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Tangmere Air Station Chichester England 1953 stock footage and images

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General Cannon and group watches a demonstration on a map at a briefing in Corsica, France.

United States Army Air Forces General John Kenneth Cannon in Corsica, France during World War II. General Cannon and group seated in chairs on a field. They watch a demonstration on a map at a briefing. The group watches the demonstration. General Cannon and two officers seated. The officers stand and talk. They walk away from the area.

Date: 1945
Duration: 3 min 45 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675070342
General John Kenneth Cannon and U.S. Army General Jacob Loucks Devers meet in Corsica, France during World War II.

United States Army Air Forces General John Kenneth Cannon in Corsica, France during World War II. General Cannon in a field. Officers seated in a jeep arrive near him. U.S. Army General Jacob "Jake" Loucks Devers dismounts and greets him. Generals Cannon and Devers talk. They walk into a house. Exterior of a Corsican town. General's trailer and a camouflage net.

Date: 1945
Duration: 2 min 15 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675070343
U.S. flyers who escaped from internment in Switzerland examine destroyed German warplanes in World War II

U.S. flyers, who escaped from Swiss internment, examine remains of destroyed German warplanes at a French airfield. A swastika seen on the tail of an airplane and a German cross on the wing of another. Men stand on the tail of a Nazi airplane. A group stands near the wrecked tail of a large German airplane. A U.S. P-47 aircraft is parked in the background. It has a red cowling, identifying it as belonging to the 56th Fighter Group (likely to the 63rd Fighter Squadron, which in Spring of 1944, showed no squadron color on the tail). .Army Air Force L-5 Sentinel aircraft in flight over a field.

Date: 1944
Duration: 2 min 57 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675070352
Elliott Roosevelt and John Meyer speak during the investigation of a 40 million in war time plane contracts in Washington

U.S. Senate investigation of 40 million dollars in war time airplane contracts to Howard Hughes' firm. Officials seated around tables during Investigation of National Defense Program. John W. Meyer speaks into a microphone while testifying to senate committee. Senator Ferguson asks him questions. United States Army Air Force officer and son of late U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Elliott Roosevelt, testifies on his role. John Meyer, Hughes publicity agent, speaks about his side of lavish war time party expenditures.

Date: 1947, August 4
Duration: 5 min 45 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675070369
Aviator Howard Hughes lands Northrop Gamma 2G in Burbank, California, setting flight speed record from Chicago to Los Angeles

Northrop Gamma 2G (NR13761) aircraft in final approach and landing at airstrip of Union Air Terminal in Burbank California. It is arriving from its record setting speed flight from Chicago to Los Angeles, piloted by Howard Hughes. Aviator Howard Hughes emerges from cockpit and greets crew who approach plane as it taxis to a stop near terminal buildings. Howard Hughes walks away with several associates. He had flown from Chicago, Illinois to Los Angeles, California at a top speed of 215 mph, arriving in 8 hours and 10 minutes.

Date: 1936, May 14
Duration: 1 min 29 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675070378
A USAAF B-25 Mitchell aircraft crashes into the 79th floor of the Empire State Building in New York City, United States.

A United States Army Air Force B-25 Mitchell aircraft hits a skyscraper in heavy fog in New York, United States. The Empire State Building. Several buildings along street sides. People walk on a street. Policemen on the street. The aircraft crashes into the 79th floor of the building. Firemen douse the fire using hoses. Men carry the wounded. The damaged building. Wreckage in a room. The dead body of a man in the room. Wrecked parts of the airplane. Wrecked equipment on the street. (World War II period).

Date: 1945, July 30
Duration: 3 min 3 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675070402