

Date: 1943, June 12
Duration: 1 min 45 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675030841
Montage of scenes showing the continuous close coordination between the United States and Britain during World War II

Film shows an invasion task force at sea overwritten by a slate reading, "Casablanca." Narrator speaks of January, 1943, in World War 2. View of the city of Casablanca in Morocco. U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt seated next to British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill as they meet in Casablanca, at the Anfa Hotel, January 14–24, 1943, during World War 2. Roosevelt wears a black armband on his left sleeve in mourning over the death of his mother, in 1941. Backs of Military officers seen from behind, with Churchill and Roosevelt on chairs in the background. Then a closeup of Roosevelt and Churchill seated with high ranking Allied military officers behind them, including U.S. Admiral Ernest King and U.S. General George Marshall. View from directly overhead of marching American soldiers. Huge number of British soldiers led by a Rolls Royce armored car, are seen walking across the desert, celebrating their victory over German forces at Tunisia. Prime Minister Churchill and President Roosevelt seated on the lawn in front of the White House during the third Washington Conference (code-named Trident) held in Washington DC, from May 12 to May 25, 1943. Closeups of both men. Scene shifts to a U.S. invasion task force in the Pacific. Glimpse of a Benson-Livermore class destroyer near hills in the Pacific. A navy Douglas Dauntless dive bomber flies over ships in an invasion task force. U.S. troops are seen in a Higgins Boat landing craft from the transport ship USS President Jackson (APA-18). Troops storming ashore from landing craft. U.S. troops firing artillery field pieces, and raising the U.S. flag on a captured island in the Pacific. Scene shifts to European theater, where an Allied warship is firing its guns during Allied invasion of Sicily, code named Operation Husky, ‎9 July – 17 August 1943. Amphibious assault taking place. A jeep is seen pulling an artillery piece through shallow surf. An army truck drives through shallow surf, out of a landing craft. Breech view of artillery gun being fired and shell ejecting. A shell exploding near the camera. Camouflaged antiaircraft guns firing. Series of brief scenes showing Soviet Russian infantry and tanks advancing against German forces in Russia. Next scene shows Benito Mussolini in military dress uniform, giving a speech, and then posing next to a Bronze statue of Roman emperor, Julius Caesar, in Rome, Italy, as troops march past him. A bust of Mussolini being pulled down. Rioting Italians. Axis defenders in Sicily, carrying a white flag as they surrender to Allied powers. Views of Lieutenant General Mark Clark and a Major General pleased at the surrender. American troops being cheered by Sicilians as they ride in jeeps. Italian men receiving food after the surrender, as a British soldier stands nearby. U.S. Army Air Force B-24 Liberator bombers in flight over the Northwest Pacific. Aerial view of Kiska in the Aleutians. B-17 flying Fortress bomber in flight with bomb bays open. Bombardier at his station in the aircraft he presses button to release bombs. Formation of B-24 bombers dropping bombs. View from aircraft of them exploding on the ground. Aerial view of surfaced German submarine being strafed by Allied aircraft. After several attacks it is sunk. B-24 bombers raining bombs over Germany. Huge explosions on the ground raising plumes of white smoke. Bombed out remains of Coventry Cathedral in England. Religious services being held in the ruins. View of the Pentagon building just outside Washington DC, and the British Prime Minister's residence at 10 Downing Street, London, England. View of Quebec Canada. A Canadian sentry on a hill. The Wolfe–Montcalm Monument in Governors' Garden beside the Château Frontenac, Quebec, Canada. Views of the Chateau Frontenac. Canadian troops patrolling around the Hotel. Royal Northwest Mounted Police on the grounds. Canadian soldiers with antiaircraft guns, scanning sky for possible threats. Armed couriers loading bags of official dispatches into a car. The dispatches being delivered to waiting aircraft. Censors examining postal mail. Conference attendees showing their passes to Canadian Mounted police officers at the hotel entrance. Closeup of an actual pass issued to a U.S. Army Major.

Date: 1943, August
Duration: 6 min 26 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675051796
Landing craft, tanks, munitions, and gasoline supplies assembled in England for D-day invasion in World War II

Preparations in year 1943 for the June 1944 invasion of Western Europe by Allied Force during World War 2. Conference at Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force in London. U.S. Generals George Marshall, Henry H. Arnold and British Field Marshal Bernard L. Montgomery meet at SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force). Montage of war scenes: British Lancaster bombers taking off. Monitors working in a British Command Post. U.S. B-17 bombers in daylight missions over Germany. Allied pilots and crew members in aircraft. B-17 aircraft at high altitudes leaving contrails behind. Bombs bursting on German industrial targets. Allied agents being airdropped over France. Allied one-man submarines or solo submarines, torpedo boats and Commandos sampling French beaches and soil conditions in the Normandy region for ability to support 30-ton tanks for the invasion of France. British airman loading reconnaissance camera into a British Spitfire reconnaissance aircraft for photographing the planned invasion region. Arms and equipment being air dropped to indigenous resistance forces in Nazi-occupied Europe. Mulberry floating harbor segments being designed and built to create invasion ports. Allied landing craft training in Devon, England. Allied aircraft strafing a German ship. Meteorological equipment assessing weather along the invasion coast. Wire netting to pave the beaches. Underwater pipelines to carry gasoline or petrol to France. Allied armored vehicles bearing the White Star. Troops being inoculated or vaccinated. Newly built ship going down the ways at an Allied ship yard that builds Navy warships. View of British intelligence officers with headsets at radio equipment, and personnel monitoring German broadcasts. Soviet Embassy in Tehran, Iran, where the Big Three are seen meeting at Tehran Conference to finalize invasion plans. Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill sitting on the porch of the Embassy building, in 1943. General Eisenhower and Allied Military leaders planning the D-Day invasion. General Omar Bradley, sitting with a British admiral. General Bernard Law Montgomery Aerial view of formation of U.S. Army Air Force B-17 aircraft, flying through Flak bursts. Pilots in B-17 cockpit .Bombs striking German targets. Polish, Scenes including gun camera footage of Czech, and British in Spitfire aircraft striking German railroads and marshaling yards. B-26 bombers and gunner attacking German Luftwaffe Me-109 aircraft.

Date: 1943
Duration: 3 min 26 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675060095
B-17 Flying Fortress bombers of U.S. 8th Army landing in succession on an airfield in England during World War 2.

B-17Fs of the 8th Bomber Command, 1st Bomb Division, 305th Bomb Group, 366th Bomb Squadron, landing at their base, RAF Chelveston, in Northamptonshire, England, during World War II. The first to land displays a dozen yellow bombs, for missions, painted under the pilot's cockpit window, and Squadron code KY, and L, on its fuselage. Its tail number is 42-5053. The second plane to land displays KY and D, on fuselage, and tail number 42-29553. The third, shows the squadron's KY, but other markings are not readable. The fourth to land displays some mission bombs below its cockpit window, the Squadron KY, and J on the fuselage. Its tail number is 41-21624. Bomb Group tail codes and nose art are not seen on any of the aircraft. But, researchers have identified names of three of them: Bloody Tangier Show (42-5053), Arkie II (42-29553),and Madame Betterfly (41-24624), and estimate the film to have been shot between 3/1/1943 and 5/19/1943.

Date: 1943
Duration: 1 min 9 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675061352
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