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Soviet Union 1948 stock footage and images

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United States Army Air Forces conduct an airlift that enables Berlin to survive in spite of a of Soviet blockade in post World War II Germany

Film begins showing ruins of the Bundestag in Berlin, in June, 1948. A tram rides along a street headed toward a tunnel through a destroyed building. Berliners walk about and eat at outdoor tables, enjoying the pleasant weather. On June 26, 1948, the Soviets established a blockade of West Berlin. View of Soviet soldiers in a line at a square in the city. A manufacturing business is seen being adversely affected by the blockade through denial of coal to generate electricity for it. The employees cover the company's equipment and close the business. People jam a corner store fearing a food shortage. Crowds mingle outside the main buildings of the Templehof airdrome. Some men hold a German newspaper announcing Allied intent to supply West Berlin by air. View of an American Army Air Forces C-47 transport plane landing at Templehof. A number of C-47s lined in a circle at the airport field as large trucks offload their cargoes. C-47 taxiing into position. German men climb aboard an open bus to start work at jobs unloading supplies from the aircraft. Views of the men busy with their labors. Glimpse of a "follow me" jeep leading a just landed aircraft to its parking place at night. Images of the workers dimly seen in the semi dark. View of the circular Templehof buildings. A truckload of German workers being carried to their work places. American pilots entering Base operations at Temlehof. Pilots inside Base operations, taking a break while their C-47 is being unloaded. They head out to their airplane to fly back to Frankfurt, Germany for another load of cargo. The climb aboard through the plane's side door. View of C-47 flying with clouds in the background along the Berlin Corridor. Ambulance seen responding to an Airlift aircraft crash. View of aircraft wreckage in a city. It is up side down with landing gear pointing skyward. The wreckage being carted away on a flat bed truck. German citizens gathered in front of a memorial plaque they had put in place. An Army Air Forces Lieutenant and another C-47 pilot look up as the board their plane to watch a four engine C54 transport plane coming in to land. Several views of C-54 transport aircraft in flight overhead. Airlift pilots are seen in a briefing room. Animated map shows Berlin as an "island" in the Soviet zone of occupation, accessible only by three 20mile wide air corridors. Several air bases in the Western zones are shown. Map shows Berlin's three airfields, Templehof, Tegel, and Gatow in the Western sectors, surrounded by a ring of Soviet fields. A line of American C-47s is shown on the map, flying from Wiesbaden airdrome, along a corridor to Berlin, from 9:30 AM until 11:30 AM. At 12:00 Noon the C-54s began flying from Rhein Main air base. At 3:00 PM the C-54s stopped and the C-47s began again. Illustration shows how the aircraft were separated by three minute intervals and a thousand feet in altitude. Closeup of a C-54 pilot in his cockpit as he starts his engines. The plane has "The Air Transport Command" written on its side. Inside the C-54 the flight engineer is seen at his panel performing engine start at the direction of the Aircraft Commander Pilot. View of the pilot in the cockpit and his instrument panel. The aircraft taking off. Views of cargo handling on the ground. Trucks carrying the cargoes to places they are needed in the city. Bread being baked for Berliners. Coal being unloaded from rail cars after being flown into the city, A crane operates in a Western sector coal yard. Smoke rising from some of the restarted factories. German employees punch a time clock. Doctors examine school age children. View of street cars operating on power generated by burning coal. Commercial vehicles operating on airlifted gasoline. Darkness due to power saving at night. But people arriving in the city by subway in the morning. Glimpse of C-54 overhead. Food being prepared and sold in shops. People patronizing a news stand. The damaged Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, with C-54 in flight in far distant background. German workers sweeping the airfield ramp. An officer from Base operations arrives in a jeep to debrief a C-54 crew as a truckload of German workers pulls up to begin unloading their cargo. Crew members get food from a mobile snack bar the meets their airplane. A German worker who knew a pilot gives him a gift of a wind up musical Steiff bear for his child. The two pilots begin dancing to the toy bear's tune. The pilot places the toy bear next to the window in his cockpit. Back home, near Frankfurt, the pilot greets his wife, baby and school age daughter, whom he gives the toy bear. The next day, the pilot walks to the rear of his aircraft while en route to Berlin. He throws little parachutes of candy out a window for the children of Berlin below. Views of the parachutes descending and children rushing to retrieve and unwrap them.

Date: 1949
Duration: 13 min 12 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675039503
Battle of Stalingrad during Christmas and New Year, 1942, and continuing until February 2, 1943

The final struggle for Stalingrad during World War Two. Christmastime, 1942 in Moscow. Russian civilians obtaining fir trees for Christmas celebrations. A large beautifully decorated Christmas tree set up in the Hall of Pillars, in Moscow, Russia, Soviet Union. Men and women couples dancing in the hall to music from Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite. Smiling Russian children at play indoors, on slides, on a carousel ride, and playing hand games with one another. New Year's eve is different. World War 2 Soviet war production workers in a munitions factory greet each other but continue working without stopping. On the Stalingrad front lines, the Soviet Army marks the New Year, 1943, by launching artillery barrages, through the night and continuing unabated well into the next day. Russian Sukhoi Su-2 light bombers drop incendiaries on German positions. Brief partial glimpse of a Russian Sherman tank. Soviet Army soldiers using flame throwers. Soviet troops moving across ice and snow on armed Aerosan ice gliders. Batteries of Soviet Katusha rockets fire barrages. Soviet infantry and tanks advance across vast barren snow-covered terrain. Animated map depicts Nazi German military forces being pounded on several fronts. A solitary horse standing in midst of Stalingrad destruction and ruins. Scene from February 2, 1943 as Soviet soldiers, symbolically, fire the last shot in the Battle of Stalingrad. A smiling Soviet soldier then places a cover over the muzzle of the field artillery piece. Scenes of the battle's aftermath. Russian officers hug one another. The Soviet Union flag is hung from a city building. Numerous German soldiers surrender under a white flag of truce. Many surrendering German Generals are seen.

Date: 1942, December
Duration: 4 min 10 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675041529
Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin and officials review a parade of Soviet troops in Red Square in Moscow, Soviet Union.

Soviet troops parade in Red Square in Moscow, Soviet Union. Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin arrives to review the parade. Soviet sailors march along a street. A band plays. The parade is reviewed by Stalin and other Soviet officials. The crowd cheers as Stalin and other Soviet officials wave. U.S. Army, Navy and Army Air Force officers are seen among the spectators. The U.S. Army Air Force Officer watches the aircraft flying overhead, with binoculars and he pauses to chat with the U.S. Army officer about his observations. Large masses of Soviet civilians join the parade, after the military units have passed. Soviet foreign minister Viacheslav Molotov waves from the balcony. Russian school girls, in aprons, pass by. Stalin doffs his hat.

Date: 1946
Duration: 1 min 51 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675075168
U.S. Lend-lease aircraft being supplied to USSR by way of Iran in World War II

Film about the shipping of American Lend-Lease aircraft to the Soviet Union, via the " Persian Corridor " during World War 2. It focuses on activities at Abadan Airfield, Iran. U.S. Army Air Forces (USAAF) Colonel Charles Porter, Commanding Officer of the Allied Abadan military establishment in Iran, stands with a Soviet Colonel, who supervises Soviet work on the field. With them is USAAF Brigadier General Macmillan., who was visiting the base at this time. They pose in front of a P-39 Bell Aircobra airplane displaying a red Soviet Star insignia. Next, ground crews are seen towing aircraft on the field, including a Douglas A-20 Havoc and a Curtiss P-40 Warhawk. Mechanics work on several P-40 airplanes on the ramp. A North American Aviation T-6 Texan aircraft is being refueled from a truck .Closeup of ground crewman holding refueling hose over the wing of the T-6. USAAF mechanics conduct post-assembly checks on a North American B-25 Mitchell bomber and tow another one (Serial number 41-3225) from a hangar, to the Soviet side of the field, after completing its inspection. Soviet mechanics are seen checking guns in the rear cockpit of an aircraft. Glimpse of several P-40 aircraft and a T-6 aircraft on a ramp. Soviet and American mechanics working together on the wings of aircraft. Closeup of two working together. As a Soviet soldier watches, an American airman uses a paint brush to change the American white star on an airplane, into the Soviet red star. The two shake hands when the painting is done. Soviet ground crew push a P-40 aircraft into position for starting. A soviet pilot, wearing a seat pack parachute, climbs into the cockpit. Closeup of him as he nods to a ground crewman for engine start. He taxis out and takes off. Several T-6 aircraft on the Soviet side of the field are seen, ready to be flown away. Views of other aircraft being readied for ferrying to Russia. Camera pans over the airfield and the many aircraft parked there.

Date: 1944
Duration: 4 min 15 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675040217
German Wehrmacht Generals and their forces surrender in Soviet Union after the Battle of Stalingrad (WW2)

Soviet troops in fierce fighting with German forces at Stalingrad in World War 2. They fire numerous artillery field pieces. Soviet infantry stooping low as they advance. Soviet soldiers firing machine gun.Soviet infantry advancing in courtyard of apartment building, past body of fallen German soldier. German troops abandoning a concrete building behind one carrying a white flag of surrender. German Generals surrendering, walk past body of a fallen Soviet soldier on the frozen ground. German Lieutenant General Alexander Edler von Daniels, Commander of the German 376th Division, salutes as he surrenders. German Lieutenant General Werner Sanne, Commander of the German 100th Jäger Division, is seen in White winter gear, as he walks to surrender. Romanian Brigadier General Demetriou, Commander of the 20th Romanian Infantry, salutes as he surrenders. Five more German generals standing in a group. Closeup of German XIV Corps commander, General Helmuth Schloemer(Schlömer). Lieutenant General Max Pfeffer, Commander, German 297th Infantry Division. Lieutenant General Renoldi, Medical Chief of the 6th German Army. German Field Marshal Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst Paulus, commander of all Axis forces at Stalingrad, is seen stepping from a staff car and entering the wooden building headquarters of Soviet General N. Shumilov, commander of the 64th Soviet Army. He takes a seat at a table surrounded with by Soviet officers and listens as Shumilov reviews his record. Scene changes to regular German Wehrmacht (Army) troops, outdoors in the cold, along with some of their officers. Long lines of surrendered German soldiers making their way in the snow down slopes and up hills, on their way to POW camps. View of German prisoner lacking adequate footwear during the march. The Red Soviet flag being waved from balcony of a tall building, as line of German prisoners of war proceed below. The line extends as far as can be seen. (Note: At TC: 00:27-39 an apartment house and courtyard is seen in Stalingrad South. As of 2015, it is reported to be the House of Specialists for the Hydrolytic Plant, and still stands west of the intersection of Barrikadnaya & Rozlovskaya Streets.)

Date: 1943, January 31
Duration: 4 min 24 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675033497
Soviet Army tanks move on a bridge made by Russian soldiers, horse drawn carts and trucks, during maneuvers in Soviet Union

The Soviet Russian Red Army units during maneuvers in the Soviet Union in World War 2. The Soviet Army soldiers beside a water body. The soldiers remove vegetation and form a bridge by laying logs. Soviet tanks moving on the wooden log bridge. Soldiers cross over water to land. A few Soviet biplane aircraft in flight (Polikarpov I-15). Aerial views of the region from a Polikarpov I-15. Camera mounted on front of biplane shows close-up view of Soviet pilot in cockpit of a Polikarpov I-15 biplane aircraft. Horse carts carrying equipment and artillery and few horsemen cross the river and reach the bank. A tank crossing a body of water. The Soviet soldiers holding rifles run through the water. Aerial view of a formation of Soviet Polikarpov I-16 aircraft in flight. A line of horse drawn carts and trucks moving across the river.

Date: 1940
Duration: 2 min 6 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: Russian
Clip: 65675066224